
Sajal Ali to make cinematic debut with Ishq 2020

Sajal Ali to make cinematic debut with Ishq 2020

Be prepared for "a youth based romantic comedy with a female protagonist"
Updated 02 Oct, 2015

It was only a matter of time before television's favourite damsel-in-distress, Sajal Aly, made her way to the big screen. And we hear she's signed her debut film already.

The project titled Ishq 2020 is being produced by Crew Motion Pictures (CMP), the makers of the acclaimed feature film Dukhtar (2014) and documentary, Without Shepherds (2013).

Sharing that CMP has four feature film ventures planned for 2016-17, the team calls Ishq 2020 "A youth based romantic comedy with a female protagonist, featuring young and promising actors like Sajal Ali, Sanam Chaudhry and Muneeb Butt," adding that "The film will have a couple of other young and powerful actors too."

Butt gives us some insight into the plot of the movie: "I wouldn't restrict it to one genre; there's romance, action, comedy but at the heart of the story, there is a love triangle."

The movie will be shot in many different parts of the country, including Lahore, Bhawalpur, Naraan and Kaghan, to name a few.

Butt adds, "Since the movie chronicles the journey of the two main characters, in the process, we see lots of different parts of the country."

Clarification: an earlier version of this story contained some quotes that have been removed due to inaccuracies on the part of the interviewee.


citizen Oct 01, 2015 07:21pm
Omgggg!!!! she is soooooooo cute.....
Harmony-1 Oct 01, 2015 11:40pm
@Citizen - Not so to fall over!
Naveen Oct 02, 2015 04:34am
She is cute and beautiful
citizen Oct 02, 2015 07:40am
@Harmony-1 ignored !
Parvez Oct 02, 2015 03:48pm
Let's hope her role is carefully crafted and not just an extension of what she does on television. She has the looks and talent to do something bigger than the rubbish that is being churned out lately........seeing that it's the same producers of Dukhtar lets hope they come up with something original........although Ishq 2020 does not sound promising.