
I don’t know why we hanker after this Oscar business: Naseeruddin Shah

I don’t know why we hanker after this Oscar business: Naseeruddin Shah

As Marathi film Court is considered for the Oscars, veteran actor Shah thinks it Indian appreciation matters more
26 Sep, 2015

Two days ago, India celebrated as Marathi film Court was selected as its submission to the Best Foreign Language Film category for the 88th Academy Awards in February next year.

But veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah doesn't seem too pleased. In an interview with Indian Express, the actor said: "I don’t really care about the Oscars. Court is one of the finest films and in fact the best film to have released in recent times. I don’t know why we hanker after this Oscar business.”

That's not it, Shah went further and added, "“I think it should be enough for makers of Court that the film has been liked and much appreciated in our own country and that is what matters.”

Here in Pakistan, recently released film Moor was selected as the Pakistani Academy Selection Committee's pick for submission to the Foreign Language Film Award category at the 88th Academy Awards. Moor's director Jami was very happy to have his film selected, as he said: "With this submission to the Oscars our destination is beyond hope now, as we now know that our stepping stone was in the right direction."

If both films make it to the final round, will Shah feel the same way?


Satt Sep 26, 2015 02:46pm
Indian cinema is totally different from western cinema,European or American.Story telling in India has total different philosophy.For foreigners it not easy to understand or grab the philosophy behind Indian cinema but for Indian's it easy to correlate with any foreign story as human emotions are same everywhere.For understanding Indian cinema you need Indian eyes,Indian view of world is different.For e.g when "Mother India" went to Oscars,people from Academy appreciated the film but few people didn't correlate with the story..they were asking "why the protagonist rejected the marriage proposal of wealthy businessman,he could have nurtured her children more easily"
Bitter truth Sep 26, 2015 03:15pm
Because oscars appreciate art unlike indian movie awards that focus more on box office returns. A veteran actor like yourself should know this.
Satt Sep 26, 2015 04:24pm
"If both films make it to the final round, will Shah feel the same way?" So if he will feel different way than what will you do ? Will you judge him ? And how do you know what he is feeling ? Silly people asking silly question's and judging people.Shame on you.
Avijit Roy Sep 26, 2015 05:26pm
I fully agreed with Nasiruddin. Why common Indians, even the legendary Satyajit Ray was so happy to receive an "Oscar for Lifetime Contribution to Film" in his last years - in spite of bagging the Cannes Festival award for his very first film "Pather Panchali". For the artistic films that Ray made, Cannes Award (and not Oscar) is the true tribute.
UncutTruth Sep 26, 2015 05:26pm
Well spoken Naseer. We don't need their validation.
A. Ali Sep 26, 2015 08:13pm
its typical mindset of Indians .... they like big, like to be called biggest democracy, get amused at being called largest secular, love being called biggest movie industry holders................... yet craving for smaller industries. Its called identity crisis, you work in one hollywood move and get noticed around the globe. in India you spend your life and yet few people will know you. mindset problem, nothing else.
Saira khan durrani Sep 26, 2015 09:56pm
Naseerbhai your days to get an Oscar are gone. Would u say the same if it was your film? Let the young generation get recognition.
Rashid Sultan Sep 26, 2015 10:37pm
Naseeruddin Shah is a superb actor. He should be the next president.
Parvez Sep 26, 2015 10:39pm
Film making benchmark was and is set by the westerners, they final product is so much more thoughtful than the one Naseer is involved with on a regular basis which is mediocre at best! One can experience comfort with the notoriety and praise one receives from an audience which has not been exposed to better work and if that is what you are aiming for than yes stay within your own ignorant world!
al Sep 26, 2015 11:44pm
We shouldn't bother about them at all.
Emad Sep 27, 2015 12:44am
Poor article; nasrudeen shah is class though
analyzer Sep 27, 2015 12:48am
Well said. I really dont lile Oscars. Awards can be given only for technical values but not for action / story... because they different from culture to culture..
M.Saeed Sep 27, 2015 12:51am
Sour grapes !
fida USA Sep 27, 2015 01:00am
Pity we in Pakistan do not have individuals like Nasseruddin Shah or Mahesh Bhatt. Years ago the sitting President of USA George Bush invited Mahesh Bhatt for a morning Breakfast meals along with other dignitaries and Bhatt turned down the invitation saying that he does not dine with murderers of Iraqi civilian.
butseriouslyok Sep 27, 2015 01:24am
Mr Shah is absolutely right. But HYPE is HYPE and nothing else matches Oscar's hype as far as cinema is concerned.
Gkthtechie Sep 27, 2015 01:29am
viss Sep 27, 2015 01:32am
coz India never wins oscar
Arvind Ajimal Sep 27, 2015 02:04am
Actually its true. recognition at home is more important.
Rajan Mahadevan Sep 27, 2015 03:08am
Whether Naseeruddin Shah likes it or not, awards in any field are and always will be a part of our civilization. It will always produce ecstasy in the "winners" and bitterness among the "losers." Just learn to live with it. The key thing is in the logic: if you win an award, it is likely that you are good at whatever that award was for. But if you don't win that award, it does not mean that you are not good in that field. And most importantly, an award is only one of NUMEROUS ways in which competence in any field is recognized. Acclaim from amongst one's peers is surely equally if not more important. Rajan
Bhagat Pandey Sep 27, 2015 07:47am
So true, All these Oscar/Magsese/ Noble price all these are nothing but a business.
ThirdEYE Sep 27, 2015 08:58am
Its called Business...can't hold personal feelings. Exposure at a large platform does wonders for the folks associated with the project.
The Economist Sep 27, 2015 09:40am
Grapes are sour angoor khatee hai
Parvez Sep 27, 2015 11:34am
Why does one covet the Nobel Prize ?'s a sign of recognition.
Srinivasan Kailasam Sep 27, 2015 02:03pm
Some officials in the Ministries may like to visit the Oscar Function at the cost to the exchequer.
Bhagat Pandey Sep 27, 2015 02:40pm
@A. Ali I think you have to watch Hindi Movie Wednesday and Phantom so that you get to know the reality.
Sr Sep 27, 2015 02:49pm
@A. Ali but Pakistani actors and musicians crave coming yo India.
Ajay vikram Singh Sep 27, 2015 04:47pm
@Satt - Your comment does not make sense. You say, that human emotions are same everywhere, so we can relate to foreign films....but they cant do the same with our films? A woman rejecting the marriage proposal of a wealthy man, whom she does not like, is a global phenomenon, and its more likely to happen in the West, than in our societies. Indian cinema is not totally different in anyway, except being musicals and lip-syncing. Cinema from Iran, europe and even Japan, ranks much higher in terms of artistic quality. I hope, we get there some day.
Ajay vikram Singh Sep 27, 2015 04:51pm
Naseer, its simple to understand. Not only in Arts and Cinema, in every walk of life, western world has become a de-facto standard and benchmark. Even the dresses we wear are western dresses. The smart phone you use is also Western. Sciences, technology, medicine ( Polio drop is a western invention), automobiles, literature, popular arts, sports, political system ( democracy), languages (See, we all are writing in english here) every single field. Thats why sir, we hanker after everything western ( read global)... and its natural. Hollywood, is still world's best cinema experience by miles.