
Actor Naveed Raza hits back at Covid-19 naysayers

Actor Naveed Raza hits back at Covid-19 naysayers

"If you have 2% love for your family or people around you, STOP this 'No corona exists party!'"
06 Jun, 2020

Actor Naveed Raza, who recently revealed that he had tested positive for coronavirus, is done with people downplaying the pandemic.

On his official Twitter account, he wrote, "If you have 2% love for your family or people around you, STOP this 'No corona exists' party! You have no idea how painful it is to have shortness of breath, congested chest, fever, muscle cramps, non-stop headaches, no sense of taste or smell, endless fatigue and tiredness."

"Every morning brings new symptoms with fear of losing your loved ones. This is the most difficult and the worst virus the world is dealing with right now!! Corona is serious, and no one paid me to become Covid positive. Stop this stupid madness. STAY HOME, GET YOURSELF TESTED," he added.

The actor has been diligent in informing others of symptoms he experienced himself and warned members of the entertainment industry to express caution.


M. Saeed Jun 06, 2020 06:07pm
Very sensible and timely warning about taking the Coronavirus very seriously.
Izaz Haque Jun 06, 2020 07:18pm
Need more spokesmen like him
Aqil Siddiqi Jun 06, 2020 07:28pm
We people loves to live in the state of denial. Naveed is 100 % correct.
Wakeup Jun 06, 2020 11:08pm
How much does a test costs?
Kashif Alam Jun 07, 2020 01:12am
If only the people could change their minds!!!! People have rigid views about Corona existence. Yes it does exist and we need to be more careful about it now as cases are multiplying fast.
HonorBright Jun 07, 2020 07:38am
While I can sympathize with Raza i was left dumbfounded by our fruit vendor who asked me for a living proof of any actual corona patient. In case any corona patients want to show themselves up to people to prove they exist the details of the corona skeptics will be provided in the next comment!
Ali Jun 07, 2020 09:12am
It's really serious for people of all ages and health levels. We, here in NYC have seen the highest number of casualties and morgues overflowing with dead bodies because of this. DO NOT TAKE it lightly. PLEASE!!