
‘Overtly fascist’ — In Trump’s America, can govt officials do the Nazi salute and get away with it?

Elon Musk made a gesture similar to the Sieg Heil twice at an event celebrating Trump's inauguration and people are defending him.
Updated 21 Jan, 2025

Tech billionaire Elon Musk sparked controversy on Monday after he made a gesture similar to the Nazi salute at an event celebrating US President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Musk’s gesture resembled the Nazi salute, also known as the Sieg Heil salute, which was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany. It was officially adopted by the Nazi Party in 1926 and signified obedience to Adolf Hitler. The gesture is illegal in modern-day Germany, Austria and Slovakia and is looked down upon in most Western countries as anti-Semitic.

The X, SpaceX and Tesla chief appeared on stage at the Capital One Arena in Washington, where supporters of the newly inaugurated president had gathered for a rally.

Upon thanking the crowd for returning the 78-year-old Republican to the White House, Musk tapped the left side of his chest with his right hand and then extended his arm with his palm open, repeating the gesture for the crowd seated behind him to see.

The internet, as always, had mixed reactions to the moment. Most people were shocked at the move, however, one X user highlighted that “nobody cares, people are willingly turning towards fascism”.

Another user aptly stated that Musk made the gesture twice because “he knows they’ll be no repercussions” under the Trump administration, which Musk is also a part of.

A netizen said that the people defending Musk would be a lot more convincing if “he hadn’t been proudly supporting every fascist rightwing movement around the world for the last few years.”

Some sprung to the Tesla CEO’s defence, claiming the movement was “a socially awkward autistic man’s wave to the crowd where he says ‘my heart goes out to you’”.

Another user questioned if zionists would call out Musk “for doing the Nazi salute twice on stage… or are anti-Semitism accusations solely resolved for Palestine supporters?”

The answer to that seems to be leaning towards the latter question, as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — an international non-governmental organisation founded to combat antisemitism — jumped to Musk’s defence and even granted him the benefit of the doubt.

In a statement, the organisation said, “It seems that Elon Musk made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute, but again, we appreciate that people are on edge.

“In this moment, all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath. This is a new beginning. Let’s hope for healing and work toward unity in the months and years ahead.”

The ADL statement was met with backlash from many X users, including British-American broadcaster Mehdi Hasan and US representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“If Rashida Tlaib criticises Israel, she’s an antisemite per the ADL,” Hasan wrote.

“If Elon Musk, a man with a history of antisemitic remarks, does what looks to everyone like a fascist salute, the ADL give him the benefit of the doubt and call it only an ‘awkward gesture’.”

Responding to the ADL’s tweet, Ocasio-Cortez said, “Just to be clear, you are defending a Heil Hitler salute that was performed and repeated for emphasis and clarity.

“People can officially stop listening to you as any sort of reputable source of information now. You work for them. Thank you for making that crystal clear to all.”

Other netizens highlighted that the ADL called Palestinians and Palestine supporters antisemitic, but gave Musk “grace”.

An X user posted a picture wearing the keffiyeh and said, “According to the ADL, I (a Jewish person) am wearing the equivalent to a swastika in this phot but Elon Musk (a Christian) doing the Nazi salute has no connection to Nazism.”

Another individual questioned, “Are we all collectively pretending that a lot of neo-Nazis in this day and age aren’t Zionists too? Are we pretending that they don’t also target black people, Muslims, disabled people and queers?”

One X user pointed out American media’s hypocrisy for calling Musk a genius while simultaneously bending over backwards to clarify that his Nazi salute was not a Nazi salute.

A netizen reminded people that the rest of Musk’s speech was “also overtly fascist”.

Our favourite tweet, however, summed it all up perfectly by sharing a headline from an article by The Guardian.

“I knew one day I’d have to watch powerful men burn the world down — I just didn’t expect them to be such losers.”

After the incident, Musk to his official X handle and said, “Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is sooo tired.”

Remember, hate speech and symbols are never okay — unless you’re a white, billionaire, cisgender man, of course!


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 21, 2025 01:16pm
With Trump in the White House, how can someone do something like this and get away with it?
Mahmood Jan 21, 2025 02:08pm
I'm astounded at how many people are suddenly shocked at Elon Musk prancing around on stage and giving Heil Hitler salute during Trump innauguration on Monday. Where was the world for the past 15 months, when the genocide they witnessed in Gaza unfolding before their very eyes, on live television, on social media, women, children and the elderly being blown to bits, or buried alive under the rubble of their desimated meager homes? Where was humanity's outrage, when babies were freezing to death in Palestine, or starving in the arms of their mothers, while they watched without expressing any horror, or taking to the media to express their shock and anger at blatant violation of Human rights, international humanitarian laws, at the hands of Jews, who had been rescued by the very western powers who were providing the Zionist state with arms, ammunition, money, intelligence and political support? When did we hear a single bleep from these now suddenly 'shocked" by Musk and awaken, when the Jews who had monopolized the slogan "never again" committed the very same atrocities against innocent civilians in Gaza, that they themselves endured at the hands of the Nazis?? Why did they not speak up!? Monday morning quarter-back, arm-chair comments are very easy after the fact. A salute is found more outrageous and offensive then the blood of 47000+ innocent civilians spilled over the past 15 months, I find truly astounding! This alone speaks more about the world we live in who are more likely to follow celebrities and billionaires on FB or X, then the plight of the poor destitute hungry Palestinians who have suffered a lot worse!!
FAM Jan 21, 2025 02:36pm
It’s because Trump is in the White House that making a Nazi salute is not considered to be problematic
IKwillbeback Jan 21, 2025 02:37pm
Trump and Musk making America great again, one salute at a time!
Tahmad Jan 21, 2025 02:42pm
The great Elon Musk is a game changer with the help of President Donald Trump administration in next four years, both Elon and President Donald Trump wants USA a great country again and peace in the entire world and war free. Good luck guys.
Sara Jan 21, 2025 03:06pm
That's true and all, but how does your moral rigour allow you to make such self-righteous claims about a rich white South African-American cisgender male CEO, all of which you are presumably not, and yet remain so woefully silent about the plight of anything and everything happening under the doctrine of state-backed sentiment suppression in Pakistan, many of whose people you have much more in common with. Is that not a much greater case of hypocrisy than the one you're so gleefully pointing out here? Think about it.
Wolf Jan 21, 2025 04:13pm
We have to move on. There will always be a gesture that will be unacceptable to certain segment of societies and it does not make sense to point out of each of these gestures and criticise them on their unethical nature etc.
BUSAIF_q8R Jan 21, 2025 04:13pm
This is coming from similar mindset of netizens whom thought PIA is announcing to hit Eiffel tower for weeks. Bunch of Id*o*ts.
pre-Boomer Marine brat Jan 21, 2025 04:44pm
Musk isn't American (and is getting hammered over here for that salute as I type), and The Donald has a book of Hitler's speeches, given to him by his German-American father with the intention of "stiffening" his son's spine. The late Andrew Breitbart said: "Trump isn't conservative in any way. He's a celebrity putting on an act." Trump himself has admitted to a fondness for strongmen rulers and outright dictators, saying "they can get things done."
Kamran Jan 21, 2025 04:47pm
In my opinion, there's nothing more to it than an exaggerated gesture. While almost everyone (and on every social media) has this image displayed as a "fascist" gesture / salute, if anyone would bother looking at the entire video clip, he touches his chest and rockets his arm, clearly stating, "my heart goes out..". Hence, completely out of context and nothing more... my toddlers do exactly that and no one thinks it's to copy Hitler :)
Nasir Jan 21, 2025 04:49pm
The world should get ready to face unrest, stupidity and controversies, and for no reason. The world has to be in this situation, just because the faciest billionaires are in the charge.
Syed Hasni Jan 21, 2025 06:01pm
In 2021, Musk announced he had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism. I would not read too much into this guy's actions. We all forget that he is one of the Oligarch according to Joe Biden. اندھوں میں کانا راجا
Dharmendra Jan 21, 2025 06:50pm
It's his personal choice. What would happen if someone do nazi salute?
JAMIL SOOMRO Jan 21, 2025 07:17pm
During the Roman Empire the Romans used to salute in this manner. Since there is total freedom in USA as such this is part of that freedom. Just yesterday President Trump has signed the Executive Order of Free Speech.
Maroof Shah Jan 21, 2025 10:36pm
America and Israel both Zionist entities make the rules by which the Muslim world has to live by, that is how it has been ordained, so just get on with it is your usual way by Muslims harming Muslims
Raj Jan 21, 2025 11:24pm
Of course he made a Nazi salute. This admin is dangerous to the world and the US
Asif Jan 22, 2025 02:59am
The Jews can commit genocide in Gaza and slaughter tens of thousands men, women and children and the world does not care but if Elon Musk does a Nazi salute the whole world reacts to it; why these double standards???
pre-Boomer Marine brat Jan 22, 2025 04:20am
Elon Musk is very Boering. ... (If you think that's just a misspelling, then you don't know why Jacob Zuma loves his machine gun..)
Imtiaz Jan 22, 2025 10:24am
A storm in the tea cup & nothing more- A famous person when shares his pictures or somehow his activity (esp., a weird one and conspiracy inspiring) is shared on social media by other means, such comments are always posted by netizens. Social media spares no one.
John Malik Jan 22, 2025 12:34pm
What else exactly did anyone expect from a guy whose family enriched itself by apartheid, his father had a child with his own stepdaughter and Musk himself fathering a dozen children with multiple women. Being seen as a neo Nazi is actually an improvement over his usual self. This movie has only just begun, and the ending may not be so pretty.
Laila Jan 22, 2025 04:07pm
Elon Musk will fit right in here in Pakistan with our rampant and commonly accepted antisemitism and general intolerance paired with 95% nationwide ignorance. The well known German news publication, Spiegel, has a great article, 'The Führer Cult: Germans cringe at Hitlers popularity in Pakistan'. Makes for interesting reading in case one is in denial. In addition you can find websites and YouTube videos by Pakistanis covering and glorifying Hitler.
Mahmood Jan 22, 2025 04:33pm
Oh yeah! We are offended and ready to pounce X to express our outrage at the antics of an eccentric billionaire and his crazy behavior! But we had little to say, while 47000 poor Palestinians were being slaughtered on live television, over the past 15 months, their homes decimated, their dignity snatched and babies starved to death. But our fascination with self-styled celebrities and super-rich consumes us every minute!
Gurpreet Singh Jan 22, 2025 08:54pm
Nothing but exaggerated nonsense by the left wing liberal media. They’re still unable to digest Trump’s victory and Kamala’s loss.