
‘Wrong and immoral’: BTS ARMY disappointed after V posts a picture of McDonald’s fries amid Gaza siege

What do your favourite K-pop singer and the Israeli Defence Force have in common? Their love for McDonald's, apparently.
22 Jul, 2024

K-pop sensation and BTS member Kim Taehyung — popularly known by his stage name V — has come under fire for posting a picture holding McDonald’s fries with the fast-food chain’s logo prominently on display, despite global boycotts called for their connection to Israel.

McDonald’s has been subject to boycotts and protests since Alonyal — an Israeli company that locally operates the chain — announced after the October 7 attack by Palestinian group Hamas that it would be donating free meals to the Israeli military, Al Jazeera reported.

The backlash McDonald’s faced was so severe that in April it brought back its 30-year-old Israel franchise from Alonyal, taking back ownership of 225 outlets that employ more than 5,000 people.

The Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement, an inherently non-violent movement that calls for the boycott of corporations “complicit in the oppression of Palestinians”, also lists McDonald’s as one of its boycott targets.

Amid ongoing Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip that has killed over 38,000 Palestinians, people are continuing to boycott brands mentioned by the BDS movement or that have ties, perceived or real, to Israel.

With millions actively boycotting, it came as a shock to the BTS fandom that V so brazenly posted a picture of himself holding McDonald’s fries between photographs of himself.

To make things even worse, the BTS ARMY, fans of the group, recalled that a Palestinian fan dug out a photo-card of V from the rubble and ruin caused by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) and called his tactless post “wrong and immoral”.

According to X (formerly Twitter) users, the fan was later killed by the ongoing Israeli atrocities, which were “funded by the exact company he puts on his big a** platform”.

Longtime fans were “disappointed” and called out the boyband for their silence, with others stating that BTS “let go and will willingly ignore our voices”.

An X user shared a video of Palestinian children eating leaves from a tree due to a lack of edible food and blockades on aid, adding that V “flaunts eating the brand that directly funds the starvation and killing of these children”. Earlier this month, UN experts declared that famine had spread throughout the Gaza Strip, causing deaths of Palestinian children due to hunger and malnutrition.

Meanwhile, other BTS fans rallied behind V, with ‘Leave Taehyung alone’, ‘Dear V’ and ‘We Love You V’ all trending on Twitter. Pro-Palestine fans called for the ‘Stigma’ singer to be held accountable for his actions.

“He is not a child. Hold him accountable. I have never seen a more spineless fandom, truly,” a fan tweeted.

Another person highlighted that V “knows what he’s doing” because he added a seemingly random picture of the fries among a series of photographs of himself and “it didn’t even match with the other photos”.

Others wanted the singer to be held accountable and give an explanation. One netizen said it was “hypocrisy” that K-pop fans were often “at any opportunity to call out others”, but refused to do the same in this instance.

An X user also pointed out that V’s actions led to other people buying McDonald’s which made the problem apparent.

V alone has over 65 million followers on Instagram. This post, in a little over 24 hours, had amassed over nine million likes. BTS’ reach and impact are undeniably massive with millions of young, impressionable people following their every word. We’ve seen instances of fans buying out items that BTS members have been spotted using, let alone posting on their own pages.

It’s high time to hold celebrities accountable, and claims that V wasn’t ‘aware’ of the situation in Gaza just won’t cut it as major news outlets continue to cover the atrocities and many South Koreans protest in Seoul.

The excuse that K-pop celebrities cannot have open opinions about controversial topics can’t stand either. It’s one thing to stay silent and a completely different thing to so openly post a completely random picture of McDonald’s fries to an account with millions of followers.

Do better, V.


Peace For All Jul 22, 2024 06:40pm
Our only world is in great danger all times if we don’t stop unjust killing of innocent people of Israel and Palestine in Gaza and rest of the world such as Ukraine-Afghanistan-Kashmir and rest of the world. Let’s bring peace and love to each other and make our world a better place to live in. Thanks to all.
Laila Jul 22, 2024 08:04pm
Macdonald's is open in Lahore. Muslims are working there and visiting and buying Macdonald's foods? So Pakistan is an ally of IDF?
Shani ki Kahani Jul 22, 2024 08:59pm
Leave V alone. If he wants to eat McDonald's fries then he just wants to eat McDonald's fries. Take it easy.
Vanessa Jul 23, 2024 04:03am
Wonderful article how people should hold celebrities accountable for their silence when they undeniably have power to influence many people to speak up about this humanitarian crisis.
Queen Jul 23, 2024 08:19am
That is why ladies you all should support K-pop group EXO.
Kim Tanij Jul 23, 2024 10:25am
Kim Taehyung is pure hearted man
Izzy Jul 23, 2024 12:34pm
You all are so disappointing. He is a grown man, not an impressionable toddler. He knows what he is doing and should be held accountable like every other adult. I don't care what any of you say, NOTHING justifies supporting genocide and enabling your fans to follow suit, especially when your fans, people who loved and looked up to you, had been murdered at the hands of Israel and the IDF.
Omama Jul 23, 2024 01:07pm
As a tae biased I'm so hurt to see that he's posting mcd while the innocent people are dying mercilessly along with his fans also. It just feels so hurt when you love someone and they broke your trust from the day first of genocide i was begging them to speak up for Palestine through Twitter trends, Instagram, tiktok and especially the weverse fan letters but no response I don't think they truly care about their armys anymore they're just ignoring us and their silence is so loud which is telling me otherwise. I don't know if it's end of my army era i just know I'm so hurt this is the person i found my comfort over the years.....sighh and i used to say bts paved the way but I don't think they did if they doesn't help the people in palestine
yves Jul 23, 2024 03:31pm
i've been a fan since i was 16 and i've known them for a few decent years now. what taehyung truly did is truly disappointing and people trying to defend him is even more infuriating. there are many kpop idols who hav explicitly showed their solidarity toward palestine, and even exo, some of their members are still in the military, have spoken about the genocide. so i really really don't understand why can't bts when they have a bigger platform compared to the rest and while the newer generations are doing more than them. i have truly considered bts such good people, i've started to question myself now. we don't really know thse idols and what they truly are after all.
Eloïse Jul 23, 2024 05:23pm
Great article. That's a grown man with a great brain. He has army all around the world and he should be able to listen to them when they try to educate him. Educating a person don't mean any harm in fact, it's helping him to be a better person. Especially when we know that palestinians armys trust him and BTS and never abandonned them. While on the other hand it seems like the BTS member did abandon theses ARMYs. Let's be a better humans and educate ourselves.
April Jul 23, 2024 11:02pm
Posting a picture of French fries is now support for genocide. What a hysterical generation. Put down your phones and pick up a book or two.
Mayiannia Jul 24, 2024 12:03am
Hello. The way I read the article, the support of the Israeli Army came from a franchise owner and not McDonald's corporate. McDonald's immediate response was to purchase the franchises away from him. Am I missing something? It seems that McDonald's corporate did the right thing and did not support the independent actions of a franchisee. How is the correct response to a corporation doing the right thing boycotting and in turn be angry at V for buying french fries? I am against the atrocities in Gaza...100%! My family has been affected similarly by war, but I fail to see the link with McDonald's corporate and the actions of a franchisee that McDonald's effectively silenced.
Jane Jul 24, 2024 03:46am
Damn I just had McDonald’s too
mayuri Jul 24, 2024 09:07am
totally agree, thanks for standing up for him <3
Kendra Jul 24, 2024 11:46am
McDonalds is not on the Boycott list!!!..Leave Taehyung alone..If he wants to post seven French fries in a McD fry box..let him..BTS has always talked about self love, love others, and be accepting of all people..French fries aren’t the problem..People need to educate themselves to show more love, kindness, be accepting of others ..this is what makes the world a better place and creates world peace..hate and cancel culture does not make the world a better place..period..stop the hate
Parbat Jul 24, 2024 02:34pm
Despicable, absolutely sickening, and a heartless action. Should be called out and held accountable
Eloïse Jul 24, 2024 05:49pm
This is not the place for that. Go promote your group somewhere else, we're talking about genocide.
Carol Jul 24, 2024 05:59pm
Seriously , hold other celebs accountable to , what stops you to do that aespa has a full fledged sponsership by mcd but are they made to face the same consequence as what TAEHYUNG has to face .
Park Jul 24, 2024 06:12pm
Ah yes, @hebsforfalastin and @falastanari. The two best examples you could come up with? You do know there are pro-Palestinian astroturfing accounts that don't even have "Falastin" in the name? I promise you that Koreans have much more serious local issues to worry about than the Middle East (or Kashmir for that matter).
ARMY Girl Jul 24, 2024 08:46pm
Whether its celebrity or a lame man, anyone likes to post pictures of food they have. Not everything is related to war and global peace. If u want to eat MCD or KFC,U will have it and share ur day things with other. Stop being obsessed with war and talk illogically.
millennial_fairy Jul 25, 2024 12:20am
Aren't journalists supposed to be unbiased? Images staff ignored that Tae-hyung's comments are disabled due to hate comments on unrelated posts. The backlash is unfair; McDonald's may not even be on the boycott list anymore, and the old photo from two years ago could have been mistakenly uploaded with his photo dump. This doesn't mean BTS cares any less about social justice issues or hasn't tried to help, even privately.Perhaps they're working on a statement that addresses all the various armed conflicts, feeling it would be unfair to only speak out about one. McDonald's and other countries do not fund the war activities of Israel's current government, and they have no control over the decisions of franchises in Israel. Buying from a company doesn't mean you support all the horrible things going on.It's not fair to negatively judge Tae-hyung or ARMYs defending him. Some may be disappointed, but realize he's still a good person and spamming with hate comments doesn't help Palestine, nor liberate any marginalized group. Certainly doesn't educate anyone either. Many people upset about this "scandal" are trolls, antis, and fake fans guilty of manufactured outrage and performative activism. They haven't done anything productive for Palestine or any other social justice cause.It's gross and disgusting that some exploit the suffering of Palestinians, innocent Israeli civilians, Jewish people, Muslims, and others, including those who are among BTS fans, for clout. It's interesting how Sofi is targeting BTS in her tweets when she's presumably a white woman with privilege. How many trolls and bad faith actors pretending to care are typing from the newest iPhone? The money spent on those devices funds conflicts, silent genocide, famine, enslavement, exploitation, gender, and sexual violence, including mistreatment and oppression of Congolese people. Two people have even set themselves on fire as a last resort to draw global and media attention to what's going on in Congo. Not many of the trolls claiming to be outraged about this are concerned about the exploitation of Congolese people and the mining, sourcing, and production of materials for phones and other devices. .I am a progressive liberal who believes in intersectionality and hates all atrocities and armed conflicts. It makes sense to hold famous people accountable in certain situations, but not BTS in this case. They can't control others' spending habits or stop armed conflicts, though I'm sure they
millennial_fairy Jul 25, 2024 12:21am
McDonald's may have been removed from the boycott list as well
AZ Jul 25, 2024 06:32am
Take it easy?!! McDonald's support genocide!!! And you want to take it easy?!! Where is your morality?!!!
Mas Jul 25, 2024 09:21am
People r dyi*g So selfish Do better v
Annoyed Jul 25, 2024 10:46am
@millenial Fairy - are you for real? He may have great intentions and be doing amazing things behind the scenes to help people, but so might Netanyahu, right? And how do you know it's an old picture? Were you there when he took it? Did the poor baby accidentally upload it? I'm pretty sure he's a grown a** man. Please get out of your pathetic mindset of worshipping these idols, it's really embarrassing that as a grown adult you're bending over backwards trying to justify the actions of this man who clearly doesn't care at all about Palestine.
Annoyed Jul 25, 2024 10:50am
@kendra yes it is. please do a tiny bit of research before coming here to defend a grown man aware of his actions. McDonalds is still on the organic boycott list, as are a bunch of other fast food chains
Zainab Rehman Jul 25, 2024 11:40am
I think now no one can do nothing v we love you and we hope next time you will be more carefull ❤️
Anjela M V Jul 25, 2024 07:12pm
Only Taehyung? Jhope wearing McDonald's printed tshirt, RM using cola in his mv, Jimin & Jungkook collabing with Zionists. Jikook show going to air on Disney plus. But guess what Army's only find problem in Taehyung. That's just shows how much army hated Taehyung and it has nothing about the concern for Palestinians.
Anjela M V Jul 25, 2024 07:16pm
Why educating & hating Taehyung only? Jhope used McDonald's printed tshirt, RM used Coco cola in his mv, Jimin & Jungkook actively collabed with Zionists, Jikook shows is airing on Disney plus. But Army's are blind towards this. If you're so much concerned about Palestinians and activism cancel/educate the above mentioned artists too. But you won't and it shows that this is just your hatred towards Kim Taehyung !
Dhakshyani Jul 26, 2024 12:22am
Each individual in the world has rights to eat what they want and post a pic,if u ppl are educated and have sense u will not criticism him, don't see only one thing of him, look what all he is done for the country and to the world especially to armies.. I am an live example in the world.. Stop ir rubbish points to 'V'..
Kendra Jul 26, 2024 01:26am
McDonalds is not on Boycott list.McD donated to PLO..Do your research before you post hate comments about BTS V.
DOROTHY HARPER Jul 26, 2024 02:13am
Have of you aren't even Army. So in turn can not say a d@mn thing. V posted because it was little and cute. H3ll will freeze over before I stop eating at mcdonalds. Got that. You want to help the cause, send your hard earned money. Not trying to make a fuss over a restaurant. That makes no sense and no difference. But your money d@mn sure will.
Zainab Jul 26, 2024 05:27am
Its funny that only V got attacked but other members werent even though Jimin works for dior. Namjoon had a coke .. are you sure is on disney plus dont these support isreal.. and by the way Macdo isnt listed on the boycot system .. so stop spreading hate and seek thw truth for real not just you but people haters and jokers around
mr farman Jul 26, 2024 11:06am
@kimteahyung aka v from bts i will shear my feelings to you ohki dear v your such a kind hearted person and i will see your pictures and your story you support palastine or after that this picture its hurt your armys so you will shear which intention you will shear this post please i request you
Iris Jul 26, 2024 12:56pm
One of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Everyone needs to get off their high horses. The fries package is tiny, which is why he posted it. Nothing more nothing less. This is the first time I’ve heard of this stupid boycott, probably just like V.
Ronnie Jul 26, 2024 02:58pm
Ansha khan Jul 27, 2024 01:51am
They just smear V, nothing else.Every time they find out V's mistakes, the same mistakes that other people make, it's no big deal; they don't see it.The McDonald's pictures are 2022 pictures; he just randomly uploaded them along with his new pictures.The second thing is that McDonald's is not currently on the boycott list; Google it.The third thing is, if you are going to accuse someone?Do your research first and make sure your information is correct to blame that person.Fourth, are they blind to see other idols who continually work with producers and singers who support genocide and also eat McDonald's food?Don't you have eyes to see them?Well, how can you see?You just have badmouth for V.Like you unfollow V without any valid reason, do the same with other K-pop idols. Be fair in your decisions.  