
Sindh MPA submits resolution against Sahil Adeem for making derogatory remarks against women

Sindh MPA submits resolution against Sahil Adeem for making derogatory remarks against women

Adeem, a self-proclaimed motivational speaker, called 95pc of women in Pakistan 'ignorant' during a recent TV appearance.
Updated 05 Jul, 2024

PPP lawmaker Marvi Faseeh submitted on Thursday a resolution to the Sindh Assembly Secretariat condemning derogatory remarks made about women by motivational speaker Sahil Adeem on a recent SAMAA TV show.

Adeem had stated that 95 per cent of women in the country were ‘jahil’ (ignorant) on the SAMAA TV show Mukalma, which was hosted by controversial screen writer Khalil ur Rehman Qamar and Ayesha Jehanzeb. He doubled down on this argument when challenged by a woman in the audience.

The backlash against Adeem was severe, with several people, including lawyer Jibran Nasir, calling him out for the way he handled the conversation with the audience member.

Faseeh submitted the resolution under Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 124 of Rules of Procedure of Provincial Assembly of Sindh, 2013.

In her resolution she condemned the remarks made by the “so-called motivational speaker”. “Sahil Adeem’s comments are a severe affront to our religious, social and legal values, which have caused great offence to women at large,” read the document, calling for legal action to be taken against him.

The resolution is expected to be on the agenda of the next Sindh Assembly session, where Faseeh will likely table it.


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Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 05, 2024 02:02pm
Great move. Let's wait and see what happens next?
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NCT Jul 05, 2024 02:13pm
His comment applies to all subcontinental women. Some are really jahil , some are educated jahil. He rightly said 95% of women are jahil , they blindly follow men ,no logical contribution no common sense
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Salah uddin Jul 05, 2024 02:28pm
This ignorant person together with that other male in the show should be permanently banned from appearing on TV shows.
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Michael Jul 05, 2024 02:42pm
What nonsense. Have MPA's nothing better to do with their time?
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Muneer Ahmed Memon Jul 05, 2024 03:02pm
Jahil means ignorant about their rights please see women in rural areas of Pakistan. They are treated as commodity. We may pay special attention to this segment of society
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Kashif Alam Jul 05, 2024 03:07pm
In ever changing society and culture,every other individual is trying to be a motivational speaker.while talking on air,one must refrain oneself passing deregotary and biting remarks
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IS SArf Jul 05, 2024 03:11pm
Sahil just simply stated that dont rely on others, educate yourself. Agree, he did not delicately communicate the topic but his intentions are clear, educate yourself in every aspect of life...
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Zulfiqar Ansari Jul 05, 2024 03:25pm
Public should boycott people like Sahil Adeem and Khaleel-ur-Rehman Qamar, they always promote regressive views on women's rights.
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Syed Hasni Jul 05, 2024 03:35pm
QUICK REFERENCE (Arab., jāhil, ‘untaught’). The state of ignorance understood to have characterized Arabian society prior to Islam. As of January 2022, Pakistan's female literacy frequency stood at around 49.6%, which is considerably lower than the male literacy rate of around 72%. If he was referencing to the literacy rate he has exaggerated 45%. As a motivational speaker he should be careful about his choice of words since Jahil is a rude expression of Arabic. It’s never a good idea to complain, condemn and. Conflict with someone when trying to befriend them. There is only one way under high heaven to get the best of an argument—and that is to avoid it.
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Taj Ahmad Jul 05, 2024 03:40pm
We can not judge or say such insulting words about anyone woman or man. Mr.Adeem should apologize on his remarks on Samaa TV.
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Haris Jul 05, 2024 04:04pm
I dont agree with the Numbers but tbh majority of the Women in fact Men too are ignorant in our country.
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Amjad Bhatti Jul 05, 2024 04:08pm
He is a good speaker and talks good but this time strange. That will be better if he apologize and ends this prolonging matter.
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Syed Waqas Ahmed Jul 05, 2024 04:14pm
Sindh government faraghat mein sab say agay!
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KA Jul 05, 2024 04:39pm
What a nation we are? Is this the most imprtant issue than Heap of problems......He is right its not Women but all of us a JAHILs to the next level.
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Imran Jul 05, 2024 05:05pm
Let’s not forget about 96% of men who are parhay likhay jahil like Khalil ur Rehman Qamar.
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Khurram Jul 05, 2024 05:21pm
Tell PPP and Marvi to do her job and don't bring non issues to national news.
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Shahid Jul 05, 2024 05:26pm
i have seen the show. Both him and khalil ur Rehman are jahils. I don't know is promoting the.Sahil Adeem Popped up from no where. What is his credentials. No doubt the girl was aggressive but Sahil was both wrong in his manners and content. Sama TV is working hard to promote regressive and ignorant people as guests and anchors
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Shani Jul 05, 2024 05:28pm
Where are the Pakistani liberals now? Why are they not raising their voices against this man.
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Ken Jul 05, 2024 05:52pm
Yehi to job hai unki key legislation ley kar aaye.
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Nk Jul 05, 2024 06:06pm
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marina Jul 05, 2024 06:10pm
the word jahil just mean ignorant it is not an insult MPA should work on real issues they are plenty
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Tahir Khan Jul 05, 2024 06:27pm
Why Khalil ur Rehman is off the hooks of shutting down the Audience.
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Saleem Memon Jul 05, 2024 06:27pm
Very good effort
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Sohail Jul 05, 2024 06:36pm
Both of these guys are Abu Jahals of this era. They should never invited to any such events. Kudos to the girl in audience for taking a position and standing her ground. These ignorants must be called out and shut out.
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M.Saeed Jul 05, 2024 06:39pm
It is the height of stupidity that a person like Sahil Adeem publicly accepted that he was born to a woman who was 95 percent Jahil and that's why he blames her for his ignorance about the respect for women including his mother, sister, wife and daughter and all women folk in his family.
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Ehsan Jul 05, 2024 06:40pm
Bigoted ignorant men so called intellectuals. Kudos to the young women for standing her ground
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S.A Jul 05, 2024 06:41pm
@khurram How is this a non-issue?! Is insulting and disrespecting women, who are the backbone of men's domestic lives, in addition to being important pillars of society, an irrelevant and minor issue?! Your comment shows the regard that you have for your mother and other women in your life, which is a pathetic case to say the least.
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Polaris Jul 05, 2024 06:42pm
Misogyny, or the hatred of women, is an example of hostile sexism. The Sama TV should have control on what they are showing.
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Sahito Jul 05, 2024 06:44pm
I don't why Pakistani channels are projecting such people who are ignorant of public debate ethics. If he commented the anchor person should have given shut up to guest from such derogatory comments against women. I heard he even talked nonsense against sindhi culture and it's people which totally unethical and racist. I don't believe what to say!
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Syed Qutub Jul 05, 2024 07:30pm
The truth be told, a majority of our population is ignorant or jaahil. That ignorance is borne out of illiteracy. We are a nation of illiterates...that is a fact. Focus on some meaningful issues. Our lack of prioritizing issues that are critical have resulted in where we find ourselves today....
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Zeeshan Ahmed Jul 05, 2024 07:34pm
These politicians need to find a better hobby, like serving the country instead of wasting courts time because their feelings were hurt.
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Aslam Jul 05, 2024 07:34pm
The cringe of watching him speak was so overwhelming that I stopped the video in the middle. If Pakistani youth starts to look up at these fake parhe likhe jahil "motivational" speakers this country is doomed. (Hasn't that already happened?)
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Aslam Jul 05, 2024 07:36pm
Sometimes you take your loss and shut your mouth. It's okay it'll not be the end of the world.
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AKMARWAT Jul 05, 2024 07:55pm
Shame upon you Sahil Adeem and Khalil ur Rehman Qamar. Both are misogynists. Khalil what retrogressive you writer are?. A clean shaved zealot and toxic lingual who doesn't know the respect of sisters and mothers. Shame
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Alquaf Jul 05, 2024 08:28pm
Fix sindh problems first, especially Karachi then take rest of the issue.
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Hadiqa Shabir Jul 05, 2024 08:31pm
Women have been targeted for ages by these men. Why don't they speak out against educated men?
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Jamil Soomro Jul 05, 2024 08:46pm
Here comes another bogus man after Adnan Siddiqui called Sahil Adeem( so called self- proclaimed motivational speaker ) with his bogus comment. Shame on him.
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Kamil Jul 05, 2024 09:26pm
I think Sahil was partially right
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Suman Jul 05, 2024 09:26pm
Both Sahil and Khalil need to be treated with law.
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Fazal Jul 05, 2024 09:46pm
I don't know why people listening to these so called intellectuals. I don't see any intellect in these two individuals, yes they have big mouth and they know how to run it. That has been said, I don't think this matter has any MERITS to be discussed in the assembly, but we all know who are sitting in these assemblies.
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Mudassar Khawaja Jul 05, 2024 10:38pm
This assembly member will divert the attention from major issues like taxes. Adeem seems right. The women should understand & fight for their and national rights.
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Ziyan Jul 05, 2024 10:46pm
The country doesn't have water, electricity, or gas, and these feminist MPAs are worried about what non-entities are talking about women. Please DO your job for what people send you in assemblies, not diverting the public towards non-issues.
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Ali Jul 05, 2024 10:50pm
All of Pakistan is Jahil and immoral and devoid of any ethics considering the recent events in country.
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M Ramzan Jul 05, 2024 10:57pm
He said half a guess and the full truth is that 95% of the nation is Jahil.
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Iman Jul 05, 2024 11:02pm
Still people are praising him and blaming that girl to raise a question. Their narrative is that if this girl is speaking against him and asking him to apologize, she herself is ignorant which is indeed a shity mindset one can have. This so called scholar should be boycotted on all platforms
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Zahid Jul 05, 2024 11:06pm
He must apologise and accept his own ignorance ie jahalat.
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Naveed Jul 05, 2024 11:09pm
He is absolutely right....we all know but due to our hypocritic behaviour we will not acknowlege it..
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Litsa Jul 05, 2024 11:13pm
If you don’t educate women, give them few rights, make them second class citizens…..this is what you get.
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Danish Jul 05, 2024 11:21pm
Please watch the whole clip. He doesn't talk only about women but also about men and he was absolutely right.
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Dr.Arif Khan Jul 05, 2024 11:54pm
What a waste of time this PPP Govt is wasting time on non issues
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Siddique Malik Jul 06, 2024 12:40am
The biggest jahil is Sahil Adeem. Either that or he is mentally sick. There is no other way to describe a person who declares that almost half the population of Pakistan is jahil. On what basis did he say that? Who does he think he is? I think he is sick, sick, sick, sick, and a danger to human dignity.
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Siddique Malik Jul 06, 2024 12:42am
By standing up to a misogynist sicko, Marvi is doing her job. Great job, Marvi. More power to you.
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Siddique Malik Jul 06, 2024 12:43am
And, of course, Sahil Nadeem fits the bill, too.
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Stella Jul 06, 2024 01:08am
Maybe you consider your mother,sister and daughter so but most of us are way way better than you and your I'll.
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Wolf Jul 06, 2024 03:09am
Sahil is trying to develop and portray himself as "Dr. Jordan Peterson" of Pakistan. Sahil is using religion and Western attire to sale same repackaged stuff that Pakistani moulivis has been selling for us centuries. Pakistani people already stuffed upto neck with this religious staff which is used to detract them from real issues of corruption in which whole ruling class is indulged in and suffocated the progress of Pakistan.
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Sana Jul 06, 2024 03:42am
He has been screaming, crying for months to tell government to send aid to Palestine but the only time they have him attention its over this ridiculous nonsense! Yes women are jahil in the context of that discussion! When her brother tells her she has no share in inheritance she blindly believe him.
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Sara Jul 06, 2024 03:56am
I looks like these politicians and so called liberals were waiting for any thing they could get in order to demean Sahil. Now they got the opportunity and they're trying to get the best out of it. They are not empathising women. Nevertheless, this is the only thing they do best. Shameful people.
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Capt-NK Jul 06, 2024 04:06am
The word Jahil was aimed at both men and women who lack Islamic knowledge. You can have all the degrees in the world but if you don't know the basics of Islam, you are a Jahil.
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John Malik Jul 06, 2024 04:42am
May be he meant this only for women in his own family. He doesn’t come across being raised in an educated environment.
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Laila Jul 06, 2024 10:28am
I do understand what he meant. I agree with most of his views. However it wouldve been better had he used a softer approach with that poor girl who is now being blamed and mocked all over social media while being accused of being "planted". He could've explained himself better while politely declining to apologize. The girl was removed which contradicts his recent tweet on allowing free speech. He couldve handled it better. Be more mature. Don't forget, she is young, passionate and impressionable. Isn't he supposed to be motivating people?
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Naved Jul 06, 2024 07:44pm
if you see the entire show, you will find him saying nothing derogatory!
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Rizwanaa Shaikh Jul 06, 2024 09:38pm
خواتین کو جاہل رکھنے میں قصوروار کون ہے؟ مرد! کیونکہ اسے علم یافتہ اور باشعور عورت پسند نہیں ہوتی۔ اسے اندھی، گونگی، بہری چاہئیے جو اس کی غلامی کرے۔ اسی لیے مرد، عورت کے علم و شعور حاصل کرنے کے خلاف ہیں۔ پھر یہ شکوہ ناجائز ہے کہ 95٪ عورتیں جاہل ہیں۔
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Ameer Hamza Jul 06, 2024 11:37pm
We can see it in our surroundings! Any ways Let's see the result.
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Laila Jul 07, 2024 02:16am
Sahil Adeem should have simply said there is a problem with rampant jahalat (ignorance of islam) in Pakistan. Jahalat is not limited to women though. But men too. Every day societal morals and rights women, children, the poor, the weak and minorities are eroded across Pakistan we all know.
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Laila Jul 07, 2024 02:34am
@Hadiqa Shakir, Good comment. Ironically that proves him right to a degree in that women (and men) are jahil at large. They obey societal expectations and norms instead of Islam thereby effectively giving up their rights and creating issues for themselves.
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Jehan Gir Jul 07, 2024 02:25pm
A great way to make him More power full.
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Laila Jul 08, 2024 04:53am
@Rizwanaa Shaikh Zabardast comment. Very thought-provoking.
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