
Maryam Nawaz fixing a police officer’s dupatta and sharing a video of it online has polarised the internet

Maryam Nawaz fixing a police officer’s dupatta and sharing a video of it online has polarised the internet

Some are calling out the newly-appointed CM for invading the officer's personal space while others are praising the gesture but we wonder why it was shared at all.
28 Feb, 2024

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif fixed a woman police officer’s dupatta after it slipped from her head. The moment was captured on camera and shared by her PR team on Instagram and Twitter with a rather strange caption calling it a moment of “compassion and understanding”.

The video soon went viral and the internet has been divided into those supporting her actions and those who believe she invaded the officer’s personal space and made her feel uncomfortable. We shared the video on our own Instagram with a poll asking if it was okay and 33 per cent of respondents said it was.

Others in opposition to the video maintained that Maryam was perpetuating “moral policing”, which was “very wrong”. They also alleged that she prioritised “people’s appearances over real talk”.

People also pointed out that Maryam adjusting the police officer’s headscarf furthered “religious fanaticism”, and that this made way for others to act similarly as women “are a soft target for many fanatics”.

A netizen pointed out that Maryam “doesn’t need to do anything about it” and “should just let it be” as it is “not her job as CM to adjust dupattas”. However, those in support of the chief minister were quick to highlight that the incident was “different” because the officer already covered her head and the dupatta had slipped down.

Maryam’s proponents reiterated that she wasn’t “forcing” the hijab or covering your head on someone, rather the officer already covered her head and the CM was simply “fixing it” as it was a matter of “extreme importance” for women who observe pardah. They also highlighted that this was a symbol of “respect and protection”.

Similarly, PML-N leader Azma Bokhari stated in a press conference on Wednesday that the police officer’s dupatta fell while she was working and Maryam in a moment of “motherly and sisterly tenderness” fixed it, like one would for their “children”.

During the press conference, Bokhari stated that the “good gesture was made into a point of discussion” and that the “sanctity of covering one’s head could only be understood by those with mothers, daughters and sisters”.

Intriguingly, all politicians at rallies or during pressers — including Maryam Nawaz — address women as their “daughters, mothers and sisters”, instead of referring to all women, full stop. While this could be an effective strategy to evoke empathy, such framing can also be patronising and limiting as it reduces women’s identities and contributions to their familial roles rather than recognising them as individuals with capabilities.

With reference to this incident, Maryam was the person in power and not an equal or relative of the officer, which makes the move a little…strange. Imagine your boss (‘s boss’s boss’s boss) comes up to you and fixes something you’re wearing.

We’re no one to judge either the officer or Maryam’s intentions, but we do have certain thoughts on the video being shared online to over 11,000 followers and beyond. Not to mention, at the time of the article’s publishing, it reached over 500,000 views on X (Twitter alone). While the chief minister’s intentions are too nuanced to pick apart, and she could’ve had ‘good intentions’, her PR team made the active decision to share the video with the world and tout it as ‘compassion and understanding’.

Making it public causes the matter to become a public discussion. True compassion for someone, especially if they are a hijabi, would stem from putting their privacy and consent first. We wonder, did Team Maryam ask for the officer’s explicit consent to share a video of her dupatta falling off and her head being exposed for the whole world to see, particularly when they are emphasising that the officer already covered her head and was not forced to do so by Maryam.

If the bepardagi of a pardah-dar woman is a situation important enough for the chief minister of Punjab to address immediately, should the video have been shared to X?

Perhaps it would’ve been most ‘compassionate’ if the video was not shared at all and the ‘sanctity’ of covering one’s head was preserved through some privacy. Sharing it online feels like a publicity stunt gone wrong. Regardless of intention, not everything MUST be shared on social media, even if you are the chief minister of a province and believe you were doing the ‘right thing’. If you truly care about the woman, put her first.


Sid Feb 28, 2024 03:12pm
Lol that woman is going to be an absolute disaster for Punjab
Nadia Feb 28, 2024 03:21pm
Suppose someone’s sandals slip off while they are walking and you help them put it back on? Would we still have this conversation. One woman helps another no worries stop making drama
Mailk Awan Feb 28, 2024 03:58pm
There's nothing wrong in adjusting dupatta. However to broadcast it with that shitty caption is pure hypocrisy. This woman lives for cameras like stupidly advertising putting flowers on her mother's grave after selection as cm. Who does that. To conclude, there's nothing wrong in what she does, it the publicity that's wrong.
Rajiv Feb 28, 2024 04:03pm
Bleak prospects await Pakistan when someone who wants to imitate Modi model but wants it's ladies to live in mediaeval times
MG Feb 28, 2024 04:07pm
The officer has a right to choose her clothes. This is breach of basic right.
wolf Feb 28, 2024 04:10pm
These are NOT our issues. We are not spending millions of rupees on CM and her entourage to fix public DUPATAS! Get on with real challenges the ordinary is facing - million women do have basic shelter to cover themselves and family at large. This show I have reduced your popularity by 10% and are left with 90%!
Numan Feb 28, 2024 04:22pm
As usual the over reaction by this editorial team is just mind boggling, first of all its not even a news worth sharing, arguing whether the PR team of maryam should do this and that is frankly such a waste of time, and your opinions are just unnecessary, cause we saw how netizens on either side think, but you guys nitpick to such below the level that I bet you could even write a thesis on it WHEN NOBODY ASKED OR CARED IN SUCH DETAIL IN THE FIRST PLACE. MARYAM PUT BACK A SCARF ON A POLICE WOMEN'S HEAD AFTER IT FELL DURING WORK AND GAVE A PLEASANT SURPRISE!!! That's it, thats the story.
Syed Hasni Feb 28, 2024 04:26pm
That what happens when you are addicted to social media, you start reading into things too much. It is true for both Netizen's and for Maryam, You dwell on every action, and you take everything to heart. Who cares !!
tayab Feb 28, 2024 04:30pm
they want us to talk about non-issues all the time
Ordinary Feb 28, 2024 04:34pm
These are NOT our issues. We are not spending millions of rupees on CM and her entourage to fix public DUPATAS! Get on with the real challenges the ordinary is facing - millions women do have basic shelter to cover themselves and family at large. This show has reduced your popularity by 10% and you are left with 90%!
View from Abroad Feb 28, 2024 04:43pm
First fix your own. Mention it to the person , do not touch and pretend to fix it.
Khurram Ayub Feb 28, 2024 04:46pm
Perhaps she ought to share the full video with dupatta slipping and what seems like her helping it as a reflex probably as the visit it being filmed in the presence of predominantly make police officers. But of course it’s a good debating point so let’s talk about moral policing vs sisterhood.
Uzair Malik Feb 28, 2024 04:48pm
This is just unprofessional of her to be fixing someone's headscarf or unwarrantly touching another person. If she was reviewing work, she should have just done and left.
Ata Feb 28, 2024 04:49pm
If Maryam Safdar really cared for this 'ba parda' police officer, she should not have uploaded it online. Extremely arrogant of her to invade her personal space, and then sharing it online without her consent. Actually these acts are considered unethical and immoral only in western societies. This is all our fault who don't raise a voice right then and there.
No one Feb 28, 2024 04:55pm
Drama queen, Resham II. People will forget Buzdar with weeks!
belinda Feb 28, 2024 04:58pm
Pakistan has a long way to go to set its priorities.77 years of business as usual has brought misery to almost everyone.
aqib Feb 28, 2024 05:00pm
Is this news? Wow.... the caliber of news....salute whos made a news for dupatta adjusting.....
Shahid Nafees Feb 28, 2024 05:08pm
Is she going to be a moral police
Ashutosh Pandey Feb 28, 2024 05:17pm
Invasion of personal space, I would say.
Mansur Ul Haque Feb 28, 2024 05:29pm
Well done Mariam Nawaz Sahrif. Nice gesture. Right is right. No matter I am not your supporter.
Hassan Feb 28, 2024 05:31pm
Where was she when people along with their families were tapped? people are smart enough now to understand all the drama!
Ikram Feb 28, 2024 05:33pm
Zia ul haq make grey stalwart kameez mandatory in schools at one time, she will make covering the head with a dupatta mandatory. All while the people of Pakistan are struggling with finances and other basic human rights!
JohnDoe Feb 28, 2024 05:38pm
That's just showing humanity, why criticize!!
Nasir Askar Feb 28, 2024 05:39pm
We Pakistanis love to make an issue out of nothing. I don't see anything wrong in the whole video. No invasion of personal space. What if Imran Khan was the one fixing the dupatta.
Shamas Ali Feb 28, 2024 05:43pm
Dear CM lot of opportunities for you in police reforms that needs much more attention than correcting dupattas of others.
Aaxer Ghani Feb 28, 2024 05:58pm
She is now the CM and if finally she has climbed up this far, she should be taking essential steps towards development. First thing first, fire the PR team. They are no good. And right or wrong, common or rare, this is inappropriate to invade someone's personal space, may it be a man or a woman.
Hamza Shareef Feb 28, 2024 06:29pm
Say hello to Pakistan's own Justin Trudeau, all bluster but no substance.
Zafar Feb 28, 2024 06:43pm
That’s the only job she may be able to perform.
karim Buksh Feb 28, 2024 06:52pm
She should not interfere with another person's clothes - its disrespectful. How would she like it if a right wing anti-Muslim person pulled off her dupatta next time she is abroad. As far as I recall last time she was in London she wasn't wearing it over her head either.
Muslim Khan Feb 28, 2024 06:59pm
Necessary act that did Maryam Nawaz . For the balancing culture it is needed to wear Dupatta properly . Two provinces KP and Balochistan women firmly to wear Dupatta , For common culture it must be promoted in other two provinces .
haris Feb 28, 2024 07:09pm
Suppose a person stands-up and his Kameez stuck between his valleys and another person pull that back. How does that feel like?
Fast comment Feb 28, 2024 07:21pm
Well done. Appreciation for CM . CM should visits jails rather announce release of all political detainees held there. More compassion needed. Good job. Besides CM should work for reforms in police cadre, Police should be a social welfare organization, and should not be used to settle political vendetta. Police should be depoliticized.
Seedha Saadha Feb 28, 2024 07:24pm
Such a futile discussion. Seems like an angry teenager came up with a useless article.
Laiq Feb 28, 2024 07:26pm
Maryam has her head partially covered, dupatta is only a fashion accessory, nothing more.
Zahid Feb 28, 2024 07:54pm
Extra ordinary leadership quality. Such actions will help repaying loans and over’s economic revival. Credit must go to her mentor family
ZAli Feb 28, 2024 08:00pm
Where is her own scarf?
Imran Feb 28, 2024 08:09pm
If you notice MNS dupatta is also falling. She should fix her dupatta first. This is what happens when you allow comedians to run the country
Raza Khan Feb 28, 2024 08:12pm
People, now get used to seeing these photo shootouts and dramas. LOL. This is what new CM is best at.
Usman Aslam Feb 28, 2024 08:23pm
Ironic her dupatta is always slipping off and remains in a position to show her hair that's been dyed and blow dried but she's very quick to fix someone else's if it slips a little
haris Feb 28, 2024 08:23pm
@Numan: it would not have made any headlines if your dear leader has not put that on social media.
Taj Ahmad Feb 28, 2024 08:27pm
Good job CM Mariam, Punjab province got a great new Chief Minister, hope others CM of Sindh-KPK-Baluchistan will follow her example in all public departments in their respective provinces.
Ehsan Feb 28, 2024 09:00pm
I like that she was elected chief minister of Punjab however, these kind of actions only reinforce the morality brigade
niaziMe Feb 28, 2024 09:07pm
what message she is trying to convey ? utter foolishness!
latif u r rahman Feb 28, 2024 09:18pm
She as elderly people helping to correct his uniform .not for her disgracing.
latif u r rahman Feb 28, 2024 09:21pm
It is OK help the young is the best way to get the best results
KJ Feb 28, 2024 09:26pm
She shouldn't have put her on the spot, no matter how good may be Maryam's intention. By trying to fix the dupatta, Maryam made the police officer look like she was careless, though it very likely was not Maryam's intention. I think Maryam was looking for an opportunity to look good, without considering how people may interpret this.
Saeed Feb 28, 2024 09:26pm
It's totally wrong. And sharing the video is to evoke sympathies of none other than the religious extremists. It's moral policing and encouraging the already fanatic society to do the same.
AbdulHaque Shaikh Feb 28, 2024 09:30pm
This is show of feudal instinct and cheap publicity stunt by a non-democratically imposed person as chief minister.
Ali Feb 28, 2024 09:55pm
This is patronising. Would she do the same to her boss if there was a woman PM? They dont 'own' Pakistan and we are not their subjects.
Justice will prevail Feb 28, 2024 10:11pm
Moral: It would have been all good "if" done by PTI leadership.
HashBrown® Feb 28, 2024 10:12pm
@Rajiv "Bleak prospects await Pakistan when someone who wants to imitate Modi model" This is the funniest of all the comments here. What exactly is the "Modi model"? Is it when you humiliate yourself by turning your country into a COVID epicentre? Or is it when you launch an air attack on a poorer, smaller neighbour and end up taking a beating? Or maybe it involves butchering 2000 people from a minority faith in order to win votes. Whatever the "Modi model" is, I promise you that nobody outside bollywood has any interest in it at all. But thanks for the comedy moment anyway!
Mehwar Feb 28, 2024 10:33pm
@afreen_me99 No it’s certainly not right in an unsymmetrical situation like this. Try to image the junior police official fixing madam cm‘s headgear. Like most desi leaders she has started beating about the bush without a hope that she would ever deliver. pathetic!
Riz Feb 28, 2024 10:57pm
I bet she didn’t understand 1% of what the lady officer is trying to inform.
Naeem Feb 28, 2024 10:57pm
The act in itself is not bad, its the intention behind it. And, this Shareef family do 150% things just to show off. This is all they know in Politics, mere gimmicks.
Saif Feb 28, 2024 11:25pm
Maryam is great leader.
m.y pathan Feb 28, 2024 11:34pm
A female police officer;s dupatta is part of her uniform. Being a CM M.Nawaz is COP and she is right to adjust her dupatta. It is like if a male P>O is not wearing his cap on duty he must be asked to put his cap on his head if he is not.
Masood Feb 28, 2024 11:34pm
RKV Feb 29, 2024 12:03am
This is definitely breach of personal privacy. Leaders of Indian subcontinent in general have this false belief that they are larger than life and still carry mindset of ruler vs ruled instead of server vs served
Vish Feb 29, 2024 12:03am
Looks like CM has been elected to adjust dupattas. Let's hope she doesn't spend her tenure in adjusting dupattas and advertising the act.
Muqali Khan Feb 29, 2024 12:24am
Maryam's head is always partially covered so dupatta is no more than a fashion accessory.
Malik Feb 29, 2024 01:45am
What message is CM conveying to the nation? Encourage leadership, not maternal guidance. The police officer seeks inspirational women, not fashion experts. Let's utilize this platform for nation-building, not fostering division.
AmjadKhan Feb 29, 2024 02:50am
OMG When it comes to ignorance Maryam has no limits
Black Hawk Feb 29, 2024 04:09am
It seems Maryam is only interested in photo ops & marketing rather than actual governance. In just two days since becoming CM, she has posted more videos & pictures than a real public official in real democracies posts in a year.
Matt Jane Feb 29, 2024 05:21am
Even more cringe was her open discussion of people’s salaries and their living arrangements. It was more patronizing than empathy.
Dr Shahzad Khan Feb 29, 2024 05:23am
That’s a beautiful, spontaneous & natural gesture out of her pure subconscious; Not sure why people are creating fuss about it!
Hain Feb 29, 2024 05:29am
CM of Punjab means most powerful. Jis ka Punjab uska poora Pakistan. She came with full swing of power. So chill everyone .
ahsan Feb 29, 2024 05:53am
To Nadia, Adjusting Dupata and fixing sandals are two different things. Do you honestly think MN will fix anyone sandals? If she has any empathy, she would not be wearing expensive shoes and carrying pursues which are worth thousands of dollars. If she is so concern about citizens, she should walk on earth, go to Kachi abadi and see how people are living.
Niamet Ladak Feb 29, 2024 06:30am
No she should not have invaded her privacy! Is she encouraging fanatics? It is up to the individual woman to cover the hair or not! Felt like Mariam was telling the lady to cover her hair, when her own hair is half covered! Mariam go tell your daughter! Would Mariam like it if someone does this to her daughter??? Overconfident woman!
Raiz Feb 29, 2024 06:38am
I don't know what to say.. what will happen if people on streets start doing same. I feel disappointed.
Ad Feb 29, 2024 08:00am
That is an intrusion of one’s privacy regardless of what the intentions of Maryam were. The officer would have known the scarf had come off. If she was so concerned she would have put it back on herself.
Waz Feb 29, 2024 08:38am
She needs to keep her hands to herself and not invade someone’s personal space.
Arya Feb 29, 2024 09:37am
As a chief minister, she showed motherly affection towards policewoman. To me, it is not an issue for discussion. Yes, putting this picture on social media needs some soul searching.
Anonymouseee Feb 29, 2024 10:31am
Cheap publicity as always by Nawaz gang.
Saif Feb 29, 2024 10:35am
If maryam was adjusting the police officers dupatta like a sister or a mother would do than what was the purpose of putting it on social media?
Fastrack Feb 29, 2024 11:46am
Alhamdulillah. More power to you madam. Pakistan desperately need more folks like you. Imran Khan would have blamed the women for not covering her head.
Fastrack Feb 29, 2024 11:48am
Punjab is in good hands. Meltdown begins in anti feminist pti.
Fastrack Feb 29, 2024 11:53am
Identity and modesty of a Muslim women is the scarf. MN did the right thing. PTI keyboard goons are having a meltdown in comments section.
izaz haque Feb 29, 2024 04:30pm
In my opinion, leave people alone. this is pure hubris and a bit immature to put it on social media to get kudos from the initiated. Would the affected person want to be a subject of debate across the country. If she wears a dupatta on her head, she is probably a private person and i have no business watching the video.
Black Hawk Feb 29, 2024 04:55pm
@Rajiv - What is the “Modi model” my friend? Turning a secular democracy into a majoritarian autocracy? It seems to me that Modi is actually following Pakistan’s “Zia model”.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Feb 29, 2024 05:11pm
Drama, drama and more drama.
Syed Hasni Feb 29, 2024 05:28pm
Maryam and Awam has to focus on the following sectors. Crime & Corrections, Economy, Education, Fiscal Stability, Health Care, Infrastructure, Natural Environment, Opportunity Pakistan needs objective assessment of their leadership. If she is able to change the qibla of these sectors, that's worth noting. Otherwised She would be Buzdar 2.0
Maria. K794 Feb 29, 2024 05:37pm
Okay was it even a big news sharing for?
jsav12 Feb 29, 2024 08:14pm
If the lady was concerned about her bepardagi then sharing a video of her uncovered head is the worst thing one could have done...
Samander Khan Feb 29, 2024 08:22pm
If woman's sanctity is preserved with a covered head and not showing her hair to na-mehram than why the uncovered hair is displayed on the social media? Ask yourself this question and be honest to YOURSELF when you give YOURSELF the answer.
Jan-e-Alam Khaki Feb 29, 2024 10:22pm
Wrong of course! Look at the brave police officer who was not even without a dupatta when she handled a difficult situation. Look at the Maryam Nawaz' body language! Instead of giving shabash she is look at the lady with some sarcasm, so it seems to me. By the way I am an admirer of Maryam but her patronizing attitude has to stop. Pl focus on substance not on symbols, and rituals, if you want to make a difference in the lives of people!
Igloo Feb 29, 2024 11:56pm
Good for her. Dupatta in Pakistan is not the political tool that it's become in Iran.
J Mar 01, 2024 03:15am
LOL. I feel sad that this is the topic of discussion in Pakistan. Tomorrow, bunch opf people on the streets start adjusting every ones dupatta.
Dan Mar 01, 2024 07:44am
Maryam may have done it spontaneously but her PR team ensured that she gets trolled for her actions. Well done
Zargey Mar 01, 2024 09:31am
Inappropriate, unnecessary and unprofessional
Imtiaz Mar 01, 2024 12:02pm
This debate, diverse opinions are healthy signs of a good debate; really enjoyed it. This approach is sine qua non to maintain a check on the Rulers. This is democracy and freedom of expression where a Ruler can be grilled for any commission of act.
AbdulHaque Shaikh Mar 04, 2024 07:11pm
What a hypocrite. She should first fix her dupatta first to cover her hair which are 90% showing.