
Veteran actor Firdous Jamal presented Rs10m in financial aid for cancer treatment

Veteran actor Firdous Jamal presented Rs10m in financial aid for cancer treatment

Artist Khalid Abbas Dar called it a "kind gesture by the PM".
29 Dec, 2022

Adviser to Prime Minister on Political and Public Affairs Engineer Ameer Muqam presented a cheque for Rs10 million to veteran artiste Firdous Jamal on Wednesday for his cancer treatment.

Legendary artist Khalid Abbas Dar told Dawn that the cheque was presented to Jamal at his residence at the Park View Society.

Mr Dar said ownership of artiste community by the government was a goodwill gesture. He said though Jamal had not asked for money from the government, it was a kind gesture by the PM.

Originally published in Dawn, December 29, 2022


Masood Dec 29, 2022 01:40pm
Excellent gesture
Tahmad Dec 29, 2022 01:46pm
Feel better and quick recovery for Firdous Jamal, hope same gesture from PM of Pakistan to all veterans actor’s for all other parts of Pakistan. Shokat Khanum Cancer Treatment Center in Lahore should offer free treatment to Firdous Jamal as well. Thanks to all.
Akram Lahore Dec 29, 2022 02:48pm
Ali Dec 29, 2022 03:00pm
@Tahmad Nothing is free there brother...!
NYS Dec 29, 2022 03:07pm
When he didn't ask for any support from gov official then why did they show this kind gesture ?????
Sher Khan Dec 29, 2022 03:36pm
What if Firdous Jamal go to Shaukat Khanam Hospital for Treatment and donate this money to the Hospital because that's the ONLY World Class Hospital for Cancer Treatment NOT the Sharifs Complex?
Amer Ijaz Khan Dec 29, 2022 03:55pm
Praying to Almighty for your health, Jamaal sahib.
MAK Dec 29, 2022 04:21pm
It is fascinating that someone who is herself an unknown personality can cancel an acting giant like Firdous Jamal.
FAZ Dec 29, 2022 04:30pm
Even such great actors in this country are dependent on aid for survival. Pathetic!
Cye Dec 29, 2022 04:41pm
Start health card and give money to everyone.
Ahsan Gul Dec 29, 2022 05:05pm
Hopefully, Shebaz has from his own bank accounts.
Asif Dec 29, 2022 05:52pm
Does this show equal treatment of all cancer patients in Pakistan ?
Aamir Latif Dec 29, 2022 07:16pm
Excellent gesture by government , pray for Firdaus Jamals recovery...
well-wisher Dec 29, 2022 07:50pm
Why is FJ more important than ordinary PK cancer patient?
Rashid Dec 29, 2022 08:00pm
Why can't we simply have subsidized medical treatment for anyone in need?
Syed Hasni Dec 29, 2022 08:06pm
Firdous Jamal is a legendary artist, Government should make sure to make arrangement that he is able to beat cancer. It makes more sense now of his outburst on Mahira, probably due to his illness.
Shakil Dec 29, 2022 08:51pm
Is it PMs own money or it is tax payers money? Did he ask the tax payers if he could use their money for “his” kind gesture. This not how democratic governments work.
Freedom Dec 29, 2022 09:25pm
@Ahsan Gul absolutely not
Tuk Dec 29, 2022 10:19pm
Did Shaukat Khanum not offer him free treatment?? So much for IK'S charity!!
Adeel Babar Dec 29, 2022 10:19pm
@Ali my nana got free treatment there. We were a white collar family with 2 sudden deaths of male members back to back. SKMH gave helped my mom and gave my nana free treatment, during the most serious crisis on our family. Please don't spread disinformation
Ibrahim S Dec 30, 2022 02:16am
There should be a comprehensive health care system for all citizen . Please study how civilized countries have uniform healthcare systems for all citizens. Don’t they pay taxes, income tax, property tax, sales tax. We shower tomb of dead Saints to feed the corrupt custodian , while ignore to pay taxes . Don’t blame government or public , there is no such thing as a free lunch . Work hard , play hard and live comfortably.
Roko Dec 30, 2022 03:31am
Imran Khan didn't offer free treatment to him. Strange!
Riki Dec 30, 2022 03:33am
@Sher Khan because you don't know the truth of SKMH
Rafik Dec 30, 2022 03:34am
@Rashid we did have, imran khan gov scrapped it.
Ma Dec 30, 2022 04:32am
We are making it sound like PM gave the money from his pocket. the crooks only know how to take, not in the habit if giving
Ahmed Dec 30, 2022 05:03am
It is people of Pakistan money. Not coming from prime minister personal wallet
AmjadKhan Dec 30, 2022 05:38am
Great news but a humble request to our artist community that when they are at prime of life and making lot of money spend wisely invest for future by making some wise investments and stay away from not so clean habits. You should take pride by NOT looking towards handouts from Govt.
Anonymouseee Dec 30, 2022 06:19am
Did the prime minister give this money from his own pocket or from tax payers money.
Shahid Dec 30, 2022 06:49am
It only happens In banana republics that the government can award such big amounts to a person of their choice and not because he is entitled to it. Why a poor worker should not be paid an equal amount too from the tax money as paid to Mr. Firdous Jamal. Or is it that the famous and the rich are legally entitled to such supports? After all, this is not Shahbaz Sharif's inherited money.