
Malala joins campaign group Action for Afghanistan to march for freedom of Afghan women and girls

Malala joins campaign group Action for Afghanistan to march for freedom of Afghan women and girls

The Nobel laureate and activist called on the UK and powerful countries to do more to help them.
28 Nov, 2022

In a world that seeks to suppress women, Malala refuses to back down and now she is working hard to make sure no woman has to cut her wings to survive. The Nobel laureate and activist joined a march to fight for the freedom of Afghan women.

On Sunday, she shared photos from the march and wrote, “We must stand against the Taliban’s oppression — and against any government or leader who refuses to step up and confront gender persecution while women and girls fight alone. Today I joined Action for Afghanistan in London to march for Afghan women and girls — and to call on the UK and other powerful countries to do more to help them.”

According to The Guardian, thousands of people were expected to take to London’s streets on Sunday calling on the UK government to create a safe asylum route for Afghan women and girls at risk.

The key asks of the march organised by campaign group Action for Afghanistan are listed on their website. They include a global summit for Afghan women, UK negotiations with the Taliban centring the fundamental human rights of Afghan women and asylum and resettlement route for Afghan women at risk.

The march for freedom for Afghan women and girls in London followed members of Parliament (MPs) appealing to foreign secretary, James Cleverly, for a renewed focus on women and girls at risk after Britain’s 20-year campaign in the country.

“The Afghan relocations and assistance policy scheme simply isn’t working, and there isn’t a dedicated route for women and girls,” said the Liberal Democrat MP Wendy Chamberlain. “That programme has been lost in the narrative around Ukraine, but also lost in the narrative around small boats.

“We have gotten to the stage where the Afghanistan situation is in the too-difficult basket and those who worked with and supported the UK and other troops over the last two decades have been left behind.”


M. Saeed Nov 28, 2022 02:47pm
Malala is the strongest catalyst for the universal female education and progress in humanity.
M. Saeed Nov 28, 2022 02:51pm
Man and woman are the two wheels of a cart of development that must be equal, to move forward in progress and development. Even if they are slightly unequal, the cart of the human destiny cannot move forward and would only move in a circle, to ever remain at the same place, only moving in that circle.
Anonymouseee Nov 28, 2022 02:56pm
When is she returning home from UK as she promised. It’s been years now.
Nasir Nov 28, 2022 03:16pm
Please go into Afghanistan and do a dialogue with Mullah's . Chanting slogans in cozy environment is useless or self publicity to make money.
Azhar Nov 28, 2022 03:17pm
Great work. More power to you Malala.
John Jackson Nov 28, 2022 03:23pm
Hire to protest PVT LTD.
Usman Ullah Khan Nov 28, 2022 03:39pm
Malala is the strongest representation of victim mentality with nothing tangible to offer.
Hkiahs Nov 28, 2022 03:44pm
Time pass lady totally fake creation of the WEST
German Janoo. Nov 28, 2022 04:08pm
Her test is coming back to Pakistan. Anyone can give speeches. Face the real world, and come to Pakistan.
Cye Nov 28, 2022 04:08pm
Say something for Palestinians too. Or UK told you not to say anything?
Zak see Nov 28, 2022 04:27pm
In a world that seeks to suppress women, Malala refuses to back down and now she is working hard to make sure no woman has to cut her wings to survive. The Nobel laureate and activist joined a march to fight for the freedom of Afghan women. She has never marched for women and children of Kashmir, IIOJK under brutal indian occupation or Palistine?
Karachiite Nov 28, 2022 04:30pm
Why don't she start a campaign for release of Afghanistan's assets illegally freeze by western countries.
Henchi Nov 28, 2022 04:39pm
She could be the next PM of Pakistan.
Malik Nov 28, 2022 04:39pm
Now she is destined to a mission for which she has been groomed by evil conspirators. Now she will lead to create unrest in fragile afghan society giving an excuse to her masters for the in neferius designs.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Nov 28, 2022 04:55pm
Joke of the century?
Shaun Nov 28, 2022 04:56pm
Malala must go to Afghanistan and protest.
Fazal Nov 28, 2022 05:20pm
@Anonymouseee she will never unless her masters give them some agenda for her return... Hypocrite & fraud Malala
Quang Nov 28, 2022 05:25pm
For a second I thought this “poster woman for Western whitewashing war on terror” did a honest effort on the ground for the girls in the region. How very safe and convenient to hold a placard and get photographed in London.
Fazal Nov 28, 2022 05:27pm
@Anonymouseee never unless there masters gave her some agenda,,, hypocrite & fraud Malala
David Nov 28, 2022 05:28pm
An implanted and imposed future leader. We will never accept you.
Fast comment Nov 28, 2022 05:57pm
Malala Foundation is doing excellent job in UK, USA, and elsewhere. Well done. Keep it up.
Raja Nov 28, 2022 06:12pm
@Anonymouseee she will probably return when the time will be right for her promoters to launch her as next PM of Pakistan
Rajo Nov 28, 2022 06:34pm
I know they are going to steal money from these poor afghans
Syed Nov 28, 2022 07:00pm
More propaganda to make more money from the west.
Wahab UK Nov 28, 2022 07:16pm
A western puppet.
gt Nov 28, 2022 07:41pm
She should go live in there rather lecturing from England
Tim Nov 28, 2022 08:35pm
@Fazal Why are you jealous of her? She has done much more than all your privileged politicians and elites who enjoy trolling her from their palaces.
TimeToMovveOn Nov 28, 2022 11:42pm
You hatred for your own, is the reason that the country is in a downfall
Glen D'Abreo Nov 29, 2022 05:15am
Lets face it Malala is not loved in Pakistan. Her detractors vary there are some who are just jealous, others join the conspiracy circus saying her father wanted UK residency he planned this sad incident. Others think she is a WEST plant to make Pakistan look back. But they never answer this burning question how did you allow Malala or any other child be shot at going to school. her detractors need to answer why they could not protect them or any other of Gods angels.
Syed Nadeem Nov 29, 2022 05:56am
The US is planning to deport 80,000 Afghans because many did not qualify for evacuation and they are mostly young men, and guess where they will end? In Pakistan... Because there are no direct flights to Afghanistan. Pakistan must make sure not to take a single one. We are full.
Asif Nov 29, 2022 06:12am
Here to see Malala haters getting all salty. Not disappointed by the turnout
Zia Nov 29, 2022 06:49am
Please speak for Palestinian girls , can you ??
Chawnti Nov 29, 2022 06:56am
She should personally go to Afghanistan and lead the march.
A.D. Raja Nov 29, 2022 07:37am
All you always vilifying Malala, I would ask how you would feel coming back to Pakistan, the Land of the so-called Pure, after being shot in the head by a bunch of neanderthal illiterate "mullahs". Yea I'm sure you would want to come back. 99% of Pakistanis would do anything to get out of here for Western countries that you bad mouth. If I offer you a permanent visa to the U.K or U.S., every single one of you would dance in joy. Hypocrites. You're just jealous of Malala cause she's smarter than all of you and a fighter. Dawn please publish my comment.
Azad Nov 29, 2022 08:08am
She doesn’t join any group for Kashmiri women? The ones facing lockdown since august 2019!
Hanna Nov 29, 2022 08:20am
As usual!criminal silence from Taliban Khan niazi and his supporters on the issue of severe human rights violations against women and girls in Afghanistan
John Cool Nov 29, 2022 08:22am
@Anonymouseee "When is she returning home from UK as she promised. It’s been years now." UK is her home. She is a British citizen.
John Cool Nov 29, 2022 08:26am
@German Janoo. "Her test is coming back to Pakistan. Anyone can give speeches. Face the real world, and come to Pakistan." And get shot by misogynist and Bigots.
John Cool Nov 29, 2022 08:29am
@Karachiite "Why don't she start a campaign for release of Afghanistan's assets illegally freeze by western countries." Why don't you. At least she is doing something unlike you.
John Cool Nov 29, 2022 08:30am
@Cye "Say something for Palestinians too. Or UK told you not to say anything?" Say it yourself.
Zeeshan Nov 29, 2022 08:44am
Backward mullahs in Afghanistan dont care about women or females. Its just an object for them.
Pro. Jamhoor Nov 29, 2022 09:30am
external pressures haven't worked so far try money as the Afghan government is cash-strapped
Asif Nov 29, 2022 10:40am
Not again.
Shoaib manzoor Nov 29, 2022 11:08am
She is work of Jewish agenda, our womens is so happy our Life
Parsa Nov 29, 2022 11:58am
@Syed Nadeem Two weekly flights arrive from Kabul to Doha full of Afghans that are being resettled in America. Don’t worry, Afghans are coming to America and Canada not Pakistan.
Parsa Nov 29, 2022 12:00pm
Bravo Malala! Keep on keeping on and let the haters hate.
Fastrack Nov 29, 2022 12:34pm
Nothing for Uighurs?