
27 Nov, 2022

Adnan Siddiqui wanted a debate on the national anthem and he definitely got one. On Friday, the actor posed a question on Instagram — Is it appropriate to take creative liberties with our national anthem? He ended up starting a rather lengthy debate with fellow actor Sajal Aly on Instagram stories.

In case you missed it, Siddiqui was talking about a rendition of the national anthem performed on Thursday night by Shehzad Roy and Wahab Bugti at the Lux Style Awards. He didn’t like the creative liberties taken with the musical composition, which made use of traditional instruments rather than the customary ones used for the national anthem.

At the end of his post, he asked for people’s thoughts and boy, did he get some.

One of the people to respond to his post was Aly, his co-star from Mom and Ye Dil Mera. “Pakistan’s diversity makes it beautiful. A rendition of the national anthem that is inclusive of historically marginalised groups is far more patriotic than imposing a rigid and unitary idea of how to show love for our country and its people,” she wrote on her Instagram stories.

“Let us stop policing how we express our patriotism: our Constitution celebrates the many ethnicities, languages and cultures that exist in the country. When will we do the same?” she said, tagging Siddiqui.

“‘Historically marginalised groups’ can express their patriotic sentiment without meddling with the originality of our national honour. I am not throwing shade on the ‘ethnicity’ of the artist involved or theirs or anyone’s patriotism,” replied Siddiqui in a follow-up story. “My grouse is with the nonchalance and creative over-enthusiasm towards the national anthem. Sajal Aly maybe you’d like to revisit the post because you seem to have missed the point,” he wrote.

“There is protocol to be followed for national symbols, respect accorded to them so much so that the first alphabet of national symbols are written in upper case. What next because we are creative and should celebrate diversity? Hoist the National Flag upside down and design our own version of the Emblem?” asked Siddiqui.

Of course, this didn’t end the debate. “As a Pakistani and an artist, I found the diversity of my country reflected in this rendition of the national anthem beautiful. I found it healing,” wrote Aly.

“Shehzad Roy and Wahab Bugti broke no law. They breached no protocol. Their rendition reflected the values of our Constitution and remained true to the original anthem. You asked for thoughts These are mine. Feel free to disagree,” she said, tagging Siddiqui.

Siddiqui’s next story read: “In simple English, I did NOT mention either the artists or their ethnicity. Why stoke unnecessary controversy when there is none? Peace out.”

The next response came from surprising quarters — Farhan Saeed. “Adnan Siddiqui I really respect you and know that you never do anything which in anyway is to hurt someone or just to gain points. You probably felt it. But Khuda ka Wasta [for God’s sake], the last thing we want is to add another thing in ‘not to do’ lists of Pakistan. This is beautiful, enjoy it,” he implored. And so finished this rather lengthy debate that probably could have been had over WhatsApp or a cup of chai.

It seems that they’ve decided to leave it at this but at least their debate made for an interesting read this weekend.


Sulaiman Dhanani Nov 27, 2022 12:51pm
This is to stay in the headlines. Cheap approches to prove of being relevant
Hamid Nov 27, 2022 01:01pm
Adnan is absolutely right and on the point
Salim Nov 27, 2022 01:31pm
Just a note, do other countries meddle with their National Anthem?
jsav12 Nov 27, 2022 02:41pm
Another instance of "do things how I like them , everything else is banned". Amazing.
Tanvir Khan Nov 27, 2022 04:15pm
..........were beefing on Instagram over the national anthem.... in their native lingua FARSI!!!
Fsb Nov 27, 2022 04:52pm
Have you ever heard the anthum being sung in schools. Every child has his own rendition. Follow the spirit, don't get bogged down in semantics.
Yah ya Nov 27, 2022 05:17pm
Adnan is absolutely right. You can be creative but national anthem is one thing where you should not alter it or use it for experiment. Certain things should remain untouched.
Wahab UK Nov 27, 2022 05:44pm
No other country remix their national anthem.
John Nov 27, 2022 06:54pm
sajal is so cute
Irfan Huq Nov 27, 2022 08:52pm
National anthem is not even in national language. The entire thing is in persian except one word " kaa". As long as the tempo,the Notes are kept as originals there's nothing wrong in using other instruments. However making a mess of the rhythm in the name of diversity or using a lot of different instruments instead of a brass will be a disrespect. Most countries do not Interfere with the originals except the instruments of change
Syed Hasni Nov 27, 2022 09:43pm
I know how to stop all these beefing ! Play the national anthem, they'll all sit down.
Fast comment Nov 27, 2022 10:16pm
Uncle Adnan shouldn’t mind baby’s comments.
rahila Nov 27, 2022 11:06pm
for the first time, i agree 100% with Adnan Siddiqui. dont mess with the national anthem. as for shahzad roy, remember he used music with La ilaha Illallah, he can stoop to lowest just to get fame.
asma Nov 28, 2022 12:26am
@Irfan Huq The presence of that word "ka" means that the national anthem is actually in Urdu. Languages are not a collection of words. They are instead characterised by the grammar, the rules governing sentence structure, pronouns, verb formation etc etc. All of the words used in the national anthem are also used in Urdu. Going by your argument, actually the word "sulatanat", "qom", are not even persian, they are arabic. Why did nobody then say that the national anthem is in arabic?
Mujeebur Rehman Nov 28, 2022 01:12am
She definitely missed out on Adnan's message. Any one can easily grasp, Adnan was not undermining those who applied their innovation in the wrong place and Adnan wanted to maintain the originality of the national anthem. My take on this is totally on the language used by Adnan and Sajal.
Zoob Nov 28, 2022 07:28am
@Tanvir Khan If these Pak generations get their hands they will add english words and corrupt it - like they have done to Urdu. Beautiful words but mockery with useless firangi alfaz. Kooh haad nahi rahi..... Taste... Use... etc.
Queen Nov 28, 2022 08:24am
Adnan Siddiqui is on point this time.
Spam Nov 28, 2022 10:24am
Ad should again get a photo with sharif and continue to sell sharif and co scam of heavy bike tires,
FM Nov 28, 2022 10:50am
@Hamid - How ? ? ? Adnan offered no valid argument / reason - just an opinion - and a weird one too for that matter !