
‘The unkind commentary never ends’: Mahira Khan hits back at criticism for attending HUM Awards, Mira Sethi shows support

‘The unkind commentary never ends’: Mahira Khan hits back at criticism for attending HUM Awards, Mira Sethi shows support

Khan said she will continue to do her part and if it makes someone happy, she'll take photos too but then it'll be labelled "showing off doing charity".
30 Sep, 2022

Celebrities have been subjected to heavy criticism online for attending an award show abroad at a time when Pakistan has been hit by widespread and devastating floods. A few days ago, some celebrities clarified that the HUM Awards were donating some of the proceeds from the event, but the people who attended were still called out, Mahira Khan being one of many. Now, the Superstar actor has responded to the “unkind commentary”.

On Friday, the actor took to Twitter and responded to someone who had mocked her by saying that if she gave four of her dresses away to the flood affectees, everything would be okay. In response, Khan said “it’s never okay for us — the artists of your country! I have and will continue to do my part.”

She retorted that if it makes them happy, she could take photos but then it would be “showing off doing charity”. Khan added, “unkind commentary never ends. You do you. I will do me.”

Actor-cum-author Mira Sethi also dropped by to show support for Khan and said that she agrees with her. She described her own relief efforts in Balochistan and said she “tremblingly shared photos for fear of ‘showing off good deeds’”. She added that she knows Khan well and her brand Mashion that have been raising funds for flood affectees but she hasn’t advertised it.

A week ago actors, Ushna Shah, Ahmed Ali Butt, Zhalay Sarhadi, Mariyam Nafees and model Nadia Hussain defended those in attendance, saying they are just doing “their job”. Some highlighted the Gala night that the channel hosted prior to the award show for relief efforts, while others drew attention towards the proceeds from the event that were donated to people affected by the funds. Some celebrities asked people to focus more on the donations rather than what stars were up to.

On the work front, Khan has The Legend of Maula Jatt slated to hit theatres nationwide on October 13 alongside Hamza Ali Abbasi, Fawad Khan, Humaima Mallick, Gohar Rasheed and more. She will be seen side by side with Fawad in Neelofar as well.


funnyman Sep 30, 2022 03:04pm
The hypocrisy when these 3rd class actors who willingly and voluntarily danced and partied in another country while their own country drowns
Armagan Sep 30, 2022 03:11pm
the critics have nothing to offer other than a moan, they could just as easily have done something for the flood victims themselves with that energy.
Zak Sep 30, 2022 03:19pm
The people who make comments should first introspect to see whether they have done anything for flood relief themselves, have their daily routine changed?
Waheed Sep 30, 2022 03:49pm
Nothing wrong in going to awards but should have post phoned for few months, this was the right think to do.
funnyman Sep 30, 2022 04:20pm
Bo hoo We are deeply hurt that Pakistani citizens expect us to use our influence and our money to help Pakistanis displaced and affected by worst floods of Pakistan's history. We are more hurt when we are scolded for just dancing and partying and holding awards shows when 33 million Pakistanis are devastated by floods. We have said before and say this again. Our thoughts and prayers are with Pakistani families. Shame on Malala for not doing enough to help Pakistanis displaced by floods. Sending our love from HUM Awards Your beloved, Pakistani Celebrities P.S. Quit whining. In two months you all will forget this and will continue adoring us and watching our films and our dramas
NoVoice Sep 30, 2022 05:19pm
You 'stars' comment on every topic under the sun and get your opinions (irrelevant as they are) published through your PR agents. When public comments on your double standards, you feel aggrieved?
Ping Sep 30, 2022 06:24pm
What happened? Mira seems to be put off about something, and oldish.
Ehsan Sep 30, 2022 06:38pm
Our men have a serious mental disorder
Ali B Sep 30, 2022 06:39pm
What were these so called celebrities celebrating about.
Pan Cheng Sep 30, 2022 06:41pm
When Aurangzeb having coffee in London: PM n Fm stay 5 starts at New York! whats wrong if M.Khan in evening dress at Hum gala. Hell with flood victims - After all Angela Jolie their to meet their needs! Well done Hum awards. Hum should get Nishan e Imtiaz.
M. Saeed Sep 30, 2022 07:24pm
There are innumerable ways to do a certain thing. And, people are always complaining because, they have their own ways they think, were better,
Ehsan Rafi Sep 30, 2022 09:15pm
@funnyman it's their job... Like any other person who works for his bread they too. So where their works demands they go
Asif Sep 30, 2022 09:17pm
20 odd years in the limelight, fame and money and still complaining? You know it’s part and parcel so bear it.
Launa Sep 30, 2022 09:50pm
Thanks, this website is really helpful. link
Maxx Sep 30, 2022 11:12pm
A Hollywood actress is Pakistan to stand with the flood victims and the Pakistani actors are on vacation in Canada! What a shame!
Joe Sep 30, 2022 11:12pm
@funnyman Well said!
Joe Sep 30, 2022 11:14pm
@Pan Cheng Very valid observation! What else can be expected with spoiled elite!
Pakville Sep 30, 2022 11:34pm
Why target celebs while our useless federal and provincial govts were unable to do any good while still being here.
Crusader Oct 01, 2022 01:21am
Crusader Oct 01, 2022 01:22am
@funnyman we will remember
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Oct 01, 2022 02:39am
Over aged Aunty trying her best to stay relevant again. No one cares where you were and where you are. Won't work.
Isthisreal Oct 01, 2022 03:00am
@Armagan it doesn't mean that all critics are not offering any help themselves...
TenJee Oct 01, 2022 03:55am
I think these showbiz people have talent, and to a degree a certain bravery to do what they do knowing they will draw the ire of a nation whose religious and cultural sensitivities are disturbed by their celebs' antics. It is a pity that people with such talent and devli may care attitude waste their time and efforts and talent in such ways. They could absolutely do work that would strengthen, not denigrate our culture, but they choose the path of notoriety over virtuous work. I think we are right to criticise the industry and what is stands for (vulgarity), but in our criticism we need to show these people that we are theirs and they are ours. Impossible to do over social media. I just hope they have people in their lives who can guide towards truly positive use of their talents.
Rami Oct 01, 2022 04:06am
@funnyman Did you stop doing your job? The PM spend 250,000 on USA trip with 50 peoples on pakistan funds,that is the real scandal! The artists do concerts,,fund raisers auctions things off to raised funds, this is how it is done !
Anonymouseee Oct 01, 2022 10:09am
These celebrities live in the own world, completely out of touch with reality. Shameless.