
Armeena Khan raises her voice against misuse of social media and ‘fake positivity’

Armeena Khan raises her voice against misuse of social media and ‘fake positivity’

The Janaan actor shared her thoughts on finding the perfect balance and asked people to be mindful of those who "only post about colour, rainbows, stars and unicorns."
26 Aug, 2022

Armeena Khan is wary of people who spread negativity on social media but also of those who only post only positive things.

Taking to Instagram on Thursday, the actor started off with a note about social media and the ratio between negativity and toxic positivity. “Be wary of people who spread negativity only but by the same token, be cautious around those who only post about colour, rainbows, stars and unicorns.”

She said that being human means to struggle and that means you’re going to have good days as well as bad days and that’s okay. “You’re allowed to feel, process and find solutions. Don’t let toxic positivity bring you down either — Yes, it is a thing,” she wrote, with hashtags about finding balance and how it’s okay not to be okay sometimes.

Previously, the actor raised her voice against hate comments made about how women should dress. She also answered hateful DMs thrown her way on Instagram. “As a Muslim, why are you on Instagram? I don’t understand. For example, if you don’t drink why are you in a pub? If you’re so Islamic get off this non’Muslim owned enterprise if it so offends you so and go be a ‘proper’ Muslim,” she had replied.

Another comment Khan tackled was someone pointing fingers at Pakistani actors who jump to defend Indian actors. She said she has the right to put out her opinions just as much as the users who have the right not to consume those opinions.


Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Aug 26, 2022 12:54pm
Armeena who? Looks like another failed attempt for cheap publicity. These losers will do anything to stay relevant. These self proclaimed celebrities must understand n one cares about you or your opinion. Dawn we expect better from you.
Ramay Aug 26, 2022 02:11pm
Muslim not being technology leaders are now left with following what the developed nations innovate. Such applications can be used to good effect as everything has a good and bad side. Being Muslim our character should show in everything/application we use.
Sid Aug 26, 2022 02:13pm
Or in other words stop being jealous of other people LOL
Syed Hasni Aug 26, 2022 03:05pm
Use Your Smile to Change This World, But Don’t Let the World Change Your Smile. There is nothing like Fake Positivity.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Aug 26, 2022 03:52pm
Misuse of anything and everything is bad.
Rizwan Aug 26, 2022 03:54pm
She is absolutely right… Fake and forced positivity is just as annoying as mindless negativity..
Ahmed Aug 26, 2022 05:29pm
Lets ask her if she has struggled for anything in life.
Ten Jee Aug 26, 2022 08:12pm
No one likes to be reminded of the wrong they do.
New Aug 26, 2022 10:26pm
@Ramay we still did get our own country