
South Africans discover the joys of a newfound sport — mermaiding

South Africans discover the joys of a newfound sport — mermaiding

Swimmers aged 13 to in their forties wear brightly coloured tails and hope to compete in the World Mermaid Championships in China.
04 Jun, 2022

A dozen South Africans dressed as mermaids and mermen frolic in a Johannesburg pool, mimicking the movement of the mystical sea creatures.

Mermaiding is a fast-growing sport worldwide, and now South Africa has its own school to teach it — the "Merschool".

Before diving in, students each slip on a brightly coloured fabric tail ending in a monofin.

The swimmers are black and white, from 13 years old to in their forties. They include a schoolteacher, a yoga instructor and even an accountant.

"It's lots of fun," says mermaiding instructor Izelle Nair.

"It's for fitness, it's for fun, it's for fantasy, it's therapy — but most of all, mermaiding is a sport."

In the water, students undulate up and down the pool perfecting their dolphin kicks, or practise sculling — hand movements to propel the body also used in synchronised swimming.

"We swim with a dolphin technique and we use sculling, and then we put it all together and we work out a little sequence," Nair says.

To be a mermaid — or merman — all that is required is a little technique, some breath-holding skills and a love of costumes.

Underwater, students attempt to perform a graceful aquatic backflip.

Nadia Walker, another mermaid coach from the world of synchronised swimming, says both sports have much in common.

"The back rolls, some of the warm-ups and activities that we do, come from swimming," she says.

The school hopes to send at least one contender to next year's World Mermaid Championships in China — and that one day the discipline will become an Olympic sport.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jun 04, 2022 03:50pm
Yet another Olympic sport in the making.
NYS Jun 04, 2022 04:01pm
Healthy resd
Ifti Malik Jun 04, 2022 04:07pm
How fascinating ! South Africa has the world's highest murder rate and highest street crime rate and they are busy 'mermaiding' . Good show .
Faisal Jun 04, 2022 07:24pm
Why not just wear flippers? Same effect without restricting the legs
A lige Jun 04, 2022 10:19pm
C hin Kees doing it
Umair Jun 04, 2022 10:26pm
@Ifti Malik: what are you doing to control the crime in your country?
Constantine Jun 05, 2022 12:03am
So this is a women only sport? As far as I know there are no male mermaids
Constantine Jun 05, 2022 12:05am
@Ifti Malik “South Africa has the world's highest murder rate and highest street crime rate and they are busy 'mermaiding' .”- Pakistan has the highest illiteracy but that doesn’t stop you from reading
SGA Jun 05, 2022 03:39pm
@Constantine Do you know any female mermaids?
TPA Jun 05, 2022 03:45pm
Absolutely useless
abu talib Jun 06, 2022 08:48am
Only time will make its fascinating effects.