
Indian singer Kanika Kapoor denies plagiarising Hadiqa Kiani's 'Boohey Barian'

Indian singer Kanika Kapoor denies plagiarising Hadiqa Kiani's 'Boohey Barian'

The singer told Indian media that her song is completely original and that her and the label hasn't copy-pasted any 'folk song'.
02 May, 2022

Days after being accused of copying Pakistani singer Hadiqa Kiani's music, Indian singer Kanika Kapoor has come forward with her side of story, claiming that she did not copy any "folk" song. She says it is original.

The 'Baby Doll' singer spurred a plagiarism controversy days after Kiani called her out for stealing her song 'Boohey Barian'. Kiani had taken to Instagram a few days earlier and said, "Another day and another shameless rendition of the song my mother wrote. No one asked for my permission, no one has given me royalties, they just take the song that my mother wrote and I recorded, and use it as an easy money making scheme."

In response, Kapoor told the Hindustan Times, that anyone who pays attention to the song would know that it is an "original". "From antras to everything. We have just used the hook line of an old folk song. According to me and the label, it is a folk song,” Kapoor said.

Kapoor even claims that there are many versions of the song available online that her and the label listened to and no one has said anything about them. “We have not copy-pasted any old folk song. We used two lines as inspiration. It is very unfair to the writer Kunwar Juneja and Shruti Rane who composed this new song. Also, it is unfair to me if anybody says that I am trying to steal someone’s work.”

The singer told Indian media that she has been getting a lot of hate messages and threats and she's upset how things have panned out after her song released. “It makes me sad that they think we stole their song, or are not giving them the right credit. But I think, instead of going negative, we have to come together and help each other to grow. I have nothing against anyone who is saying anything negative or nasty. I have received a lot of nasty messages. It is sad to see people jump to conclusions without really knowing something,” Kapoor said.

She even asserted, “I am not a legal person. I have no way of finding out who owns the song. I know that many versions of the song have been used for the past 15 years. To be honest, nobody knows who has made the song. There is no paperwork. I don’t know why they are seeing it today? Why didn’t they say anything when the recreations came out."

Kapoor extended an apology for upsetting anyone, saying that nobody did anything intentionally and claimed they are "credible people". "There has not been any intent of fleecing any videos or stealing anybody’s work. I feel very sorry that somebody this way about all of us. We are sorry if we upset anybody’s emotions," said the 'Luv Letter' singer, adding that she has huge respect for "Pakistani singers and music".

Kiani had vowed to take action on Instagram and said "I own all rights to 'Boohey Barian' and all songs on my album Roshni. My mother wrote the poetry.” She called Kapoor's song a “shameless rendition”. In a conversation with Indian social media platform Diet Sabya, Kiani said she never sold the rights to Saregama India, the music label under which Kapoor released her song.

"I have never sold rights to this song or any song on my Roshni album (1998). Many companies have illegally claimed my songs since in the 90s it was an easy thing to do but we are taking appropriate action to get justice not just for my songs but for the thousands of songs by Pakistani artists stolen during this time," Kiani told Diet Sabya in a screenshot shared by the page on their Instagram stories that have since then expired.

She also emphasised that she owns all the rights to her songs. "We have copyright documents dated from before Roshni came out, registered with full rights and ownership. No company or entity was ever given those masters and no company has any documents with my signature on it giving rights. I have stayed quiet for long enough," Kiani said. She also told the page that she and her team are taking action against anyone claiming her songs as their own.


Sam May 02, 2022 11:18am
The truth will come out. And if she deserves the Royalty, she will get it. Of not, she will see rotten eggs hurled at her.
Sam May 02, 2022 11:21am
Actually, I heard Boohey Barian sung in Jullunder in the Seventies and at that time, we heard that this song was written spontaneously by a group of women in Moga. Ms Kiani's version is a bit different but solar enough.
Haris May 02, 2022 11:25am
“I am not a legal person. I have no way of finding out who owns the song. " Well now you know! Now apologise and pay Ms. Kiani the damages.
Junaid May 02, 2022 11:30am
She is british singer not Indian. She is born and brought up in England and holds english passport.
Danish ahmad May 02, 2022 11:32am
Maybe now you would realize that you sang it so bad, that others find it easy to better it. Understand that influence and favoritism can bring you to the point but if you don't have talent you loose.
Najam May 02, 2022 11:34am
A non -apology apology. Shameless and pathetic
Soniye Tu Auder Te La May 02, 2022 11:35am
Kanika Kapoor is an extremely shady person. She was even arrested a few years ago, and also being investigated for tax fraud. Shame on her.
Redchilli May 02, 2022 11:37am
When its folk and old, it means anybody can sing it
NYS May 02, 2022 11:39am
Kanika saying she has taken hook line whatever it is she has to get the rights from original entity before airwaves this beat ,otherwise plagiarism in any field long debate
Propakistani May 02, 2022 11:54am
These Indians call all Pakistani songs folk songs
Hope786 May 02, 2022 12:07pm
Hadiqa is original, other singer is no match for her even after cheating.
Anuj Sethi May 02, 2022 12:09pm
Show the papers that her mother wrote the poetry. That's a folk song of Punjab.
Al Paccino May 02, 2022 12:24pm
Wow! Don't know who this Indian lady is but how come she has the guts to say that she didn't steal the song, like come on...
You are art May 02, 2022 12:26pm
What a liar thug
Anonymouseee May 02, 2022 12:47pm
Copying and plagiarism is in India’s blood. More than half of Indian movies are cheap copies of Hollywood.
Faux Preacher May 02, 2022 12:51pm
The list of Indian plagiarism of Pakistani songs is huge. They shamelessly copy Pakistani songs. This is not something happening for the first time.
Khalil May 02, 2022 12:58pm
If this isn't copying then what is. Looking at the photos, Kapoor is even trying to look like Hadiqa.... unbelievable. Of course Hadiqa is original and the best. Love you always Hadiqa.
TTA is responsible for TTP May 02, 2022 01:00pm
She has absolutely no shame, instead of apologizing, she is doubling down on her stealth, she knows exactly what they did, taking the song and pretending to have written it, who are they fooling, just listen to it and you know its ripped off a Pakistani artist, so disgusting and low.
kapatta May 02, 2022 01:02pm
Shameless thieves across the border deny stealing the intellectual property and copyright infringement. I remember when they stole Rahim Shah's song "pehlay tu kabhi kabhi gham tha" the shameless singer said "I got the lyrics in dream"
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad May 02, 2022 01:03pm
Joke of the century.
Cye May 02, 2022 01:36pm
It’s Bollywood’s nature to steal work of art, not just from Pakistan but around the world.
ST May 02, 2022 01:47pm
Its 100% plagiarism. She should apologize to Hadiqa.
Javed May 02, 2022 01:55pm
Adding insult to injury. Shameless.-Sue her.
kapatta May 02, 2022 02:02pm
@Sam any documented proof?
Bill May 02, 2022 02:03pm
She should talk to the lawyer in India and take her to the court
MangoMan May 02, 2022 02:25pm
Is it happening for the first time? So, why everyone is surprised? Whole Bollywood is an Industry of thugs run by few families and some more crooks. Music, script, movies and everything which can be copied is copied in Bollywood. And Pakistan is equally responsible because Pakistanis also have patronised this Industry in last 70 years.
Mohsin May 02, 2022 02:37pm
I doubt Hadiqa can lay claim to anything but the Verse (Asthai) of the song as the Indian producers have only used that bit. Hadiqa's version was penned by her mother who is a poet and has written all her songs. Therefore, if the song has been registered with the appropriate copyright authorities, her mother can claim a portion of the lyricist's royalties. As far as the music is concerned, the melody is an old Punjabi folk song of unknown origins so she cannot claim any portion of that.
Sunny May 02, 2022 02:40pm
@Propakistani And whats wrong with folk songs. Be human and have some humility, and dont degrade people from villages. I am proud of folksongs. Thats culture... looks like people in India and Pakistan were born british.
Thinking May 02, 2022 02:42pm
This is similar to priety Zinta, Arjun rampal song Dil lagaa liya maine tumse pyaar karke which released in 2002
Sid May 02, 2022 02:42pm
@Junaid so?
Sid May 02, 2022 02:44pm
@Faux Preacher if you were so talented, half the south asia would be listening to your songs. Didn't happen. Sorry, not so talented.
Sid May 02, 2022 02:44pm
Keep grooving Kanika, we love you.
Mohsin May 02, 2022 02:47pm
Indian producers are very good taking original songs and changing parts of the music. In the case of English and songs in other languages, the lyrics aren't a problem, but they have to be careful with Urdu and Punjabi songs because most lyrics of Indian songs are in Urdu. They've been at it since the forties and they'll do it in future. Copyright law is a very complicated affair. All the best to Hadiqa.
Saniaa May 02, 2022 03:00pm
Here Kanika is oppressed by modi regime. She was arrested by bjp government. Now she is a british citizen.
M. Saeed May 02, 2022 03:21pm
Even, she (Kanika Kapoor) has copied the make-up, hairstyle, dress style and even pose of Hadiqa in the header picture above, besides the very obvious same title of the film, "Bohe Bariyan".
Fastrack May 02, 2022 03:24pm
Old Classic folk songs are not Hadiqa Kianis or anybody's private property.
Zak May 02, 2022 03:26pm
Those who steal and pirate entire Bollywood movies are so worried about recreation of just 1 folk song by Indians.
M. Saeed May 02, 2022 03:26pm
They even copy the whole film stories complete with matching names and directions. Example Naukar Bivi Ka and Naukar Wohti da , Punjabi, Pakistani film of Munnawar Zarif .
Vish May 02, 2022 04:07pm
Don't believe this Kapoor lady. She has definitely copied this Pakistani song as have so many Bollywood 'music directors'.
humayun nayab May 02, 2022 04:21pm
It’s hadiqa’s song- Even you copy the music and lyrics both not just poetry or words-
UMM-E-RUMAN May 02, 2022 04:49pm
Miss Kanika Kapoor, if this isn't plagiarism#CopyPasting, we don't know what is
Javed May 02, 2022 05:04pm
It’s unbelievable how clearly she is lying. No one knew this song until Hadiq Kiani released in 90s. This song was used in wedding for over 2 decades everyone knew Hadiqa Kiani sang this song.
Javed May 02, 2022 05:06pm
Indians always copy Pakistani songs and deny it. It’s amazing they haven’t touched any of the Coke Studio songs Yet? But soon they will copy it.
Javed May 02, 2022 05:07pm
BJP leader copied Pakistani army patriot song and when called out he denied it. Such is the condition of India.
ZKhan May 02, 2022 05:08pm
@Al Paccino Because she did not steal the song. The song is old Punjabi folk song.
Javed May 02, 2022 05:12pm
All Punjabi Folk songs are from Pakistan.
Masood May 02, 2022 05:27pm
Shameless copying Unbelievable !!!!!
SAM May 02, 2022 06:08pm
@Khalil HAHAHAHAH OR is it that Hadiqaa is trying to look like her. Or most likely they just happen to look alike?
SAM May 02, 2022 06:09pm
@kapatta No Kapatta sir, no proof. Just memory. You can decide to not believe me and that is fine.
Ehsan May 02, 2022 11:22pm
If this is not a copy than what is
shubs May 03, 2022 03:57am
@Propakistani "These Indians call all Pakistani songs folk songs " "These Indians" also find "those Pakistanis" claiming everything as theirs - maybe it's part of their upbringing.
noor May 03, 2022 06:40am
Kanika Kapoor is a bad singer. Her song is a bad copy.
Khan May 03, 2022 08:46am
What a liar !
Shaun May 03, 2022 11:07am
Only the Pakistani people don't lie.
Tadka May 03, 2022 11:24am
@noor she is better looking if that matters or the below comment I know that many versions of the song have been used for the past 15 years. To be honest, nobody knows who has made the song. There is no paperwork. I don’t know why they are seeing it today? Why didn’t they say anything when the recreations came out."
TPA May 03, 2022 04:48pm
Pakistan has no talent
Aiza May 03, 2022 10:43pm
DNA from Peshawar and songs from Lahore that's Bollywood for you! ;)
SKF May 04, 2022 03:22am
White lie and that too outspoken!
SKF May 04, 2022 03:29am
She is a shameless copy cat. Her song Jugni is a copy paste of Arif Lohar song. Pakistani cinema should sue her for copying Pakistani songs without paying or persmission!
Joythi May 04, 2022 08:42am
@Propakistani Actually many of them are folk songs. I have heard boohe bariyaan in India Punjab as a kid before Kiani’s song. Kiani copied a folk song, even the music is folk and claimed it as her own creation!!!!
Raj kumar May 04, 2022 10:10am
@Anonymouseee but actors and singer from yr country make a beeline to get an entry. Tell them not to come.
Raj kumar May 04, 2022 10:12am
@Javed And your official language is Urdu.I mean really.