
19 Mar, 2022

Actor and British royal Meghan Markle's former Cuts costar Simon Rex confirmed that the UK media had approached him, willing to pay as much as $70,000 for fabricated stories about his 'relationship' with Markle.

Before Markle and Prince Harry stepped down from from their royal positions as Duchess and Duke of Sussex in early 2020, they faced a difficult time where the British media was concerned. Markle was the target of racism and disparaging comments that harmed her mental health. She even took legal action and won a privacy claim against UK tabloids for printing extracts of a letter she wrote to her father. The defamatory nature of the British media was exposed further after Rex shared his experience.

Markle and Rex appeared on a TV show called Cuts in 2005. Rex said on the Hollywood Raw podcast that “Nothing happened. We never even kissed. We hung out once in a very non-datey way. She was just someone I had met on a TV show and we got lunch. That was the extent of it."

He said he was offered money to exaggerate their platonic interaction. "When that story broke, a couple British tabloids offered to pay me a lot of money to say a lie that we actually hooked up. I said no to a lot of money because I didn’t feel right lying and f*****g up the royal f*****g family."

Rex didn't name the tabloids in question, but said, "It was a lot of money man, I think they offered me like $70,000."

He retweeted the news, confirming the story. "This is true. And I framed the thank you letter she wrote me. She has very nice penmanship btw," he wrote.

Markle and Harry revealed the racist undertones with which the royal family operates in 2021. The Suits star confessed to being driven to the brink of suicide because of the way she was treated. The racist behaviour has not been restricted to Markle — there were also claims that Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, had questioned what the skin tone of Prince Harry and Markle's child would be. He has denied the claim.

The couple welcomed their daughter Lilibet in June 2021 and are leading private lives in North America, having deleted their social media accounts due to the "sexism and racism" of trolls.


Vijay B. Mar 19, 2022 02:06pm
Such a pity. The Brits just cannot stomach the idea of one of their Royal princes marrying a lady of color although she is better looking than most of their royal clan.
Tenjee Mar 19, 2022 02:28pm
For decades the UK newspapers have controlled political and social discourse, have committed many criminal offences and printed uncountable lies for profit and for political purposes. They are a wretched breed. Their hypocritical propaganda machine is I'm full swing. It is not just the tabloids but even the broadsheets who play this game. Having learnt the games they play has made some of us more vigilant to what our media here is up to.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 19, 2022 02:35pm
Once a cheater, always a fraudster, swindler and trickster.
Rian Mar 19, 2022 02:59pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Read the whole article and ...hang on tough
noor Mar 19, 2022 03:24pm
MM's actions speak louder than any tabloid, fake or true story. She is a typical wannabe, a toxic social climbing gold digger who grabbed Royal Handbag and took him to Hollywood to have money, fame, status and privileged existence without any duty or culture. What has the prince got out of this marriage? Bills he is struggling to pay, while she has gotten a 50mil mansion, 100mil media deals and a platform and instant name recognition. She was given everything by royals but it wasn't enough because she wanted to flaunt her fortune in U.S. like a typical C-lister.
Tadka Mar 19, 2022 03:33pm
Only scandals are a hit on social media
Scary Mar 19, 2022 03:44pm
Probably the nicest couple in the royals. They have been subjected to crucifixion from the start. The British press thrives on lies and scandals.
Nada Mar 19, 2022 03:44pm
She is divorced so she has already had “at least” one if not many more relationships before Harry. Anyways Harry is no angel himself. She definitely doesn’t compare to Kate in any way ..who has given much much more to the royals, her husband and the country in services and truely dwarfs Meghan !
Cye Mar 19, 2022 04:00pm
The brits can not and will not digest that one of their royals is half black.
Syed Hafeez Imran Mar 20, 2022 05:18am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad and WHO is that
Zulfiqar Mar 20, 2022 07:45am
@noor is he a 5 year old kid? He doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t wanna do.
LOL Mar 21, 2022 06:37pm
They want her inner secrets.