
Sharmila Faruqi initiates legal action against 'shameless' Nadia Khan for video of her mother

Sharmila Faruqi initiates legal action against 'shameless' Nadia Khan for video of her mother

The TV show host made a video 'complimenting' Anisa Faruqi's makeup, something Sharmila took great offence to.
Updated 20 Jan, 2022

TV show host Nadia Khan has once again landed in hot water, this time for making a video with Anisa Faruqi, the mother of PPP leader Sharmila Faruqi, in which she "complimented" her makeup and sense of style. Though this would ordinarily seem like a perfectly nice thing to do, this video didn't seem to have been made with the intentions of being entirely complimentary. Sharmila didn't think it was either.

She called it a mockery and said she will be taking legal action against Khan for it. On Thursday evening, Sharmila filed a case against Khan with the FIA.

The video has been doing the rounds on social media and was shared by an Instagram page called Centre Stage. The politician commented on the video and wrote, "She’s a shameless woman, I’m reporting her to cybercrime officially."

It seems like Khan met Anisa at a wedding. "Who does your makeup, it's so beautiful?" she asks the politician's mother, who responded that she does it herself. The host-cum-actor then asked where she learnt to do makeup and Anisa credited her daughter.

Khan commented on her dressing sense, jewellery and makeup and asked when she started carrying herself the way she does. Anisa answered her questions with grace and dignity, but her daughter was not ready to let Khan's probing questions slide.

Sharmila addressed the fiasco on her Instagram Stories on Thursday and thanked everyone for their support.

"I, for one will never sit back and allow any person to ridicule/mock any woman may it be my mother or yours. It's unfortunate to see a woman gibe at another woman, that too an elderly lady who lost her husband 95 days ago. I will be personally going and filing the complaint at the FIA cyber Crime head office at 3pm today," Sharmila wrote.

"To all my well wishers expecting me to take a gibe at Nadia Khan's personal polygamy and professional shenanigans, I won't be doing that, simply because that's not how I have been brought up by my parents," she wrote, refusing to sink to that level.

Sharmila also said that she respects every individual's "personal struggle, private and professional life" and would not "stoop to the low levels most people do." She highlighted that this will be taken up as per law and that she would "leave the rest to God".

At around 5pm, Sharmila posted a picture of herself at the FIA office, filing the complaint against Khan.

On the surface Khan's video may not seem anything to get angry at — one woman seemingly complimenting another. However, it is clear that the video wasn't made with the best of intentions. Anisa has the right to dress as she pleases and no one should be trying to shame or mock her for it. If her makeup style isn't to your taste, don't do your makeup like that. To make a video clearly mocking an elderly woman is horrible and crass.

Khan should be held accountable for this decision. It's about time we realise that we don't need to poke our noses everywhere and comment directly or indirectly on other people's appearances.

We're glad Sharmila is holding Khan accountable and hope that people learn from this and stop commenting on and making fun of people.


Jawed Sheikh Jan 20, 2022 03:48pm
Stand by you, Sharmila. Nobody has the right to poke their noses into other peoples personal choices
Moiz Jan 20, 2022 03:51pm
Conversation between Nadia and Sharmila mother is within the boundaries of decency. Nothing wrong with it.
Nads Jan 20, 2022 04:00pm
Respect your elders not make fun of them, good sharmila made her sharminda!
ABE Jan 20, 2022 04:01pm
Hard to believe that Nadia Khan actually complimented the lady on her make up or style! I mean, just look....
uccama Jan 20, 2022 04:01pm
Ready to rip apart anyone, doing best what PPPP knows best.
Haroona Gul Jan 20, 2022 04:24pm
I have always found this woman very irritating and immoral. Her mocking an elderly woman didn't surprise me at all. She wouldn't even know she's done anything wrong because she has done it according to her level.
Jetinder Patel Jan 20, 2022 04:25pm
Totally understand the hurt and anger felt by shamilla. But no crime is committed by commenting on someone's look. Also shamilla got even by commenting on khan's private life which was a bit hypocritical.
Mahmood Jan 20, 2022 04:26pm
It was no doubt, a tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, which some missed completely! Though, to broadcast it to the entire world at the expense of the unsuspecting subject, is crossing the line.
DJ Ghafoora Jan 20, 2022 04:26pm
On the surface, the words sounded complimentary. The court has no way to ascertain what Nida's real intentions were (despite the fact that she has acted stupidly with other people in the past). Sharmila won't get anything out of it.
NYS Jan 20, 2022 04:27pm
Sarcastic mockery upon elderly lady ,Nadia can go such height to get rating shameful attitude
AHMAD KHAN Jan 20, 2022 04:27pm
Shame on Nadia Khan she should respect elders...
Yawar Jan 20, 2022 04:37pm
Very unfortunate and sad. But seems like an honest mistake on the part of Nadia Khan.
Kashif Malik Jan 20, 2022 04:41pm
Though I am not aligned with Sharmila's polictial views, I support her in her recent stand. Nadia should not rocord video of her mother. None of us has any right to exploit the simplicity of other.
Ali Mehdi Jan 20, 2022 04:46pm
There’s nothing wrong with the interview. I don’t if it is the interview or is it something else whose debris is falling on Nadia. Take it easy Sharmila.
M. Saeed Jan 20, 2022 04:50pm
The the talk was normal but the complete package turned out to be not appreciative, as Sharmila Faruqi would have liked.
Kusmo Dar Jan 20, 2022 05:04pm
Sadly This is the culture IK has brought to Pakistan
A Jan 20, 2022 05:04pm
What the hell is "Personal Polygamy ? " What part of that is not a personal attack.
Falcon1 Jan 20, 2022 05:06pm
I would be surprised if any well-respected lawyer will even take this case seriously and file even a claim. What damage did this video cause and how does one monetize it?? Which judge will even entertain the complaint, except laugh after reading the petition?
abu Jan 20, 2022 05:06pm
nice makeup
pakeezah Jan 20, 2022 05:09pm
Bravo Sharmila. It is about time someone took action against illiterate uncivilized bully but a Muhallah aunty favorite Nadia. I clearly remember how she had ruined Pakistan's reputation in UAE by filming such videos without consent.
Zahid Usman Jan 20, 2022 05:13pm
Sharmila is the one actually being a bully. She has already attached Nadia personally for example attaching "Personal polygammy" and "Professional shenanigans", "stoop low" etc. She is alleging that Nadia is mocking but she is not. I think Sharmila is reflecting on her self.
Goldenspoon Jan 20, 2022 05:14pm
But the question remains why she does her makeup the way she does it? It looks odd.
Roomi Jan 20, 2022 05:16pm
I do not see a legal action. Her mother willing-fully participated in the video with pride. I am not Nadia Khan fan but in this case the lady Sharmila’s mom ask for it.
SidC Jan 20, 2022 05:20pm
Sorry to say this is the standard of every talk show host, which influenced by third class stage shows. Nadia khan is no different. Sarcastic remark on someone personal problem is the theme of poplar culture..
ZAK Jan 20, 2022 05:25pm
Corrupt families always wins in this country so does Sharmila.
ST Jan 20, 2022 05:31pm
Nadia khan should apologize. I know she mocked her. And this is wrong.
Kashmiri Jan 20, 2022 05:39pm
Nadia khan’s conversation with the lady was definitely Sarcastic. Nadia is forgetting that she will get old one day.
tina Jan 20, 2022 05:40pm
Nadia herself is far from perfect yet she enjoys abusing, bullying and harassing others. How would she feel if some took a dig at her or her family members?
Qumar Jan 20, 2022 05:42pm
In effect Sharmila is saying that her mothers make up was so bad that ANYONE who compliments it MUST be ridiculing her mother. And she's probably hurt even more by the fact Mother learned her make up "skills" from Sharmila!
Mrs khan Jan 20, 2022 05:55pm
We r with u sharmila ji the way she is talking it was hidden taunting we r with u
Ali Jan 20, 2022 05:57pm
She lost her husband 95 days ago, as per our Islamic traditions, she was expected to be in her house in Eddat, than attending public events in such a glamorous make up. Anyway a personal matter.
NYS Jan 20, 2022 05:58pm
Skeptical and sarcastic joke are not acceptable even elderly people
LAHORI KID Jan 20, 2022 05:58pm
These women need to get a life, there are so many pressing issues faced by Pakistan, and you have issue with a video ?
Salman Jan 20, 2022 06:00pm
It goes without saying that Khan is ridiculing the lady but problem is that there's legally nothing in it- Sharmila knows it, she is embarrassed of her mother in the getup which she can't spell out obviously. Instead of taking Khan to FIA or any other place, Sharmila will have to work with her mother who unfortunately looks completely out of mind.
joe Jan 20, 2022 06:00pm
lol dirty politicians. This is not a cyber crime
priti Jan 20, 2022 06:14pm
@uccama Nadia has done that to many others for no fault of theirs when she herself is a questionable character.
Daanish Jan 20, 2022 06:17pm
Sharmilla is looking cheap by making a fuss of nothing.
Chacha Jan 20, 2022 06:22pm
Unfortunately humiliating others has became a ratings improvement way in media.
Nads Jan 20, 2022 06:23pm
@Moiz would you feel the same way if it was your own mother? I wouldn’t, you see to some one else it’s just an old lady but how about her daughter? For the daughter she is the person who loved her protected her when she was unable to. Sharmila is setting a good example : when you see an old person unable to protect themselves from harassment don’t think no one else will protect them!
priti Jan 20, 2022 06:24pm
@NYS You are right. Nadia deliberately creates controversy to gain publicity and high ratings.
Dr Lowe, I.Q. Jan 20, 2022 06:25pm
Sharmila, after seeing this, how good it will be if you change your lifestyle too so that no budding Nadia Khan 30 years down the line compliments you likewise. Be a good girl.
Irfan Huq Jan 20, 2022 06:26pm
@Jetinder Patel I agree the questions we're improper and indecent however the person had a right not to answer those questions and push her away. The court may see if Nadia had the right to broadcast to the world about the person's interview without her permission but then it was a public place. In Pakistan Justice is for powerful only.
Observer 2 Jan 20, 2022 06:26pm
What is wrong in in it...Sharmila along with her mother and father was arrested for massive corruption in Pakistan steel Mills,they were released after play bargain
Skeptic Jan 20, 2022 06:32pm
These ladies could settle this matter amicably, with a bit of a humor and candid talk. Which could go, something along the line: Sharmila calls Nadia Khan: "I see you had a chat with my mom and you complimented her on her outfit and makeup.. May I ask why??...."
Sadaf Jan 20, 2022 06:38pm
@DJ Ghafoora True and Agreed.
Ali Haider Jan 20, 2022 06:42pm
@Moiz Either you are sarcastic in your statement , you have a very sick mind.....
UFO Jan 20, 2022 06:46pm
No one would have bothered about the video until Sharmeela complained and went public about it. Now everyone is watching
Zak Jan 20, 2022 06:47pm
Looks like a normal interview without malice, however, Nadia should have cleared it with Sharmila's mother before posting it.
Alam Jan 20, 2022 06:52pm
People like Sharmila still think that their uncle and father are still in the corridors of power and uncle Rehman is still running the FIA. Her mother is an adult and she should be able to defend herself and I did not find anything wrong about the event !
ZAK Jan 20, 2022 06:53pm
check the ego of corrupt Sharmilla. What this family gave to Pakistan except looting it. The proof is Pakistan Steel Mills
WT Jan 20, 2022 06:55pm
Her mother has no problem so why has her ego gone high, who is she?
Zulfiqar Jan 20, 2022 06:58pm
Well what Nadia did was inappropriate. But the amount of makeup the lady is wearing should be considered inappropriate as well. She might be a simple woman but once one is out at a public event, anything can happen.
David M Jan 20, 2022 07:01pm
@Jawed Sheikh Did you even bother to hear the conversation before commenting? There is nothing wrong in it. It is all about perception.
Abdul manan Jan 20, 2022 07:02pm
We support nadia khan.. Nothing is offensive. Both of them had good conversation. Bycott sharmila n ppp ..the old wadera mentality
M Emad 2 Khulna Jan 20, 2022 07:03pm
There is nothing with it! Sharmila should be ashamed of herself and her party. Inferiority complex all over it!
Abdul manan Jan 20, 2022 07:04pm
I totally support nadia khan
Omer Jan 20, 2022 07:06pm
@Sharmila set example show compassion - forgive her and move on only then you would be a bigger person. Nadia khan was politically correct throughout her conversation, legally you stand no chance to penalise her, only exposed insecurity with in yourself. Infact you calling her shameless was a direct gibe. Respect for all mothers
Punjabi Pashtun Jan 20, 2022 07:09pm
Sharmillas mom seems to be so innocent, she doesn't realize the interviewer is making fun of her, Khan should be ashamed of herself. This could have been my mother or your's. It's an extremely low life thing to do, if they have a son, he should fight for her honor.
Mrs shahid Jan 20, 2022 07:23pm
@Moiz totally disagree she’s making fun of her. No one has a right especially all these tv show host to call someone and ask ridiculous questions.
Jin Jan 20, 2022 07:25pm
What’s the issue ? PPP stalwart is scared of sarcasm ? Is sarcasm a cyber crime ?? The woman was in her video, so she gave authorization. Get over it, you are a public figure. Also, you think you’re sensitive because you lost your father?
shaan Jan 20, 2022 07:25pm
@Zahid Usman She is not bullying but stating facts about Nadia and why she should stop interfering in others lives.
shaan Jan 20, 2022 07:28pm
@Kashmiri She is already old and trying to look young with surgeries and botox.
Jahan Ara Jan 20, 2022 07:32pm
What’s wrong with the video? That lady willingly gave an interview, and she seems absolutely thrilled to be interviewed by Nadia Khan. Problem is with Sharmila who has made a non issue a serious issue. What can we expect from people who are corrupt in every possible way. As this country serves only to corrupt that’s why for sure Sharmila is going to win. She has already abused Nadia on social media, now she will show her power in every possible way. Feel sorry for poor Nadia.
shaan Jan 20, 2022 07:32pm
@SidC I agree that all talk show hosts follow the same standard but it was Nadia who pioneered these low class shows.
Syed Ghazanfar Abbas / Naheed Ghazanfar Jan 20, 2022 07:40pm
WE stand by PPP Leader on this occasion. Journalism in Pakistan has cut loose. Must mend its ways. They lack training.
Syed Jan 20, 2022 07:45pm
Nadia Khan disrespected an elderly person. It shows her low upbringing and that she is a mean person.
Tariq Jan 20, 2022 07:59pm
Its defamation case but no way FIA case.
nk Jan 20, 2022 08:00pm
@Kusmo Dar Are you serious This woman Nadia Khan have been around us for almost ten fifteen years and she has had issues in the past too.
javaid s siddiqi Jan 20, 2022 08:01pm
where is freedom of speech?
Gargoyle Jan 20, 2022 08:10pm
Not every issue is a court case. Unless something is missing in the video, I did not find the conversation between the two ladies overly offensive. If Sharmila's mother was looking for attention with bold makeup, she got it.
O’mar Jan 20, 2022 08:22pm
Whats wrong with the video? Is her mother a child? She could have chosen not to answer. A simple conversation between two adults. Some people live in another world and they only need appreciation and praise irrespective of what they do. Her daughter needs to take it easy and try to live a life. Dont be so miserable and poor.
Shahida Adeeb Jan 20, 2022 08:25pm
Some people talk too much unnecessary
Saifuddin Takhtawala Jan 20, 2022 08:26pm
@Moiz couldn't agree more.
Citizen Jan 20, 2022 08:32pm
Ladies controversies
AJ Jan 20, 2022 08:33pm
Why is this a crime? It maybe in poor taste…Faruqi should get her act together.
Tamza Jan 20, 2022 08:37pm
There was no entrapment. There were no leading questions. There is no case. The ‘plaintiff’ should be ashamed of seeking ‘cheap’ publicity.
ilyas kashmiri Jan 20, 2022 08:54pm
Well, Nadia didn't do any crime .... light satire on feudal class is always welcome
Abbasshah Jan 20, 2022 08:59pm
Some where deep tinges of mocking appears.
Umar Jan 20, 2022 09:15pm
Its like pot calling the kettle black. Taste of your own medicine, for years you have been mocking people of karachi, and now you are feeling the heat
Loyal Pakistani Jan 20, 2022 09:24pm
Sharmila Farooqui is making herself a laughing stock. Nadia has done nothing wrong !
Jokhio sukkur Jan 20, 2022 09:58pm
Sharmila is looking for cheap publicity as herself & her corrupt PPP losing ground in interior Sindh. Sympathy vote!
Alam Jan 20, 2022 10:00pm
Just a little bit of bad taste on Nadia's part but definitely no case for FIA at all . Influentials like Sharmila can kill other innocent people and thats ok but if someone hurt their feelings , its punishable !
Captain Jan 20, 2022 10:05pm
Case for what ? Nothing below the belt is there
Alal Jan 20, 2022 10:21pm
Haha mother wears looted gold from usman farooqui. Sharmila lives on looted wealth of farooqi. And the calls other woman polygamous while claiming not saying it
Alal Jan 20, 2022 10:23pm
@Jawed Sheikh do u stand by her looted wealth too?
zh Jan 20, 2022 10:29pm
Much ado about nothing - even it was a mockery,
Zeeshan Ahmed Jan 20, 2022 10:34pm
I think she was just trying to be nice, but the obvious was visible to viewers, who assumed it was sarcasm.
Rahella Ahmed Jan 20, 2022 10:37pm
So if someone talks to Sharmilla’s mother about her style and fashion choices then it is considered a crime. Well only in Pakistan it happens. She is a person who is suffering from superiority complex. The looted money has taken her arrogance to the next level. As our country protects only criminals and corrupt politicians, therefore it is evident that Sharmila will do everything possible to teach everyone a lesson through this non issue. Nadia we are with you… you have not done anything wrong. They are looters who are enjoying a luxurious life style on our hard earned money. Shameless creatures!
Rahim Jan 20, 2022 11:01pm
Well done ladies.Keep it up.We are proud of you.
Faisal Jan 20, 2022 11:11pm
Both women are for each other.
M. Saeed Jan 20, 2022 11:14pm
@Jawed Sheikh it is no more personal choice, when you agree to be on media exposure.
Attiya Jan 20, 2022 11:19pm
Women best be doing the job that are supposed to!
NYS Jan 20, 2022 11:28pm
@Skeptic she tried on the first place but in vain
optimist Jan 20, 2022 11:54pm
Sharmila Farooqi is a very decent lady. She portrays the good side of PPP and Sindh in the assembly, she treats others with respect and command respect.
Qasim Ali Jan 20, 2022 11:58pm
Conversation seems OK cannot find any disrespect. Sharmila should feel proud of her mother.
Taniya Jan 21, 2022 12:27am
@Alam Nadia has done the same to many innocent people.
Taniya Jan 21, 2022 12:29am
@Rahella Ahmed Even talentless Nadia has earned billions by bullying and abusing others.
Sara Jan 21, 2022 12:30am
So sad to see where this nation is heading: private grudge being dragged into public spot light for no reason if someone you felt said something sarcastic to whoever ( xyz or your mom) ignore gracefully creating drama out of it won't hurt anyone else but you yourself (Sharmila ) I don't know any of these ladies sounds ridiculous they have all this time on earth to settle personal score in a public rink unfortunate..
Taniya Jan 21, 2022 12:31am
@nk She has been around since the 90’s and happens to be the most unprofessional uncivilised host ever.
Fareed Jan 21, 2022 12:53am
I do agree with Sharmila, Nadia’s intention is obvious.
A Khan Jan 21, 2022 01:19am
Sharmila herself is a rude and sarcastic lady and maybe she thinks everyone else is like her! I'm any case, this isn't a cybercrime. PPP jiyalis need to stop acting like total divas.
Neelam Jan 21, 2022 01:21am
I dont find anything wrong in thats yhese politicians has nothing else to do accept getting other people in trouble.
Chacha Jan 21, 2022 01:36am
@Haroona Gul Very well said, I am not surprised that some people have no issue. I hope their parents are not treated like that. This is becoming a norm in social media, this is so deplorable attitude.
Syed Irfan Jan 21, 2022 02:42am
Nadia Khan should know how to behave. Did she take Anisa's approval before putting this video on social media?
Chooza Jan 21, 2022 03:20am
What a waste, EGO fighting
Usman Jan 21, 2022 03:23am
Have some shame before shaming someone else
Ejaz Ahmed Jan 21, 2022 03:25am
@ABE that is the whole reason why Sarmila is angry.
Ejaz Ahmed Jan 21, 2022 03:28am
@DJ Ghafoora this is called sarcasm
Ali Khan Jan 21, 2022 03:47am
I heard nothing offensive in Nadia's questions. Anisa is no baby and quite capable of fending for herself. Sound like there is some other bone between Sharmila and Nadia.
White Noise Jan 21, 2022 04:10am
one is a hype, other is dying for attention anyway possible, Pathetic still. nothing to see here folks, move on.
Pak Pashtun USA Jan 21, 2022 05:16am
@shaan men should never comment on womans looks. Its very unbecoming for a man.
Mark Jan 21, 2022 05:51am
No offensive thing here...just another attemp ti grt some milage via social media.
SM Jan 21, 2022 06:31am
@Nads ..I wouldn't let my elderly mother go out looking like that.. especially just as her iddat ends.
SM Jan 21, 2022 06:32am
@Qumar Best comment.
Phaja Milka Jan 21, 2022 09:59am
She looked like a mummy.
Reader Jan 21, 2022 10:01am
@ABE " I mean Just look", I just did. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, who is to judge anyway, you or me or F.I.A. ?
Saleem Chisty Jan 21, 2022 11:26am
NK calls it as it is there's no stifling PC that makes her a breath of fresh air in our present stifling environment. She expressed her right of freedom of speech if people don't like it why don't they move to somewhere like North Korea where you can be shot for not crying hard enough when the supreme leader catches the flu.
mah Jan 21, 2022 12:52pm
the only personal appearing to mock the elderly lady is her own daughter. If Sharmila is embarrassed by her mom's appearance then she should have a word with her mom or herself in private, instead of highlighting and drawing attention to it in public!
Mas Jan 21, 2022 01:20pm
Nothing wrong with the conversation. Sharmila is out there on publicity hunt.
ABE Jan 21, 2022 02:17pm
Much a do about nothing! it is not a crime to talk to anyone, interview them on camera, even mock them (though it does offend sensibilities) nor a crime to publish their image or video with their consent and knowledge. There is nothing for FIA or Cybercrime unit to investigate or prosecute.
Vicky Jan 21, 2022 05:42pm
There is nothing wrong in this video..Just because Sharmeela own name came in this video...she feels.its mockery..But I Don't think so
SKF Jan 21, 2022 09:41pm
I am not a support er of this lady Sharmila but I think no one should be allowed to insult anyone. Nadia should know that not every place is her Talkshow and not every one should be interrogated like a police cop
صدام Jan 21, 2022 11:48pm
@Jetinder Patel laws change when you make it public. Laws related to human dignity are evoked when it is recorded with an intention to make it public
Faisal Jan 22, 2022 12:27am
How is this a criminal act though? How can this be grounds for a complaint?
Shazeb abrar Jan 22, 2022 01:33pm
Sharmila filling case against nadia is ridiculous. She could have expressed her displeasure in person. There was absolutely no need of making it a big tamasha.
Imran Jan 23, 2022 02:03am
The only reason why Sharmila is taking legal action is because she knows her mother does over the top make up otherwise, I don't see or find any mockery in the way Nadia asked those questions from her mother.
Kit kit Jan 23, 2022 02:52pm
This is more telling of Nadias character that she tried to ridicule a elder so publicly.
Anita Turab Jan 23, 2022 04:16pm
Good. Thats how it should be.
Anita Turab Jan 23, 2022 04:17pm
@Haroona Gul very true
hashma Jan 24, 2022 05:10pm
stand with sharmila