
Animal rights activist Ayesha Chundrigar asks Sindh government to end zoo culture after death of white lion

Animal rights activist Ayesha Chundrigar asks Sindh government to end zoo culture after death of white lion

The activist requested that the animals either be moved to sanctuaries abroad or sanctuaries be built for them in Pakistan.
26 Nov, 2021

Animal rights activist Ayesha Chundrigar — founder of the animal rescue organisation ACF — does not think highly of zoos and recently met Sindh Local Government Minister Nasir Shah to request an end to "zoo culture" in an effort to curb animal neglect. She asked for sanctuaries to be made or for the animals to be shifted abroad.

Chundrigar's meeting came a day after news of the death of a rare white lion at Karachi Zoo spread on social media. The animal's death was caused by pulmonary tuberculosis and pneumonia, according to the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC). Many netizens and celebrities were outraged by the lion's death, calling for an end to zoos in Pakistan on social media.

The ACF founder took to Instagram to share the news of her meeting with Shah. "In my meeting today with Nasir Shah, Minister for Local Government, I requested him to please end the zoo culture and either move all the animals to sanctuaries abroad or to make wildlife sanctuaries where animals run wild and free," she wrote.

She also shared her feelings when it comes to caging animals in zoos. "I’ve never understood the fascination with imprisoning animals. We have all seen them on TV, living life in their natural habitats. Just something like The Lion King or National Geographic. Why can’t we just let it be that way? Why do we have to hungrily trap them as they unassumingly go about their business, bring them to polluted urban choke-holds and lock them behind iron bars? What’s the fascination in seeing a distressed lion up close who is completely uncomfortable in his surroundings?" she asked.

Chundrigar shared her experience of visiting a zoo for the time, recalling how disturbed it made her feel as a young child. "I picked up on this when I first went to the zoo at five and I saw an elephant angrily throwing food on people," she wrote. "She wanted everyone to stop leering at her. And I screamed and asked my mum to leave because it wasn’t nice that people were teasing her. And then they started teasing me too. Then I saw young boys laughing while throwing soda bottles and wrappers in the lion’s cage to get a rise out of him.

"I couldn’t articulate my feelings at the time but I felt what the animals felt. Suffocated. I couldn’t breathe. I needed to leave. Go home. And guess what? I had the luxury to leave and go home while they spent day after day, year after year, life becoming a dizzy time-lapse of dullness punctuated by bouts of frustration."

She also shed light on what motivates her to work for animal welfare. "Because I don’t get humans. I don’t understand our sick need to control and tame the wild, like being wild is a bad thing. I hate how selfish we are, how bloody arrogant and how we can make everything about ourselves.

"I don’t know what happened to this lion. All I know is that we have a culture that thrives on caging wild hearts and in breaking free spirits. Teach your kids to appreciate the raw magnificence of animals and you would see a different society. That’s how important they are in our lives. I know this because when circumstances plunged me into darkness when I was a child, they saved mine and I’ll spend the rest of my life trying my hardest to save theirs."

Reports that the food supplies for animals at the Karachi Zoo had been halted over lack of payment by the KMC were also shared on social media before the animal's death. Outrage grew after a video of a starving lion, allegedly at the Karachi Zoo, went viral.

The KMC denied such reports and called them "propaganda", saying that the zoo had feed for a week for the animals.

The ACF is an organisation that has made a name for itself in Karachi for its animal welfare efforts. Among various other campaigns, they are engaged in efforts to save the city's stray dogs from being culled by either vaccinating or neutering them.


Tariq Nov 26, 2021 12:36pm
Why don't people make bold and justified demand to remove a regime who had any guts and sincerity to provide even a simple decent service to people. they all are corrupt to the core and more they do corruption is more favorite to regime head.
Achakzai Nov 26, 2021 12:40pm
I contacted her organization to treat a dog with a wound. They kept on asking questions and requested a closeup picture of the dogs wound. Even I sent them that picture, they refused to respond. Its all eye wash.
To be honest Nov 26, 2021 12:41pm
this would be a dream come true. This would end the culture that was once exclusive to kings i.e. Mughal kings. There is no point keep these animals in the most polluted environment in the middle of city. People have now many other things for entertainment. Please reintegrate these animals in their natural habitat. it would be a humane act and an act of mercy on these animals. Our Mullahs should come forward too, telling people there is no space in Islam to use wild animals for personal entertainment
To be honest Nov 26, 2021 12:42pm
I hope someone campaigns to end culture of using animals in circuses and performance on the streets. there is a common use of monkeys, goats and bears to entertain people on the streets.
Parvez Nov 26, 2021 12:48pm
To expect the Sindh government to do the right thing is asking a lot ....... remember apart from small people, money is involved in this shameful affair involving rare animals has been going on for a long, long time.
Akhtar ali Nov 26, 2021 12:52pm
For Elite classes of Pakistan animals are more important than poor peoples.In sindh every day hundreds of children women and men are dying of preventable hunger and diseases but no journalist and elite classes are taking and caring about it because due to corruption and non payment of taxes by our elites these poor peoples are dying.
Paps Nov 26, 2021 01:02pm
They should release the animals and put the care taker of the zoo inside the cage.
Five Rivers Nov 26, 2021 01:13pm
Sindh gov is run by Educated Bhutto family. They should know not to abuse animals.
Observer 2 Nov 26, 2021 01:30pm
After destroying KMC financially now Sindh govt are stealing the Zoo fund...depriving food to animal
AAA Nov 26, 2021 01:35pm
What we can't care of, we have to let it go, simple as that, and how beautifully Ayesha defines it, she came long way to be heard, I still remembered her enthusiasm during my volunteer service and so glad to see that she keep doing her best and hope that after numerous incident such as this one or like Kaavan and many others, our authorities at least let animals be free and not make them target of their ego.
Justice Nov 26, 2021 01:36pm
Can she also ask PPP regime in sindh to resign? If they treat animals that way, one can only imagine how humans are treated
ABE Nov 26, 2021 01:38pm
Really?? Has she heard that there are zoos in most major cities around the world?? Which of these she would like to have shut down - out of some 15000+ sites???
saad Nov 26, 2021 01:50pm
I support ending Zoo culture. Better would be domestic/Cattle farms (Cows, cames, goats, ostriches, horses, chickens etc such domestic animals would be better) for both Kids and adults. Creating Urban forests Creating National parks. Zoos could be turned into parks and natural sciences place with Holographic, documentaries, life size demos, Aquarium, digital educational place with augmented reality devices.
Fahad Amir Nov 26, 2021 02:14pm
Are these guys serious... Instead of fixing the problem they want to close the zoo... Already children in Pakistan are way behind in education and learning now they won't even be able to learn about animals in person omg... These wokeness will destroy everything
Last Comment Nov 26, 2021 02:28pm
She is also a granddaughter of one of the honest prime of ministers of Pakistan
Changez Khan Nov 26, 2021 03:26pm
Agree. All Zoos in Pakistan must be closed immediately. All animals in the zoos be freed in the jungles or donated to other countries.
Silka Milka Nov 26, 2021 03:42pm
The whole country has turned into a zoo no food no amenities no hope.
Saif Zulfiqar Nov 26, 2021 03:42pm
Nowadays people do not like to visit Zoo anymore. Zoos must be close down as it cost too much.
Ghulm Ali Nov 26, 2021 04:08pm
@ABE Ayesha raising voicenfor a good cause. First, have you even seen zoos in west? the level of care and cleaniliness europe maintains for zoos is not found in cities of Pakistan . Kindly, stop this tradition of always diverting attention and claiming others are doing worse so we need not change. Shameful.
EHMED Nov 26, 2021 04:23pm
Yes, Mr. Achakzai I second your comment!! I also called them from Military Dairy Farm in Model Colony, to take care & custody of a wounded kitten & a paralyzed dog. They asked me to pay for the fuel & the other costs to be covered. On my straight denial, the driver & the assistant plainly refused & left without any sympathy quoting it as a management policy. Both the poor animals were then graciously taken care of by my land-lady & still surviving healthily.
Ga Nov 26, 2021 05:20pm
Character of a nation is known by the way it treats its animals...anonymous
Jamil Soomro, New York City Nov 26, 2021 05:33pm
Ayesha is absolutely right. These poor Zoo animals suffer during the hot and freezing temperatures of Pakistan. The Sindh Govt.should heed to her request and the wishes of people in general and shut the Zoo forever. Thank you Ayesha for creating the awareness of this humane Issue.
sana Nov 26, 2021 05:36pm
@ABE zoos in major cities around the world make sure that the animals are treated properly
Zulfiqar Nov 26, 2021 05:47pm
If there are no zoos how will kids get to see wild animals. Do we expect every person to arrange visit for his/her kids to different continents in order to see these animals in the wild? Or should we make them watch animal planet? Zoos have a purpose that cannot be understated. Yes the zoos can be improved, expanded in to safaris.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad/bhaRAT Nov 26, 2021 05:56pm
She is 100% right.
hussain Nov 26, 2021 06:08pm
@To be honest you're anything.but that.
Toronto Raptors Nov 26, 2021 06:23pm
She's more of a model then an activist. I doubt anyone will listen to what she has to say.
Truth be told Nov 26, 2021 06:41pm
Yes, put her in cage instead. Not only will it attract the attention she deserves, it will also end up being good economically.
Hadia Nov 26, 2021 06:42pm
If only Pakistan had more of these young women with wisdom than those millions of mullahs and their followers, NayaPakistan would have been Pak.
Truth be told Nov 26, 2021 06:42pm
@Achakzai it's just a means to become famous and nothing more.
Truth be told Nov 26, 2021 06:42pm
@To be honest so Mughal kings ruled in Europe and North America.
Truth be told Nov 26, 2021 06:43pm
@To be honest you need counselling.
Truth be told Nov 26, 2021 06:44pm
@Akhtar ali you made a valid point. Balance needs to be drawn. Elite do it for a different cause mostly.
Fast comment Nov 26, 2021 06:53pm
Absolutely. A Zoo with sick, weak, animals is no Zoo. Better handover to private party. They will better care.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Nov 26, 2021 07:03pm
What else can she say at this crucial, critical, caviling, carping and compelling point in time and history?
Alih Kazmi Nov 26, 2021 07:32pm
@To be honest You are not being honest. Captive animals have been used for entertainment at least since the time of the Roman empire.
nk Nov 26, 2021 08:06pm
Ayesha Chundrigar FYI fifteen plus years in the life of a lion is a bonus life. This lion had attained that age.
nk Nov 26, 2021 08:07pm
@Achakzai Raising funds. building homes not for the animals but...
Aslam Khan USA Nov 26, 2021 09:32pm
@Achakzai did you donate money to this organization or volunteer work? Maybe you should so they can have more resources to respond?
Pathanoo Nov 27, 2021 01:23am
It just breaks my heart. I can't bear to look at the emaciated, starved dead Lion. These heartless, pathetic zoo people starved the noble beast to death. Any one with an ounce of brain can see the Lion died because of starvation. He shrunk to the size of a dog. Look at the poor beast's legs. Do they look like a Lion's legs. His hind quarters were absolutely emaciated. These Zoo people took the meat home for themselves that was for the Lion. That would be my guess.
JM Nov 27, 2021 04:42am
Ayesha - You seriously think Sindh Govt will accept your demands. Stop living in a fools paradise. This provincial govt is only focused on making bucks so that they build there own holdings.
Tamilselvan Nov 27, 2021 05:53am
@Ga . It’s not anonymous, it is from Mahatma Gandhi
Gopal Patel Nov 27, 2021 06:28am
Good initiative by Ms Chundrigar.
Sanity 101 Nov 27, 2021 07:19am
@Aslam Khan USA They could have asked for the donations, also make the accounts public so we know what actions are they actually taking
sawera Ahmed Nov 27, 2021 10:05am
Ayesha has always come forth with better ideas. i heartily support her cause. Zoo culture needs to end, we have shown incapability of handling wild animals in cages time and time again,... it's high time we let this idea go now. They can't speak and share their sufferings as humans do... someone has to understand and take steps to provide them refuge and serve them their rights.
Falcon1 Nov 27, 2021 02:37pm
Very noble cause rescuing animals, to stop cruelty and close miserable zoos in many third-world countries where inadequate facilities, lack of conscience and care towards the animals is cause for concern. Yet, there are far more developed, rich and advanced countries, where animals have more rights than human beings. Take the US for example. Stray cats and dogs are rounded up and taken to shelter, provided roper medical care, living conditions, healthy food, loving environment till someone wants to have them as their pet and take them home. But humans are abused, lynched, treated worse than animals in many third-world countries, (George Floyd in the US, where a police officer kept his knee on his neck for 9 minutes and killed him) shot by the dozens on daily basis, many are incarcerated and locked up for years, decades, without any rescue attempt or recourse. The US has only 5% of the World's population. Yet it has over 25% of the entire world's prison population. Go figure!
Constantine Nov 28, 2021 08:58am
@Zulfiqar Subscribe to Discovery Channel!