
Indian comedian Vir Das' hard-hitting 'Two Indias' monologue lands him in trouble

Indian comedian Vir Das' hard-hitting 'Two Indias' monologue lands him in trouble

Comedian accused of 'vilifying the nation', banned from performing by home minister of Madhya Pradesh.
Updated 19 Nov, 2021

Indian comedian Vir Das is facing criticism in India after his 'Two Indias' monologue — which was Das' take on the many social and political contradictions present in the country — went viral on social media.

Das, one of India’s most popular comedians, while performing on tour in the US touched upon a number of issues; from rampant gang rape and the state of journalism to the love-hate relationship with Pakistan to the use of face masks.

“I come from an India where we worship women during the day and gang rape them at night," Das told an audience at his show in Washington DC on November 13. “I come from an India where we take pride in being vegetarian, and yet run over the farmers who grow our vegetables.”

The comedian uploaded a video of his hard-hitting words on YouTube on November 15, triggering an onslaught of criticism from politicians and hard-line nationalists, including (no surprise) Kangana Ranaut.

According to The Guardian, Aditya Jha, a spokesperson for the ruling Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), filed a police complaint against Das for “insulting the country”. “These derogatory statements against women and India are inflammatory. They were made in the US and malign the image of our country internationally. I want police to conduct an investigation,” said Jha.

Other BJP politicians also spoke up against the monologue. The Mumbai BJP secretary, Vivekanand Gupta, requested the Delhi police to file a case against Das for “hurting the feelings of nationalists”. Meanwhile, the home minister of Madhya Pradesh, Narottam Mishra, banned the comedian from performing in the state.

“Such type of people like him, I call them ‘vidushak’ (jester) would not be allowed to perform in the state. If he (Das) apologises, we are going to think over it,” he was quoted as saying by the Indian Express.

Criticism came from other parties as well. A leader from the Congress party, Abhishek Singhvi, tweeted that “vilifying the nation as a whole in front of the world is just not done”.

Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut criticised Das on her Instagram Stories, saying that "such creative work targeting an entire race is soft terrorism".

"Strict action must be taken against such criminals,” she added,

However, some came to the comic's defence as well. Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said that Das was “standing up” for the citizens of India.

Indian politician and a member of parliament, Mahua Moitra, lauded Das for "speaking truth about Two Indias".

Film-maker Hansal Mehta expressed he was "moved" by the comedian's monologue. "I come from an India where it needs courage for a Vir Das to say this," he tweeted.

After facing backlash, the comedian shared a clarification on the matter saying the video was "a satire about the duality of two very separate Indias that do different things".

"The video appeals for us to never forget that we are great," he shared. "I take pride in my country, and I carry that pride across the world. I ask of you the same thing I asked that audience, to focus on the light, remember our greatness and spread the love."

The backlash against Das is not the first time an Indian comic has come under fire; according to Al Jazeera, comedian Munawar Faruqui was held in prison for more than a month after being accused of insulting Hindu gods and goddesses.

This month, he cancelled three shows in Mumbai after a Hindu right-wing group threatened to set the venue on fire.


Eternal_Dharma Nov 19, 2021 06:05pm
There are many Indias. But there is only one mindset that sees the world in binaries. This so called standup comedian seems to have that mind set. He should apply for Pak citizenship and shift over.
Tadka Nov 19, 2021 06:25pm
Thats his 2 mins of fame...then apologized
Imran Nov 19, 2021 06:32pm
One has to appreciate truth telling in any society.
ali Nov 19, 2021 06:38pm
Excellent … true depiction of India!!
Fast comment Nov 19, 2021 06:42pm
Jokes and tolerance travel together. Let them alive together.
Raja Rental Nov 19, 2021 06:49pm
There is no doubt that India is divided and broken. Well said Vir Das.
Hanif Nov 19, 2021 06:57pm
This is a goldmine for Pakistanis! We should support anyone who helps with our goals.
Ali Mehdi Nov 19, 2021 07:19pm
Indians have always been teaching us a lesson on freedom of speech so let this guy have the freedom to speak his heart out. After all its a joke for 5th India
LgbtqX Nov 19, 2021 07:29pm
And he is the best comedian in India!!
A Nov 19, 2021 07:32pm
What would be reaction of Pakistanis if such stand up was done on Pakistan. There are several similarities.
Rana Talukdar Nov 19, 2021 07:33pm
Beware of plain clothed motorcycle born unidentified man.
M Nov 19, 2021 07:39pm
@Imran how about telling truth about minority killings in your country? Did it hurt?
well-wisher Nov 19, 2021 08:08pm
Respect Vir Das for honesty. Truth cannot be hidden. Like 2 Indias, every country has 2s.
Ram Babu Nov 19, 2021 08:25pm
Excellent, but what is there to be offered by? Sometimes truth is hard to digest and bitter. But did it have to come to this stage in the first place, something is no right in India.
Zulfiqar Nov 19, 2021 09:17pm
The reason he had the ability and guts to say what he said is because he went to school in the US and has met and spent time with people from other countries. He realized that people everywhere essentially want the same things, yet politicians from every country pull people in directions that they want to. More power to Vir for being the conscience of 1.3 billion.
Uyghyr ahmadi Nov 19, 2021 09:44pm
Most popular comedian? Never heard of him until this
Taj Ahmad Nov 20, 2021 12:07am
I wished Indian foreign policy changes as it was during Nawaz Sharif and Modi era, if it does, the current moods between Indian and Pakistanis will turns into friendly and both countries once again resumes talk between two leaders PM Imran Khan and PM Narender Modi.
AndyIndian Nov 20, 2021 12:15am
@Imran Truth being that when the sun rises in the east, all the western stars fade. #IndiaShining
Imran Nov 20, 2021 01:06am
@M My comment clearly was about appreciating truth tellers in 'ANY' society. Had you read my comment without your biased viewpoint perhaps you could have saved yourself the embarrassment.
Imran Nov 20, 2021 01:08am
@Uyghyr ahmadi In that case you are welcome. Now you are in the loop about a popular Indian comedian.
ajay Nov 20, 2021 01:29am
Does pakistan has any vir das who can dare to comment like this? None
Haseeb Nov 20, 2021 01:36am
The hypocrisy of this comedian are exposed quite well in the comments to to his apology/response on Twitter. He is making snarky sexist jokes about women and mums and yet has the audacity to side with the so called good India.
Fawad bhai Nov 20, 2021 03:06am
@Eternal_Dharma 'say India is great' or 'go become a Pakistani 'is binary as well. If highlighting some negatives make him a Pakistani then there truly are 2 indias
Hami Nov 20, 2021 04:00am
This Indian man spoke the truth now he needs to apologize!
Aiza Nov 20, 2021 04:43am
It takes a lot of courage to speak truth to power in times of fascism. We Pakistanis stand with you!
Chooza Nov 20, 2021 04:48am
Courageous and funny yet not for india and NOT ON indians, but for its politicians.
sana Nov 20, 2021 05:14am
@ali and he then apologized taking back his words so now what do you think ali?
sana Nov 20, 2021 05:15am
@Zulfiqar and he then apologized
thanga Nov 20, 2021 05:35am
Opposition tool kit agenda at its peak. They know they can't win otherwise. They have to drag the ruling party by whatever means. Remember Greta Thunberg and Rihanna comments on Indian farmers. Remember Georgo Soros assigning $2 Billion to bring the ruling party down so that he can continue to do fraudulant conversions via NGOs.
Najma Hisham Nov 20, 2021 05:40am
Kangana Ranaut should change her name to kangaroo ranaut as she's always hopping mad.
Sydney Burns Nov 20, 2021 05:46am
The best thing about two India is that they quarrel over this and move onto the next debate Hope two Pakistan has the courage to quarrel and not silence the other. India is by far the most open country after US in self-criticism.
Pak Amrikan Nov 20, 2021 06:04am
Sold out Kennedy center congratulation!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Nov 20, 2021 06:06am
Tangible sights and thundering sounds confirming zero freedom of speech in world's biggest false, feign, sham, shame, frail, feeble, futile, feint and fake democracy called Republic of India.
riz1 Nov 20, 2021 06:24am
@Ali Mehdi "always been teaching us a lesson on freedom of speech so let this guy have the freedom to speak his heart out" Why even compare mangoes with mushrooms? One is a world necessity the other a parasitic, at times toxic nuisance.
Harambe Nov 20, 2021 06:34am
@Imran: Including Pakistan!
Micky Nov 20, 2021 07:47am
I am an Indian and loved what he said. There is truth to it though shameful and sad sometimes. If you are truthful you too will find similarities with what he said. I also found it ironic that the same folks who are commenting well done Vir Das are complaining about Suryavanshi because of stereotyping. We can’t have both ways our haha …
Five Rivers Nov 20, 2021 08:35am
Why Indians are so ashamed of this truth? Isn’t this what they do? BJP have made it worst.
Ajay Nov 20, 2021 08:36am
He was not talking two india he was talking about all Hindus who warship in the day and SAME rape in the night
T-man Nov 20, 2021 08:40am
@Eternal_Dharma we'll welcome him with open arms. We can take a few jokes.
Imad khan Nov 20, 2021 08:43am
@Eternal_Dharma , this is typical facist line." If you dont like it, leave. "
Ali da Malanga Nov 20, 2021 08:47am
Now the Modi Sarkar is going to go after this person.
Rehan Khan Nov 20, 2021 09:35am
@Eternal_Dharma No this will not solve your problems. Show some courage to accept the bitter truth
Syed Ahmed Nov 20, 2021 10:38am
Hindu right wing groups are always angry at the slightest perceived offense. They suffer from low self-esteem and have no self confidence, this is also why they gang rape women, they don't know how to behave normally. I feel sorry for the Muslims living there. India is turning into a hate filled nation.
Eternal_Dharma Nov 20, 2021 11:57am
@Imad khan absolutely not!
Anjum Khaleeq Nov 20, 2021 02:48pm
Let's see who in Pakistan copies him first!!! Fingers crossed.. Someone must have got the idea, media will highlight him/her for sure
Asif Nov 20, 2021 03:03pm
@Eternal_Dharma Typical mindset of the right wing zealot. Don’t like the message, shoot the messenger or in their case ask the messenger to go to Pakistan
M. Saeed Nov 20, 2021 04:44pm
Real comedy is that, which does not ridicule or hurt anybody's feelings.
GreenAura Nov 20, 2021 05:43pm
@Sydney Burns Where is your evidence that Indians quarrel and "move on"? All i see is movies, artists and businesses being boycotted for anything hindutva dislikes. Boycotts lead to withdrawal of offending materials or loss of earnings and careers. This is not "moving on" or accepting plurality of thought. On the contrary, this is simple fascism.
Indiashining Nov 20, 2021 06:15pm
India feels threatened by free speech by a comic. The monologue was not funny or that interesting. However the reaction of the state has given publicity to the clip and highlighted the intolerance of the state to free speech. Insecure intolerant nation.
Yawar Nov 20, 2021 07:22pm
@M Minority suppression is what India is known for all over the world. Nevertheless, good tactics in accusing other countries of a vice that is rampant in India itself.
KK Nov 20, 2021 08:53pm
@Raja Rental : "There is no doubt that India is divided and broken. " You guys badly want it divided, NOT that it is actually divided.
Cye Nov 20, 2021 10:36pm
Very good
Blah Nov 20, 2021 10:51pm
No need to get all worked up about the content…. he is just making a living like everybody else!!
Gulshan Omar Nov 20, 2021 11:03pm
Vir Das should leave his this profession and should join Harbans Pannu for Sikh Homeland. Because he had already lost his bread for the Indian crowd.
Bhadrakumar Nov 20, 2021 11:10pm
@Imran May be the Comedian was the product of 2nd India he mentioned.
Nanda Nov 21, 2021 01:00am
@Taj Ahmad The main problem is Kashmir and which won't get resolved any soon. Meanwhile enjoy Indian movies on the web for free !
Callum Nov 21, 2021 01:09am
Human Nov 21, 2021 02:21am
Is there one world, or are there two worlds? Anyone? India is no different. If one would understand how much of the world lives in India. I am an Indian. I agree with most of his points, but disagree on some. Is that ok?
Jag Nov 21, 2021 02:37am
We Indians should look at this as constructive criticism and rectify our fault lines.
Timur Nov 21, 2021 10:00am
This useless man having contributed nothing to any social causes in India has not only maligned a nation where millions of educated,cultured, tolerant, charitable, selfless are now on par with a handful criminal elements, through an imbecile rant for quick publicity.
Eternal_Dharma Nov 21, 2021 10:18am
@Jag indeed. Take advice from a stand up comedian to fix the country. Wonderful!
S J Mirza Nov 21, 2021 11:28am
@Eternal_Dharma and you continue to prove his two india's monologue as being reflective of current state of India. You claim to be a democracy, yet any words of dissent from a patriot and you want to send them to Pakistan.
Rahella Ali Mohsin Nov 23, 2021 08:48am
Indian readers, hold you emotions. Really bites.