
Mehwish Hayat posted an Independence Day message but all people focused on was the colour of her bra

Mehwish Hayat posted an Independence Day message but all people focused on was the colour of her bra

She believes there are more important things to talk about and we agree with her.
16 Aug, 2021

Actor Mehwish Hayat posted a message on Independence Day, calling for Pakistanis to embody the ideals of our forefathers, but rather than focus on her message, people seemed to be more concerned about the colour of her undergarments. Yes, you read that right.

"The Quaid said, “It is only with united effort and faith in our destiny that we shall be able to translate the Pakistan of our dreams into reality." Hoisting the flag is not enough, if we really respect this country, we need to embody the ideals of our forefathers. Happy Independence Day," she wrote on Instagram.

Soon after, however, the comments started rolling in and Hayat noticed them.

"Literally sickened seeing some of the comments under this post," she wrote on her Instagram Story. “The perverts debating the colour of my bra just shows how sick and petty their minds are. Black, grey or green, it’s none of your effing business!” said the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz recipient.

“For God’s sake grow up — no wonder society is in the mess that it is!”

She then posted a second story saying, 
“I would suggest that there are much bigger issues that need addressing. Only if this energy could be invested in better, more worthwhile pursuits!”

We also wonder why the colour of Mehwish Hayat's bra seems to be of more importance than her message itself. She was right when she said there is so much more to talk about than the colour of her bra. We're pretty sure the ideals she's talking about don't include policing women and being straight up creeps.


Chrís Dăn Aug 16, 2021 01:04pm
Grow up:)
M. Saeed Aug 16, 2021 01:09pm
Our Quaid said, "Choose and elect the leaders who are absolutely HONEST, maintain highest INTEGRITY, are INCORRUPTIBLE and can SACRIFICE personal interests in the cause of national welfare. But, unfortunately we have elected leaders who cannot think beyond their own pockets and made us beggars without even knowing what we need in alms? Today, we need to follow the recipe of choosing our leaders by our great Quaid, much more than anytime before.
نعیم ںھائ Aug 16, 2021 01:17pm
Its blue
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