
If you harass Alyzeh Gabol online, she's going to take you straight to court

If you harass Alyzeh Gabol online, she's going to take you straight to court

She registered a case against Instagram pages impersonating her and spreading lies about her.
02 Jun, 2021

Celebrities are often on the receiving end of criticism online, but the line between disapproval and disrespect is often blurred if not outright erased. But actor and model Alyzeh Gabol has made it clear that she isn't tolerating disrespect and is drawing her own line.

She was furious after fake accounts began impersonating her, posting lies and invading her privacy, which people forget public personalities are entitled to. Gabol announced that she was taking the matter to the authorities.

She petitioned a Lahore court, through her lawyer, for an FIR to be registered against the owners of these accounts and the district and sessions court approved her petition. It ordered on May 31, the FIA to register FIRs against the account owners.

"Making fake accounts, posting someone's pictures, violating dignity of a person is a heinous crime," she posted. "After that, running away shows how coward[ly] you are." She then spoke about how her lawyer is taking care of the culprits who were guilty of character assassinating her and others like her.

"We'll see them behind bars In Shaa Allah!" she added. "It's always better to go through the law."

Her lawyer Haris Shahzad also posted screenshots online in which the fake account owners responded with apologises and deleted the offensive posts.

He was extremely angry at the explanations, dismissing that such bullying was not "fun".

Like Mansha Pasha put it, "you can't justify cruelty by calling it an opinion".

You can follow celebrities online and enjoy their content but don't take it further than that. We've heard countless cases of "fans" violating celebrities' privacy, such as a stalker showing up at Noor Bukhari's house, and many more of people spreading hate and false rumours about them. It's time for people to understand that you can't get away with saying horrible lies about people just because you're on the internet.

We're glad Gabol took this step and hope more celebrities stand up for themselves and take legal action against people spreading lies about them or impersonating them. Celebrities are people, just like us, and you shouldn't be treating them like this.


Nationalist Jun 02, 2021 06:05pm
Who is she?
Syed Jun 02, 2021 06:30pm
Who is she?
Lota Jun 02, 2021 06:32pm
A court yard is such a female friendly place. Beacon of light for such individuals
well-wisher Jun 02, 2021 06:51pm
you have a right to resort to the law and stop such mischief. Respect must be defended. BEST.
jaredlee007 Jun 02, 2021 09:02pm
So now she is threatening by saying that her lawyer will take care of things. This is also harassment.
Shakil Khan Jun 02, 2021 10:44pm
Publicity gimmick
Vin Jun 03, 2021 12:11am
Oh No no no...I will certainly give this one a pass.
Gig Jun 03, 2021 01:19am
She is related to Nabeel Gabol?
Rashid Hussain Jun 03, 2021 03:48am
@Shakil Khan . Who is she? Never heard her name, may be a publicity stunt. Who knows.
sukhera Jun 03, 2021 04:38am
@jaredlee007 , She is fighting back which she did not initiate. I don't agree with you.