
Mark Ruffalo apologises for supporting Palestine, says there's 'no genocide'

Mark Ruffalo apologises for supporting Palestine, says there's 'no genocide'

People are disappointed with him and believe his sudden change has to do with money.
25 May, 2021

Oh no, Mark Ruffalo, not you too.

The Hulk has been a vocal advocate against violence in Palestine and was one of the small group of celebrities — that is shrinking as we speak — that actually called out Israel instead of making generic statements calling for peace on both sides.

But that changed on Tuesday when he posted a tweet apologising for his earlier tweets.

"I have reflected and wanted to apologise for posts during the recent Israel/Hamas fighting that suggested Israel is committing “genocide”," he wrote. "It’s not accurate, it’s inflammatory, disrespectful and is being used to justify antisemitism here and abroad. Now is the time to avoid hyperbole."

His earlier tweets are still up but it remains to be seen if he'll go on a social media cleanse.

People were disappointed by his sudden switch and sought to correct him.

They also noted that he wasn't the first celebrity to backtrack on their support for Palestine.

Model Bella Hadid, who has been very vocal about her pro-Palestine stance, posted (and later deleted) an Instagram Story and tweet where she called for "peace, co-existence and equality", with accompanying flags of the two states, Israel and Palestine. Hotel heiress Paris Hilton posted a pro-Palestine tweet before quickly deleting it in favour of a more 'neutral' message.

Many Twitter users said Ruffalo's change of opinion was probably because was money (or movies) at stake.

It is unfortunate but not unsurprising to see the few celebrities who supported distance themselves from the pro-Palestine movement and backtrack on their earlier messages of support.


Parvez May 25, 2021 12:26pm
He won't be the first to backtrack on his original stand due to pressure ....... after all the entertainment industry like the main stream media is heavily supported by Jewish money.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad May 25, 2021 12:27pm
When the going gets tough and the surroundings get rough, only the toughest and roughest get going.
Imran May 25, 2021 12:28pm
They speak their mind then all of a sudden the Hollywood regime inclusive of the agents remind them how hard it will be to get another major or minor role for that matter. Never mind it's the World that counts and everyone can see what's going on.
Farooq May 25, 2021 12:30pm
Shameful indeed. I have few pennies to give him too so that he can seek help in a mental hospital.
Changez Khan May 25, 2021 12:33pm
This guy is apologizing supporting the Palestine? so now he thinks killing the innocent women and children was justified. Shame on this man.
Mohsin Ali Baig May 25, 2021 12:39pm
When they control big international media group then how can't control celebrities.
Aamir May 25, 2021 12:45pm
Sad. No more Avengers, Hulk or Wonder Woman for me and my kids. These actors do not reflect their movie characters . What a shame.
Jalal Khan May 25, 2021 12:46pm
Deep pockets...
Ilyas May 25, 2021 12:48pm
It's very difficult in this world to call spade a spade. Very few have the courage to do so.
mohsin, london May 25, 2021 12:50pm
loyalty to his European Israeli cousins
SYED ADNAN SHAFQAT May 25, 2021 12:54pm
Dear Mr Mark, nobody needs your hypocritical remarks cum statements !
Pakistani May 25, 2021 12:55pm
More than 280 Billion Palestinians have been killed. If this is not genocide what is it? If this is not mass killing, what is it? If this is not ethnic cleansing, what is it? Most of them have been raped. If this is not violence against women and children, what is it?
Zak May 25, 2021 01:17pm
As FM SMQ said rightly, " deep pockets" control. Now proven.
ssa May 25, 2021 01:23pm
He knows his career will end in minute if he doesn't apologise; all hollywood is in the hands of jews.
Khanm29 May 25, 2021 01:23pm
FAZ May 25, 2021 01:27pm
No body is commenting about the fact that apart from history, this recent feud began when Palestinians wanted to pray in Al Aqsa only for the month of Ramadan. Why it couldn't be allowed? Why they were subjected to rubber bullets and stun grenades? Its exactly the same attitude that we see in Kashmir when religious processions are fired with pallet guns
kash May 25, 2021 01:30pm
SMQ was 100% right when he said deep pockets. It all rings true.
M. Saeed May 25, 2021 01:50pm
Hollywood and the US media being heavily under control of Jews, those having their bread and butter tied to Jewish media empires, like Gigi Hadid, and now, Mark Ruffalo, have to eat their words and be, at least neutral in their stances on Israel-Palestine conflict.
Mani May 25, 2021 01:50pm
Deep pockets in full display
Jagged May 25, 2021 01:53pm
Goes on to show how Hollywood is owned by Zionists.
Ali May 25, 2021 02:25pm
Deep pockets
John May 25, 2021 02:33pm
When celebrities retract their statements on supporting Palestine you can tell the #deeppockets are at play.
Tariq May 25, 2021 03:36pm
I wonder which statement is or was a lie.
Amin May 25, 2021 03:50pm
deep pockets....
Truth be told May 25, 2021 04:37pm
Money talks. Future endorsements talk.
Sheesh May 25, 2021 04:48pm
The funny part is that history will never belonged and will never belong to the west, past 4 centuries were an aberration, history will never forgive the west for the
Haider May 25, 2021 05:26pm
Deep pockets controls hollywood and US media outlets.
Ibrahim May 25, 2021 05:26pm
Israel is losing steam . New generation sees things differently.
Ga May 25, 2021 05:41pm
Deep Pockets!
Waheed UK May 25, 2021 05:41pm
This is the influence of what has been referred to as “deep pockets “by some . Zionist have always used their power to influence, manipulate and coerce and stifle any negative comment or action against them. Many decent and noble Jews are also against their brutal oppression, expulsion, genocide and extermination of Palestinians. This guy caved into pressure against speaking the truth. Zionism rests on lies ,propaganda and manipulation and distortion of truth
A. ALI May 25, 2021 05:46pm
failed to see the reason for publishing his retraction about his remakrs. he is jew first, then anything else. its only we here in Pakistan who will make a mole out of mountain. if you are really concerned i would suggest boycott his production and movies in which he may act? any takers for this??
KK May 25, 2021 06:29pm
Hahaha!! Poor guy!! They really pile on the pressure for exercising your right to an opinion..... democracy at its best. Pathetic!
Malik j haider May 25, 2021 07:14pm
think before one speak
A.Khan May 25, 2021 07:38pm
Poor actor
Asad Ali Raza May 25, 2021 09:52pm
Deep pockets
ambreen May 25, 2021 11:05pm
Coward !
ambreen May 25, 2021 11:06pm
Hulk is not strong :)
John Cool May 26, 2021 12:37am
@Tariq "I wonder which statement is or was a lie." Both since money trumps Palestinians and Israel(Jews).Cares for neither.
Toronto May 26, 2021 01:05am
Apologizing for practicing freedom of speech in the West?
Ahmed Zeeshan May 26, 2021 02:24am
Big Pockets
Faizan Saleem May 26, 2021 01:31pm
Deep pockets Yaad aagaya!!
Bila May 26, 2021 03:18pm
His software is being updated.
Waheed Khan May 27, 2021 12:53am
@A. ALI he is not Jewish.
Anon May 27, 2021 12:54pm
@Pakistani 280 billion?
Rami May 29, 2021 06:45am
Stop saying there is freedom of speech in the west!
Rami May 29, 2021 06:47am
@Changez Khan USA news media is control by cooperate ceo who do not have any empathy for Palestine peoples!
INDEPENDENT Jun 01, 2021 11:43am
Zionsists Jews can go to the lowest level to hide their crimes against Palestinians. They punish those, who openly become vocal and raise voice for Palestinians and for atrocities and genocides of Palestinians by Israel. Many years ago, Mel Gibson was targeted too. Stay strong and keep supporting Palestinians.