
Adnan Siddiqui lashes out at Indian fan's pro-Israel comment

Adnan Siddiqui lashes out at Indian fan's pro-Israel comment

In a fiery outburst, he called Zionists today a "spitting image" of Nazis, accusing the UN and Muslim countries of inaction.
18 May, 2021

Adnan Siddiqui, one of Pakistan's biggest stars, took to social media in a truly fiery outburst recently as he expressed his outrage and disappointment at Israel's violence and human rights violations, calling out world authorities for not doing anything. When an Indian fan shared his pro-Israel sentiments in the comments, Siddiqui fired back unforgivingly.

Uploading a video of a distraught 10-year-old Palestinian girl standing in the rubble of a target of Israel's indiscriminately fired missiles, the actor shared his sheer dismay at the Palestinian reality. In the video, the young girls is seen in shambles, tears running down her face, as she helplessly repeats the phrases "I'm a kid," and "I don't even know what to do," and "I'm just 10."

The video is a truly gut-wrenching insight into the terror-ridden life of Palestinians.

"Something died in me when she sad this," admitted Siddiqui. Saying her eyes say it all, the actor noted her sheer helplessness, saying he understands why she wants to become a doctor. "That is the only way she sees to help her people," he said.

The girl mentioned how she was taught by her parents that she's hated because she's Muslim, that the aggressors thinks she deserves to die for the religion she was born into. This didn't sit right with Siddiqui either. "Imagine living in a world where the scales are always tipped against you," he said.

"You are made increasingly aware of that, day after day, till you die, maybe to a bomb attack or shot by a sniper."

Calling the happenings "full blown tyranny", the Meray Paas Tum Ho star said no child should be made collateral damage in manmade acts of cruelty.

He called out the UN and Muslim countries of the world for their silence and inaction, begging the question, "Why this apathy by the world?"

"Are business interests and diplomacy more important than the future of these kids? You don't need to be a parent to feel their pain, you just have to be a human being," he added.

Criticising the Israeli state for its crimes against humanity, he said he wanted to tell the Zionists today that "they are today the spitting image of people they despised the most: the Nazis."

Soon after the post went up, one of Siddiqui's several fans from across the border popped into a comment section with a especially distasteful take. The comment was deleted by the user before we were able to read it but from their later comment it is apparent that the comment was in favour of Israel. Several Indians have expressed support for Israel on social media. Even in the follow up comment, the user pledged his support for the Zionist state.

Siddiqui had a harshly worded response to the original comment and made sure his feelings were heard fully.

He brought into question the user's view of humanity, calling it opaque and lopsided, using the same words for their knowledge of Israel's cruelty. That, Siddiqui believes, explains why the support for oppression comes so easy for them.

"The suffering of mankind is collective," he established. Using it to justify why he stands with both Palestinians suffering at the hands of Israel, and Indians suffering at the hands of the novel coronavirus. He stands for humanity.

The user then felt a response was in order, and after deleting his original comment, he issued a new one.

It didn't get much better.

He explained why he deleted the comment, saying its because he misidentified Siddiqui as Pakistani-born Indian musician Adnan Sami.

"You have all the right to support Palestine, and we Indians will always stand with Israel," the user reiterated his unmistakable position, reducing the conversation to a difference in opinion. Admitting that he's a fan of Siddiqui's work, having followed his dramas, but maintained he has his own reasons to side with the destructive ideology, and oppressive state.

Cue massive sigh.

In a world where hate, prejudice and violence can find justification, there is little room left to navigate our joint humanity. We are glad Siddiqui met the genocide-justifying-hate-monger with a befitting reply and wish for the day when standing with and for humanity won't need any explanation.


Multani May 18, 2021 04:28pm
It is a big world, everybody has their opinion, let it be.
TJ May 18, 2021 04:33pm
The man speaks the unadulterated truth. Respect.
Ahmed khan lehri May 18, 2021 04:52pm
Don't worry dear Adnan. A nazi and racist / facist always supports other Nazi. These both the countries like and love to kill innocent Palestinian/ Kashmiri children.
Ahmed khan lehri May 18, 2021 04:55pm
Those who even burn their dead, cannot be having a human heart.
Mango Kashmiri, Srinagar May 18, 2021 04:58pm
indian RSS affiliated hindues are most uncouth and deeply rooted anti Muslim species . Do never expect anything good from them for other minorities and for muslims ,it is not even question per se.
M. Saeed May 18, 2021 05:09pm
World has to be a better place to live. And the life is too short to be happy and live. Even such events give goosebumps just by reading and watching the videos of such horrors. Imagine yourself in such a situation.
John Doe May 18, 2021 05:22pm
The girl mentioned how she was taught by her parents that she's hated because she's Christian / Hindu, that the aggressors thinks she deserves to die for the religion she was born into. Will this sit right with Siddiqui.....
Tasvir-e-Buttan May 18, 2021 05:32pm
@Ahmed khan lehri And you keep planting your dead hoping to ' grow ' more of the same? It causes pollution in Mother Earth.
Ahmed khan lehri May 18, 2021 06:11pm
@Tasvir-e-Buttan Because of burning bodies smoke of Indians, India and it's neighbours are facing smog.
Saeeds May 18, 2021 06:19pm
@Ahmed khan lehri I think that a cheap shot. You can attacked other religion but someone gives there harsh opinions about your religion. You all start screaming respect
dr May 18, 2021 06:37pm
Try to stay in your own closet!
Aa May 18, 2021 06:39pm
One thing that really surprised me in the last few years is the amount of hatred Indians have towards Muslims. Two nation theory is proving right every single day of the year and shows how important it is.
Naved May 18, 2021 06:48pm
People with sick mind form opinion due to their interest. They cannot see facts and realities. Biased people thoughts & opinion will be proved wrong by time. Israel is an oppressive & despotic regime. Only biased people cannot see their oppression.
D’Souza May 18, 2021 06:50pm
If he’s so moved by the cause, why doesn’t he go to Gaza and join the intifada ? Keyboard warriors the bunch of them.
Asim May 18, 2021 06:58pm
Hmmm if it was Adnan Sami he had no right to defend Palestine ..... but since it was Adnan Siddiqui and he is from Pakistan he had every right to have his opinion .... Thank you Jinnah :)
Sarcasm May 18, 2021 07:43pm
Qaid-e-Azam tera Ahsaan hai! I whole heartedly wish that RSS and BJP continue to rule India for decades.
Lakhkar Khan May 18, 2021 07:53pm
@D’Souza - You spoke like a true ignorant. If no one like you could have opinion, why can't a big star like Adnan does?
Akram May 18, 2021 07:58pm
@Naved “ Israel is an oppressive & despotic regime. ” So is India’s regime. That’s why Indians love Israel.
Lakhkar Khan May 18, 2021 07:59pm
@Saeeds, Here is my opinion and that is, stupid people should keep their opinion to themselves. Period.
Mango Kashmiri, Srinagar May 18, 2021 08:02pm
@Sarcasm May your wishes come true as this will make sure India’s disintegration.
Hawk May 18, 2021 08:19pm
Everyone has right to speak but comment must be with conscious not from prejudice.
TimeToMovveOn May 18, 2021 08:31pm
Does this dude care about Uigher muslims, or is he selective in his outrage
NSG May 18, 2021 08:42pm
Everybody is entitled to his personal opinion ....
NSG May 18, 2021 08:46pm
@Mango Kashmiri, Srinagar yep, Pakistan should allow free immigration to every Muslim in India ....
yosuf Zafar May 18, 2021 09:00pm
This time > 2000 missiles are fired on civilians, why don't you criticize that part?
RationalBabu May 18, 2021 09:05pm
@Sarcasm you can wish whatever you like, Indian people will decide. Was the situation much different before Modi?
Indoaryan May 18, 2021 10:43pm
@Akram Indians have had lived under Muslim rule we are well aware of what they are capable of.
Sukhera May 19, 2021 12:43am
Mr. Adnam, the problem is our news papers (Pakistani)are the one who are printing Anti Kashmiri and Anti Palestinian comments under the guise of freedom of press/ speech. Look in our news papers before lashing at them. Some time I wonder whose side they are on. Thank you for speaking out against aggression.
Amin May 19, 2021 12:57am
@Aa well said, true.
Observer May 19, 2021 01:07am
The British divided Palestine by religion to sow permanent discord. Having succeeded they divided India by religion with same result. Hindus and Muslims who had lived together for a thousand years fell apart.
Abdur Razzaque May 19, 2021 01:12am
Showing my solidarity with Mt. Siddiqui. Humanity and above all the Palestinians has every right to to live' in their homeland !
Zhear Ahmed May 19, 2021 02:58am
@D’Souza if your moved by a cause you dont have to go their to experience it . having sympathy and showing compassion to the plight of others is a human trait not all humans have.
Jacob Messiah May 19, 2021 03:16am
How come he and others haven't come to the support of muslims in China namely the "Uyhurs", are they less muslims than others, or is it just a political ploy to garner support for their own propaganda. Pakistan has turned into a nation of hippocrates.
Mariam Tariq May 19, 2021 07:17am
@John Doe that is pathetic that’s all I can say read both his comments again ....
Mahwish May 19, 2021 09:18am
@Indoaryan It was hindu muslim rule as hindus and muslims royalty married each other and kept their faith.
Abdul Sheikh May 19, 2021 09:39am
Does anybody know him?
G H A L I B J E E E May 19, 2021 09:55am
Dear Adnan you cannot change the mind set of an Oppressor , An Oppressor will support another Oppressor.
Silent Observer May 19, 2021 03:26pm
Indian troll army is siding Israel since India has a strategic agreement with Israel. Palestinians do not have any such agreements with anyone. so its easy for the laughing stock Indians to side Israel. Afterall it take character and moral to stand for humanity and justice!
Silent Observer May 19, 2021 03:28pm
@D’Souza ... by the same token, what are you doing here? go and fight with Jews!
Shams khan May 21, 2021 06:52am
No wonder, Israel and india are two sides of the same rusted coin. They are culprits and proven criminals of humanity supported by coward Arabs.
Shams khan May 21, 2021 06:54am
India and Israel are proven culprits and criminals of humanity.
Anon May 23, 2021 01:40pm
@Saeeds still they are clueless why the world doesn’t like them!!
Anon May 23, 2021 01:42pm
@TimeToMovveOn he is selective because of iron brother