
Indian celebrities thank Pakistan for love and support as Covid ravages the nation

Indian celebrities thank Pakistan for love and support as Covid ravages the nation

Kangana Ranaut, Swara Bhasker and Anshu Mor have sent messages of thanks on social media.
26 Apr, 2021

India has found itself in deep, unfamiliar waters, and its citizens are on their knees, gasping for air at unforgiving hospital gates. In this time of great hardship, something good has emerged. Well wishes from across the border in Pakistan, whether from fear of a similar fate or sheer humanness, have been pouring in to great reception in India.

It is refreshing to see how crises unite traditional rivals.

Well wishes came out of every quarter in Pakistan, from the grassroots of civil society, who the horrors have reached through the internet and neighbourhood gossip, to the very top, integral members of the state and influential civil society members. It is perhaps easier to sympathise because the videos that have come out of the country have been truly nerve-wracking.

In addition to the intangible wishes, support was also offered by the Pakistani state. Civilian harmony would mean little without state level cooperation, and we are proud that the state did step up. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi announced that the government would help with relief and medical equipment, saying it believes in a policy of humanity.

Twitter trends reflected Pakistanis flocking to the internet in support and these trends did not go unnoticed in India.

Actor and regular headline Kangana Ranaut noted the trend in Pakistan and expressed her delight.

Veere di Wedding actor Swara Bhasker also noted the support from this side of the border. She confessed the treatment of Pakistan has not been fair in their media or otherwise, and yet getting such a response melted her heart.

Comedian Anshu Mor was left joining his hands at the 'love and concern'.

Shoaib Akhtar was one of the noteworthy Pakistanis who sent in their well wishes, and we already know how much love and respect the Rawalpindi Express receives from his Indian fans. Indian National Congress politician Salman Nizami personally thanked him for his sentiment.

The world is truly united in this cause. It's not just Pakistan, countries from across the world have stood in solidarity with India. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai too was lit in Indian colours in a show of solidarity.

As for Pakistan, while it is a time of great pride for how we have put aside our differences when the time asked for it, it is simultaneously time for great precaution. In our concern for India hides our fear of the same thing happening to us. Since reports started flooding in from India, social media has been asking questions about Pakistan's readiness for such a crisis.

We too have weak healthcare infrastructure, we too can very easily run out of oxygen if a crisis rises — two of our provinces are not even capable of producing their own oxygen — so we absolutely must be careful, now more than ever. Wear your masks, and take care Pakistan.


Sheraz Ali Rizvi Apr 26, 2021 02:00pm
Differences between these 2 great nation is only dirty politicalL mind set.
ABE Apr 26, 2021 02:03pm
Hope and pray the gesture is not only appreciated, but makes a difference in saving some lives. Every human life is precious - regardless of creed, color, cast, ideology, nationality or religion. Perhpas this small gesture may result in both nations come closer in future cooperation and set aside their differences to build better relations. A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step!
M. Saeed Apr 26, 2021 02:26pm
India is 6 times bigger in population than Pakistan. Almost 1/5th of humanity. It must be seen as world's most unequally distributed of surviving facilities and the entire humanity must be concerned of saving it jointly as this pandemic can travel the globe lightening fast, if not jointly contained. There should be no boundaries in saving humanity.
Changez Khan Apr 26, 2021 02:27pm
Together we can defeat and kill the virus.
Razi Ashraf Apr 26, 2021 03:34pm
Hope Indians remember this. They always seem to show their hatred for Muslims. Now at least they should understand the magnanimity of Muslims. Even Pakistan was the first state to express concern and solidarity. This is a blow for followers of Hindutva who always believe Muslims as their enemy and propogate hate against them.
Adeel Esbhani Apr 26, 2021 04:08pm
Kangna's tweet was misread.. she think we're appreciate Modi's contribution there. She's twisted a good ans a neutral gesture to some political.. i expect Dawn editorial staff to understand English better than it's readers!
Syed Apr 26, 2021 04:14pm
Celebrity? Never heard of these people
Khany Apr 26, 2021 04:45pm
India forgets it quickly too but do the Indians stand with Kashmiris. If they do then let the referendum of voting begin. Oh wait India is after the land and doesn't give a damn about Kashmiris.
Babubhai Apr 26, 2021 04:46pm
As long as our PMIK is in office we Pakistanis will come nearer to our neighbour India. Long live our friendship
Ali da Malanga Apr 26, 2021 05:12pm
@Adeel Esbhani - "..Kangna's tweet was misread.. she think we're appreciate Modi's contribution there. She's twisted a good ans a neutral gesture to some political.. " Well caught! First, Pakistan was supposed to get COVID vaccine from Hindustan under the WHO agreement but it didn't get any while Modi distributed it to the other South Asian countries as part of his "vaccine diplomacy" and hatred against Pakistan. People should keep in mind that Hindustan only produces medicine under license from companies that own patents of those drugs (PFizer, Elilly, Merck ,etc.).
Ahsan Shah Apr 26, 2021 05:26pm
Indians shouldn't feel lonely at this crucial juncture of their history... We ll support em through thick n thin... Rest assured that Pakistani govt ll do whatever it can to help u out in this ruthless hour of trial
Shazeb abrar Apr 26, 2021 05:35pm
Its honor for pakistan that indian celebrities are praising pakistan for being supportive in COVID-19 situation in india. Congratulations dawn newspaper.
Rafiq Apr 26, 2021 06:07pm
Pain binds people. Its heart wrenching to see death parading in india. We must do whatever we can in Pakistan to alleviate the pain, if nothing we can pray from inner recesses of our soul.
Hawk Apr 26, 2021 06:08pm
When i saw innocent people were lying in streets and their relatives crying, it was such a severe painful.
FAZ Apr 26, 2021 06:10pm
KR thinks Pakistan is getting Indian vaccine. On which planet she is dwelling?
Skeptic Apr 26, 2021 06:12pm
The US government, NGOs, are rushing aid to India as well. While major corporations such as Microsoft and Google are collecting donations from their employees to send supplies to India to help ease the burden on the health care and save lives. Hang in there. Help is on the way!
AAM Apr 26, 2021 06:42pm
In reality there are no actual diffrences between these two nations as they share a common bond with each other in nearly every aspect of life. The diffrences which we see, has been artifically made by the politicians and media for their own benefits.
Nadeem Apr 26, 2021 06:55pm
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi Pakistan has always shown friendly gestures time to time, its india who did not forget the separation. I agree Pakistan is not having very good relations with Bangladesh but we are not enemies.
Nadeem Apr 26, 2021 06:58pm
This is India not forgetting the separation, hates Pakistan. We always wish friendly relations with them. Write this down some where, they will never want friendship. Hatred is their nature.
Ajaz Apr 26, 2021 07:03pm
Who cares what celebrities think.
Salman Apr 26, 2021 07:26pm
Humanity is bigger than petty political battles. Hope India's COVID situation improves soon. It is so heartbreaking to see people dying outside hospitals from lack of oxygen, and at the same time IPL being played with all song n dance, like it's some big celebration. How can we be so heartless? Also, while some Indian celebrities have wholeheartedly shared their good wishes for Pakistan, I'm just amazed how Dawn thinks this Kangana tweet was an appreciation! Her tweet is a thinly veiled insult (she couldn't resist mentioning that this concern is a result of India giving vaccines to Pakistan... Amazingly petty). Such a brilliant actor, such a low person.
RAI Apr 26, 2021 07:39pm
@Razi Ashraf .... when you say Indians hate Muslims, are you suggesting that the 300 million Muslims who are Indian citizens also hate Muslims?? Learn to differentiate between Muslims and Pakistanis.
Sayyar Khan Apr 26, 2021 07:39pm
Hope and pray for all World to fight this out. Prayers for all Indian and Pakistani.
Khurram Apr 26, 2021 07:49pm
You all misunderstood the Kangana's tweet. You should have translated the hashtag. She was praising Modi for providing vaccine to Pakistan. And then just thanked Pakistan for reciprocating. Also not sure which vaccine she mentioned in her tweet..
anwar shah Apr 26, 2021 07:54pm
my love and sympathy to indians. willing to donate if they accept
anwar shah Apr 26, 2021 07:58pm
my love and sympathy for indians. willing to donate
anwar shah Apr 26, 2021 08:00pm
we are sad at covid havoc at india. our prayers. willing to donate as well. we are family
ABDUL MATEEN Apr 26, 2021 08:41pm
Madaiyan Apr 26, 2021 08:44pm
Talk is cheap! Without any tangible action, some people need appreciation for words! ridiculous!
Rami Apr 26, 2021 08:49pm
This is what happens when the gov’t does not invest in health sector or poverty relief! Wars mind sets needs to change!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 26, 2021 10:13pm
At least, somebody is thankful.
Syed Hafeez Imran Apr 26, 2021 10:21pm
@Khurram No vaccine arrived in Pakistan from India in spite of their promise _ aniother promise and commitment broken. But we stand by them in their hour of need
Sam Apr 27, 2021 12:05am
@Razi Ashraf Hindu, Muslim or Christians we are all humans. Humanity comes first. Thank you for all support and solidarity. Love from India
Zak Apr 27, 2021 12:48am
'Well wishes from across the border in Pakistan, whether from fear of a similar fate or sheer humanness, have been pouring in to great reception in India.' Why would Pakistan fear a similar fate and then wish some one else well. Odd.
Zak Apr 27, 2021 12:49am
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi Differences between these 2 great nation is only dirty politicalL mind set. Not really, difference is cultural, religion, languages, looks, dress, history, mindset, blood lienieage.
Zak Apr 27, 2021 12:52am
If one saw the plight of the 90% poor Indian masses, dropping where they stand, dieing on garbage dumps, begging for oxygen, food, water, villages wiped out, any human being would step forward and help, especially a Muslim as our religion teaches us this.
Hasan jawad Apr 27, 2021 01:18am
This is the time for showing love, not hate.we all wish the Indian people to be well and safe from their present travails.
Hasan jawad Apr 27, 2021 01:21am
This is the time for every one to share love and not hate.
Hansoti sh Apr 27, 2021 02:10am
@ABE beautiful
Hansoti sh Apr 27, 2021 02:10am
@M. Saeed agreed brother
Ali Apr 27, 2021 02:11am
Covid made us understand that only a few minutes of absence of oxygen can kill us all and we spent more than 70 years in fighting. Let Kashmiris decide what they want to do and let us live as good neighbor for our children and do massive business and get out of poverty. ✌ peace
Hansoti sh Apr 27, 2021 02:12am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad , though we do this from common humanity, it is good to see even Kangana's appreciation. Let us keep our promise to help.
Hansoti sh Apr 27, 2021 02:12am
@Rami true.
RationalBabu Apr 27, 2021 02:15am
@RAI and he would be surprised to learn what most Indian Muslims think of Pakistani Muslims!
RationalBabu Apr 27, 2021 02:17am
@Syed Hafeez Imran you never asked for it!
Sandip Bhattacharya Apr 27, 2021 02:48am
@Razi Ashraf They always seem to show their hatred for Muslims. No Mr. Ashraf India elected multiple Muslim Presidents, Cricket Captains , judges and other positions
Rohit Apr 27, 2021 02:49am
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi ..if only we all realised this statement of yours . Stay safe and stay healthy
Ali Apr 27, 2021 04:07am
Save humanity......Save India
MG Apr 27, 2021 04:56am
India and Pakistan must start trade relations soon. This will benefit both and help in improving the overall relationship
TAT Apr 27, 2021 05:11am a very proud OCI from Trinidad ( West Indies ) my heart cries for my country and countrymen... but goodness and resilience in such times bond people into a sea of humanity....that's what matters most ! ...all of Trinidad pray for mother India !
AZAM AKBAR Apr 27, 2021 06:49am
@Syed Hafeez Imran Mr. Syed Hafeez Imran, Correct. But Mr. Narendra Modi is by heart a terrorist with his goons.
SALMAN ALI Apr 27, 2021 07:01am
@Ali da Malanga Kangana maybe biased with political agenda, but you have also not read her tweet carefully. She has appreciated "empathy in testing times."
SALMAN ALI Apr 27, 2021 07:10am
Pakistan and India spend billions on weapons to "defend and protect" people. From what? We neglect our Health care system making people suffer. COVID19 is bringing this to reality. Every year, the number of people devastated by deaths due to malnutrition, child mortality, lack of medical facilities etc. must be sizable compared to the population of Kashmir. But we remain fixated on this issue. I know I am dreaming when I wish better sense prevails after this strategy. As a first step, the two countries should cut their weapons purchase budget for next year by 20%. Use it for the upliftment of healthcare. Alas, this will be opposed not only locally but by our masters in West, China.
Ismaa Saadat Apr 27, 2021 07:41am
Not just wishes, send them oxygen cylinders Pakistani government.
Sandy Apr 27, 2021 07:49am
I am highly humbled by seeing reaction of our neighborhood citizens at India's Covid situation. I must admit that we need to come out of political vilification and live as human beings.
Ga Apr 27, 2021 07:51am
Politics aside, if you dont feel pain for the otherside than you are not human. Best wishes to India! We in Pak need to act respinsible and dont let the same happen here .
Faraz Apr 27, 2021 07:53am
No mainstream celebrity in this list.
Kiwi Apr 27, 2021 04:35pm
It is a bitter pill to swallow for the Indians who hate Pakistan that we are offering India help. But Kudos to the Indians who thanks our gesture. Cheers.
گلزار احمد Apr 27, 2021 06:41pm
اللہ پاک قران میں فرماتے ھیں۔”جس نے ایک انسان کی جان بچاٸ اس نے ساری انسانیت کی جان بچاٸ اور جس نے ایک انسان کا نا حق قتل کیا اس نے ساری انسانیت کا قتل کیا۔“ ھمارے دین اسلام میں پڑوسیوں کے حقوق کی بہت تاکید کی گٸ ھے۔
Abid Mushtaq Apr 27, 2021 07:27pm
Stay strong Indian friends. These are testing times. We are concerned and pray for you.
Roger Apr 27, 2021 07:53pm
Both nations india and Pakistan got good people like rose and there is thorn in both nations who are the real thorn- since independence both given from 1947-2021 what happened in the name of democracy these politicians get licence to rule for 5 years how? They buy vote by rs 1000 or 1 saree or 1 desi bottle or 1 motor bike for village panchayat or 1 car all the votes of that village goes to that person so basically there are 2 terrorists one is politicians and other side are business man and 3rd terrorist is media all these people daily kill the mass by eating the money and drinking the blood of poor people- throw this democracy and bring a communist and see the change whole india got peoblem not south india specially kerala they got excess of oxygen and excess of ventilator why?? Because of communist
Disha Arora Apr 28, 2021 05:50am
@M. Saeed very well said
Sarwar Apr 28, 2021 06:12am
Thank you, Pakistan. Pakistan always good at sweet talk.
Shazia Apr 28, 2021 06:43am
Hope we learn to get serious about our decisions in following SOPs of covid 19. It's still time to behave as good citizen. Still our most of population got misconception of covid existence.
liaqat Apr 28, 2021 09:35am
people in subcontinent are not much different and only politics has divided and our attitude needs a change of mutual benefit
liaqat Apr 28, 2021 09:38am
@ABE yes, only single step of living as both these nationals do when living in UK etc as immigrants
Mr. Sindhi Apr 28, 2021 01:39pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
Jahan Ara Apr 28, 2021 05:27pm
Where are Indian readers who love to spit venom against Pakistan and Pakistanis? Not a simple thank you from them.
Abdul Jalil Apr 29, 2021 02:02pm
I am proud of my government, my people, and Edhi who are providing support to India. By heart we are with them.
samia hamza Apr 29, 2021 10:24pm
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi you are right
Zak Apr 30, 2021 12:28pm
@M. Saeed There should be no boundaries in saving humanity. Thats why India should allow Pakistan to help Kashmiris in IOK as well.
Cye Apr 30, 2021 06:23pm
You welcome swara bhaskar and nizami bhai.
Rational Corp May 01, 2021 09:08am
@MG Ameen
Farook Janjua May 03, 2021 05:49am
If people of India and Pakistan want to help each other, why stop them and who is stopping them ?. Politics and boots.