
Thank you 'Katherine' for letting us know what Pakistani men are really like

Thank you 'Katherine' for letting us know what Pakistani men are really like

Twitter has a lot to say about your opinion and very little of it is complimentary.
Updated 30 Mar, 2021

Pakistani Twitter is blowing up after two tweets by a woman named Katherine. But who is this woman and what has she done?

These are the tweets from an account with the handle iKatherineGeorg.

The account was made in February and posts mainly about Pakistan and how wonderful it is, with some posts by Steve Irwin's kids sprinkled in. People aren't sure if this is a bot account, a troll, a paid blogger or just a very misguided white woman.

In two separate posts that have fired up the internet, she says "No one in the world respects women as much as Pakistani men. Very respectful and humble" and "Pakistan is a country that loves and respects women". Both are obviously very normal things for a tourist to post after visiting a country.

In fact, we too want to visit this Pakistan.

As we all know, white women are experts on Pakistani men.

If only Katherine would relocate à la Cynthia and teach us more about Pakistani men.

If this an actual account, and not a bot like so many suspect, then Katherine has a lot to learn about white privilege and colonial hangovers.

A lot of men seemed to be on board with believing Katherine's account of respectful Pakistani men instead of, you know, actual Pakistani women.

Speaking of Pakistani men...

If Katherine does move to Pakistan, she should try organising an Aurat March.

She already has the support of many Pakistan men.

People were pretty fed up with the post and posts like it.

Some think it was a paid post.

Maybe we're not looking at it the right way. This could be a job opportunity our fellow country-people! If only we were white...

Or maybe it's not her at all!

Please #SaveKatherine2021

On a serious note.

Whether Katherine's is a fake account or not, Pakistan (or at least Pakistani Twitter) needs to get over this obsession with white people. Foreigners are not the barometer by which we should judge our country. Let's listen to the people who live in it and go through issues every day. When we're talking about how respectful Pakistani men are to women, let's ask women who actually live here. Women who don't have the privilege of being caucasian and whose otherwise offensive (to men) actions are therefore not excused.


Sam Mar 29, 2021 03:19pm
Another Ritchie???
M. Saeed Mar 29, 2021 03:20pm
In contrast, see what is the advisory for Western women tourists visiting India?
Samina Mar 29, 2021 03:22pm
People on the internet have lost their mind these days, really! They tend to have opinions on other people's opinions too. There are many kinds of people in Pakistan and there are people who are respectful towards Pakistani women and foreigners alike. By stating their opinions, these people have shown Katherine what narrow minds they have that they can't let a foreigner enjoy the experience that she's genuinely have had.
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