
University of Lahore expels students for hugging on campus

University of Lahore expels students for hugging on campus

Twitter is divided over whether it was the right thing to do.
Updated 13 Mar, 2021

Two students were expelled from the University of Lahore on Friday for hugging on campus and people are divided over whether this was the right decision.

According to a statement issued by the registrar of the varsity, a special disciplinary committee meeting was held on March 12 at 10:30am and the two students were called in but failed to appear. The committee then decided to expel the two students and ban them from entering any of the university's campuses.

The university says they violated Section 9 of its General Discipline Rules and Code of Conduct. These rules are not published online.

Multiple videos were uploaded online of the "incident". The videos show a young woman handing roses and cards to a young man and then bending down on one knee and holding out a bouquet of roses to him. He takes the roses and then pulls her in for a hug. A crowd of students surrounds the couple and cheers them on.

After the university expelled the couple people took to Twitter to discuss the incident.

Some thought expelling them was the right thing to do because their behaviour was inappropriate. One Twitter user suggested that the only reason they were expelled was because the proposal went viral online. Others thought there are a lot of other issues for the university to be concerned with, such as harassment.

Lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir said society has issues aplenty and doesn't need to concern itself with two consenting adults expressing their love publicly.

Another user said the university hadn't taken action against teachers accused of harassment but acted against these students.

One user noted that the country asks kids to shut their eyes when two people kiss on screen, but treats a show that glorifies beheadings as a natural treasure.

The Progressive Students' Collective called it 'moral policing'.

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari called it ridiculous.

Singer and activist Shehzad Roy said it's okay to beat and scold a woman in public but not for her to hug someone.

Others said it's only okay for celebrities to express their love.

If it's so offensive to you, boycott all the movies that show love too, said one Twitter user.

Activist and academic Nida Kirmani said it's hard enough to find happiness in Pakistan and when someone does find it, the rest of society wants to punish them for it.

Shaniera Akram said love is the best part about being young and is what makes life worth living.

One user posted a thread on the incident and called on people to let others be happy. He suggested that the university should have sent the students a second summons instead of expelling them without hearing their point of view.

We agree that while the students may have violated the university's Code of Conduct, the incident didn't seem to merit an expulsion. It's rare that we hear of students being expelled for harassing their peers or teachers who do the same, for that matter. Why then was the harshest punishment a university can administer given to students who committed the crime of giving each other a hug?

With additional reporting by Imran Gabol


Saj Mar 13, 2021 12:55pm
Hmm they should have turned up to the hearing...
ABCD Mar 13, 2021 12:58pm
A strong warning should have sufficed to the crime but by expelling the students the administration has become a part of crime. However, in a country like Pakistan, hard liners will love to appreciate this decision.
IFTIKHAR Mar 13, 2021 01:02pm
The act of Individual is agains society Norms. If This is allowed freely, Universities will turn into LOVE CAFE
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 13, 2021 01:03pm
One must respect the sociocultural values, norms, traditions, principles and practices of a nation otherwise, get ready to bear the consequences.
Akbar khan Mar 13, 2021 01:14pm
Backward mentality
Fawad Hashmey Mar 13, 2021 01:24pm
It is spring time and love is in the air. Let the love blossom.
A Bostonian Mar 13, 2021 01:25pm
Well done university administration.
Jo Mar 13, 2021 01:25pm
I'd like to know how many staff the university has expelled for harassing and coercing students! Apply consistency of treatment please.
jaredlee007 Mar 13, 2021 01:32pm
This is basically a generational difference. Decision makers' values and expectations are significantly different from those of the students. I taught a LUMS as a permanent full-time professor in the school of business. And one of the founding faculty members of LUMS would not allow male and female students to sit together during regular class sessions. He had an PhD from USA and could not reconcile the reality of the contemporary academia. This was in the MBA program of LUMS and it happened at least a decade ago. So, even the so-called leading university had the same problem of moral policing.
Fastrack Mar 13, 2021 01:40pm
Their Institute, their "marzi". Deal with it. :)
Derek Miller Mar 13, 2021 01:40pm
Jibran Nasir is peddling as a left wing liberal, yet he stands behind the PPP - a party of feudals How deep does it stink?
babu Mar 13, 2021 01:42pm
Pakistan is supposedly a young country with modern thought.
Haider Mar 13, 2021 01:44pm
Why university can not focus on delivering the best education by hiring qualified faculty and not becoming a moral police. These kids have proposed each other and they will be husband and wife soon, so what if they have hugged. [Don't be a kaido between heer and ranjha]
Qayum Baig Mar 13, 2021 01:47pm
The University needs to get a grip of itself. Society and time has moved on, this couple were not in a private room doing wrong, but in public, and no one showed any disapproval. Does the university carry out swift expulsion decisions when it comes to female or male sexual harassment. It's fine to watch people expressing their feelings on the daily dramas, where everyone watches with their families as family shows. Pakistan is such a hypocritical Society. The students should be allowed to return to their studies.
JustSaying Mar 13, 2021 01:55pm
Hurtling towards Mediaeval Ages...
Saaras Mar 13, 2021 01:55pm
Is hugging really a crime. Surprised.
Hamid shafiq Mar 13, 2021 02:11pm
It’s against the humanity and human rights violations by university act
Paul sambe Mar 13, 2021 02:17pm
Twitter com
joe Mar 13, 2021 02:17pm
Some thought expelling them was the right thing to do because their behaviour was inappropriate" When thought are of "Stone age" can you call it "Naya Pakistan". Learn to move on with time.In India conservative were deadly against " Live in Relationship" But SC of India gave a very firm ruling " Adults have the right to choose ,with whom they are comfortable living with"
joe Mar 13, 2021 02:23pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad One must respect the sociocultural values, norms, traditions, principles and practices of a nation otherwise, get ready to bear the consequences.. And who decides that? Mark my words any civil not religious court is going to "Up hold Freedom of Expression." These two were not in some corner in University alone .They were expressing their feelings on civilized manner in front of a large number of co students. Hang on tough is what I can tell thede two youngsters.
Chrís Dăn Mar 13, 2021 02:54pm
I support Jibran Nasirš view and all others with same consensus. Why people in Pakistan are so negatively critical about actions of two adults? Bravo to those who support personal freedom.
Chrís Dăn Mar 13, 2021 02:55pm
@ABCD these adults have committed no crime. Go after Kasure children molesters.
Chrís Dăn Mar 13, 2021 02:57pm
@IFTIKHAR we build our society NORMS. These two adults initiated and introduced a NORM based upon mutual effection between two adults. You can not stop breeze comming in a place. It is natural what they did. It is a norm now.
Chrís Dăn Mar 13, 2021 02:59pm
@Derek Miller Jibran is very right. If being natural and humane is veing leftist then we many are leftists in ur eyes and we do not care.
Vasil Shaikh Mar 13, 2021 02:59pm
@IFTIKHAR yes, and worse they may even end up competing with other top universities in the world. Surely we don't want that either. Good move. Keep the focus on useless things. Great going.
khurram Mar 13, 2021 03:01pm
The application of such acts observed on screens looks glamorous but cannot be culturally applied.
MG Mar 13, 2021 03:01pm
I am still wondering how on earth the Pakistani population is expanding at this rate?
Chris Roberts Mar 13, 2021 03:05pm
Living life in a straight jacket or taking the joy out of living never does anyone any good. Expressing love for another human being is a beautiful thing, especially in a world where there is so much hatred, discrimination, violence against women, sexism, the raping of children, religious fundamentalism, forced conversions, acid attacks, honour killings.... She very sweetly offered him flowers and he gave her a hug in return. Oh, what an absolutely horrible, scandalous and intolerable spectacle!
bhaRAT© Mar 13, 2021 03:16pm
@Chrís Dăn , "Go after Kasure children molesters." Why ask an Indian troll??
Zeeshan Mar 13, 2021 03:18pm
Consenting Adults is a western logic, doesn't cut in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Such things are better done indoor over here and no one will bother
M. Emad Mar 13, 2021 03:28pm
Darul Ulum university of Lahore.
MONIER Mar 13, 2021 03:28pm
Pakistan has laws. The students should follow the law and policies of the Institution.
M. Emad Mar 13, 2021 03:33pm
Pakistani 'Universities' are in fact big Madrasas.
Dr. Madhusudhan Reddy Tokala Mar 13, 2021 03:40pm
That is their freedom what is bad about it? Tell to the world of freedom movements. Good luck who are expelled for doing what you think is okay.
MG Mar 13, 2021 03:43pm
Who is this shanera ,...this hugging is not love, it is lust......welldone University of Lahore, infact an appreciable step.
Loda Mar 13, 2021 04:05pm
SHame on university ! Thats reason no such university is even under 1000
Asad Shah Mar 13, 2021 04:08pm
Fire the dean
PS Mar 13, 2021 04:16pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Ah! Tell that to the whole world of Islamic brothers spread across the world, who cry foul on not being allowed to follow their own ways and rules in other countries
Texas Ranger Mar 13, 2021 04:19pm
this is common in IBA, LUMS, LSE, FAST etc ...
Bonapati Barjawee Mar 13, 2021 04:21pm
If they are in love and wants to get marry then why this drama in the university should have involved their parents for proper engagement, Unfortunately you see many incident specially in Lahore based universities inspired and coping from Hollywood /west
PS Mar 13, 2021 04:26pm
@bhaRAT© You remain happy with your society and its norms, and go back to your stone caves. Suits us!
PS Mar 13, 2021 04:27pm
@Zeeshan There is word to describe that - hypocracy
Logic Mar 13, 2021 04:27pm
Where is freedom of expression?
King Mar 13, 2021 04:28pm
Correct decision, if you don’t like it move to the west or any other place full of fatherless children and STD’s.
Rana Talukdar Mar 13, 2021 04:37pm
It's not Pakistan specific, here in india too religious fanatics, both Hindu & Muslim, take laws in their hands in 14th February beat, humiliate couple publicly. I bet those who does this watch western porn sites and frustrated lot who r incapable of having a girlfriend.
Hemant Mar 13, 2021 04:37pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad I you would have followed social cultural norms only then you would not have done anything other then living in caves! Change and freedom is part of evolution of human being! Getting caught up and forcing others to remain in whole is not a sound plan for future! Read Jonathan Linvingston seagull. Hope you will learn how to dream!
M. Saeed Mar 13, 2021 04:37pm
Universities are places of learning, not the marriage making centres. Students can know each other in universities to genuinely find their compatibility in real life and make their families involved in such matters, instead of creating issues of conflicts and resulting harms. We are still a patriarchal society, far away from Western norms.
Ba-Akhlaq Mar 13, 2021 04:38pm
These students have made a deliberate attempt to invite trouble.
kp Mar 13, 2021 04:40pm
Really? some people still living in 16th century. University must encourage free thinking and rationality thats how western and now Eastern education system evolved and shwoing real results. And then these useless universities wonders why their students can not register a patent or why no invention. All comes with Free thinking.
Surinder Gill Mar 13, 2021 04:44pm
Where religious values evaporate when sodomy, child abuse, rape or other atrocities are committed against the weaker in the society. All adults have legal right to live as they wish. The state or govt can not be ethical or moral police. At the most students should be warned at first time and not to destroy their lives. I think in 22nd centuary, all who are thinking and living in 14 centuries behind should retire or sit home and not work in any instituttions.
Surinder Gill Mar 13, 2021 04:46pm
@IFTIKHAR Get your mental IQ checked. You live far behind the times. On one hand you enjoy the stories of heer Ranjha, Sai Punnu, Mirza Sahiba or Sohani mahiwal but deny the natural instinct of love and affection.
Irsalan ibrar Mar 13, 2021 04:49pm
Agree to that extend punishment is higher then the sin ...they may censure over their bold act if administartion feels it goes against the uni rules ...
joe Mar 13, 2021 04:50pm
@Chris Roberts She very sweetly offered him flowers and he gave her a hug in return. Oh, what an absolutely horrible, scandalous and intolerable spectacle! But Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Views seems to be from 10 century that too from nomadic tribes in deserts:- "One must respect the sociocultural values, norms, traditions, principles and practices of a nation otherwise, get ready to bear the consequences"
TZaman Mar 13, 2021 04:50pm
Societal mores changes. This is the beginning. Old stubborn always whine and cry resisting the inevitable changes.
Changez Khan Mar 13, 2021 04:51pm
University has done the right thing, a lesson for others. This is an Islamic country, the students should obey the rules and not make an institution a nightclub.
Bas yr kam reh gaya tha pakistan me..meri marzi mera pyar
joe Mar 13, 2021 04:52pm
@Zeeshan Such things are better done indoor over here and no one will bother" Then stories about " Laila Majnu,Heer Ranjha etc automatically should get banned
Secret Lover Mar 13, 2021 04:57pm
Morality out to lunch!
Ejaz khan Mar 13, 2021 04:58pm
The both students should attend the hearing. I know they are afraid and may want to protect their life from extremest. The code of conduct of university is important and they may not aware. Please let them attend the university and just warn the students, that publically hugs are not allowed.
Ahmad Gul Nazir Mar 13, 2021 04:59pm
If society had condemned the incident when Yasir Hussain and Iqra aziz had done this, we would not hsve seen this but when we have accepted them sharing love vibes with each other, we do have to accept this couple as well. But what I would say is that comparing this incident with pedophiles and harassment incidents is ridiculous connotation as both are different issues and we can't promote one against other. We have to accept few of moral principles prevalent in our society.
marquis de sade Mar 13, 2021 05:04pm
Slowtrack Mar 13, 2021 05:05pm
What can be expected from Naya Pakistan with handsome prime minister with three marriages.
Thinking Mar 13, 2021 05:11pm
That was such a sweet expression of love. So much noise should be made by the University for more serious issues that are pending under its territory
Multani Mar 13, 2021 05:17pm
Such acts cannot be tolerated in such highest institutions of learning, hugging or exhibition of any form of western cultural values to be banned forever.
Independent Thinker Mar 13, 2021 05:20pm
This is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. What these students did should be punishable by law.
RationalBabu Mar 13, 2021 05:28pm
There is no hope for Pakistan, my heart bleeds!
LAHORI KID Mar 13, 2021 05:30pm
Is this Pakistan or Afghanistan ?
Abid Mehmood Mar 13, 2021 05:30pm
Very disappointed by the comments Very not acceptable The supporting argument mentioned above does not warrant this type of act Expelling from uni is minimum they could have done Why we have to keep remind ourselves that we live in Islamic democracy of Pakistan and these kind of acts are not acceptable Lastly i understand there are more troubling issues such as harassment, pedophiles etc which requires xtreme punishment but we can’t neglect this while dealing with other more serious issues
LgbtqX Mar 13, 2021 05:36pm
Loving is not allowed in the Land of pure.
Parvez Mar 13, 2021 05:48pm
@ABCD .....You calling this " a crime " makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution.
NACParis Mar 13, 2021 05:48pm
The result of poor versus rich forgetting the cultural values.
Athar Mar 13, 2021 05:52pm
It’s not about love, it’s all about discipline, rules of institute. They didn’t come for love, they came for study. Our stupid media manipulating our culture, norms and values. Second point about harassment in Socity, it is very easy to justify both points together but no one will take stand and condemn it.
Siddiqui Mar 13, 2021 05:56pm
@IFTIKHAR . I agree with you . A strong message is rightly given. Do whatever outside the campus
artofscience Mar 13, 2021 05:56pm
Love or education, pick one
Vaibhav Mar 13, 2021 06:02pm
Stone age thinking! IKs naya Pakistan!
Click Mar 13, 2021 06:10pm
Apparently this is a bigger issue than pedophilia
Samih Khan (USA) Mar 13, 2021 06:13pm
Hypocrite nation.
Niaz Mar 13, 2021 06:13pm
Stop supporting indecency and immoral actions in Pakistan this is not the West. Do not forget as Muslims we have high moral, and we are accountable for our actions. If you have to commit a sin then do it in private and in front of member of the public. Act like Muslim if you are Muslim but if you are not then do it behind closed doors.
Sam Mar 13, 2021 06:15pm
People justifying this by saying child molestation goes on but this shouldn't, need to realize that the former is illegal and punishable. We are an Islamic Republic and this violated university code of conduct. If it violated a code the students had agreed to, then why the uproar on expulsion?
GM Mar 13, 2021 06:18pm
Really, In a country where no body cares about raping women , young girls and boys, and killing them, students gets expelled for showing love? We are just a pathetic nation.
Loyal Pakistani Mar 13, 2021 06:20pm
It's absolutely rubbish conduct of university administration. A deplorable over reaction of university implies to a suffocating and abnormal environment of an institution. My prayers are with those loving young birds.
Amir Khan Massachusetts Mar 13, 2021 06:20pm
@A Bostonian. Mr Bostonian... Try to have someone expelled from Boston for this, and you'll see how you get deported on the first flight back. Don't preach morality and yes there are far more important things to worry about.
Mahmood Mar 13, 2021 06:23pm
Start adopting western culture in bits and pieces and eventually you will lose your own identity, culture and social norms and customs! I wonder how the parents of the girl feel about it, or was she planning to elope with the young man - without knowledge or approval of her family??
Ashok Kumar Mar 13, 2021 06:23pm
This incident is a clear indication of where Pakistan is headed. Does this event even need to be on a national daily? Come on people, wake up. Two mature people express their desire to unite as a couple, they were not engaged in any private acts. Bless them for a long togetherness.
Jehengir khan Mar 13, 2021 06:29pm
Backward thinking....but then in a society where Malala is shot for going to school, hope died long ago.....
MONIER Mar 13, 2021 06:35pm
Respect the laws and policies of the Institute.
Mahmood Mar 13, 2021 06:39pm
@Chris Roberts Right, so let's also legalize drugs, alcohol and prostitution as well - because most of these are matter of ''personal choice'' and adults should be able to choose? Try this in countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan or even lberal 'UAE' and see how quickly you are grabbed by the collar, thrown in jail or worse!!! Learn the difference being ''expressing love'' and ''respecting tradition and culture'' of the land you live in. Something you don't seem to have a clue about Muslim countries.
Alih Kazmi Mar 13, 2021 06:40pm
@Jo When out of logical argument, try to confuse the issue by bringing in irrelevant issues.
Tuk Mar 13, 2021 06:45pm
In a society full of hatred we need more of this!
Igloo Mar 13, 2021 06:50pm
When Pakistanis sit with their children and feed them dramas, what do you think they are doing with those ideas? If you want to uphold traditional religious morality then you have to first live by it. Not the fake version of sharam and haya combined with all manner of baysharmi behind a see through purdah.
Ifti Malik Mar 13, 2021 06:57pm
Live and let live
Pakistani Mar 13, 2021 07:08pm
Poor kids. If only they lived in a civilised country instead of this superficial hypocritical society which has perverted a beautiful and tolerant religion into rituals and oppression of anything that is beautiful. The University Admin should focus on education and leave private citizens alone.
Asif A. Shah Mar 13, 2021 07:12pm
This expulsion of the students for showing love in a civilized manner would make interesting headlines across the world.
Abdul Khalique Mar 13, 2021 07:15pm
There are rules which have be followed while you are studying, there is nothing wrong expressing love for someone in public, but, when you are in university's boundary, there are some limitation and principles which should be respected .
watan pyara Mar 13, 2021 07:17pm
@IFTIKHAR i fully agree with you. they didnot find another place to propose please respect education institution,you come there for educaton not for proposing also this is first i heard proposing to boy,usually its opposite please respect education institutions
Josh joshiley Mar 13, 2021 07:20pm
Whats next for them “honor” killing ?
Teddy Mar 13, 2021 07:23pm
Why is Imran Khan so quiet on this issue?
Gori Mar 13, 2021 07:24pm
One of the sad stories which literally made me throw up
SkyHawk Mar 13, 2021 07:30pm
University is for study and not for hugging and giving marriage proposals. Respect the universities and colleges. Make Love at home but not here in public. Thank you.
Mahmood Mar 13, 2021 07:33pm
@Tuk Then consider societies, ''full of love'' where half the marriages end in divorce, half the kids are born out of wedlock and live in poverty, are abused, molested and neglected and most kids don't even know their fathers!?? Does anyone foolish enough to say they want this kind of culture in Pakistan?? Good, pack your bags as soon as US or Canada or a European country will give you asylum and move!!! No one in this country wants that except those insecure ignorant ''western-wanna-bees''.
Z Mar 13, 2021 07:35pm
@M. Saeed “ universities are learning centers “ it’s ok if they become terrorists training centers but not this. No way I am going approve this
za Mar 13, 2021 07:36pm
There is nothing wrong in religion to make a proposal but hugging and touching outside marriage is not permitted if you respect and believe in Islam. Please follow your religion and get married asap.
ABE Mar 13, 2021 07:38pm
The university took the right step to uphold its rules and standard of behvior by all students and faculty. No exceptions! Preservation of our culture and mores is more important ''that freedom to do whatever."
Richard Mar 13, 2021 07:41pm
beautiful picture !!! wishing the couples the very best
well-wisher Mar 13, 2021 07:47pm
@Qayum Baig Absolutely Qayum. Their hugging is by no means obsene or vulgar. A respectful hug and in this case a proposal should be honored. Re-instate these two students with respect and dignity. Other students should support these fellows and tell University to reinstate them.
well-wisher Mar 13, 2021 07:54pm
@Zeeshan Since when hugging respectfully is 'such things?'
sharad desai Mar 13, 2021 07:56pm
Why even allow any love movies. Ban them. Surprising that this is naya Pakistan. Grow up.
Usman Mehfooz Mar 13, 2021 07:58pm
In Rome do what the romans do, S.Akram while commenting should adhere to cultural values of our country, and islamic too... No body wants their baby girl hugging boys before marriage in Pakistan, and we are proud of it
Hello world Mar 13, 2021 08:01pm
Rules are rules. The students signed up to the rules of their own free will. They can't complain now.
Sri Ram Mar 13, 2021 08:01pm
It should be the other way don't you think ? The man proposes to a woman on his knees.
Syed farooq Ali Mar 13, 2021 08:03pm
@Jo Pakistani universities specially private sector fired employees even if there is an allegation of harassment I hope you missed sucide case where a lecturer suicided because of fake harassment it is a law of the land that public affection of love is not allowed
za Mar 13, 2021 08:04pm
To accept a girl you need to perform Nikkah in Islam instead hugging her. Any kind of touching is not permitted if you follow Islam but there is nothing wrong to propose someone and get married than do whatever you like.
Ravi Mar 13, 2021 08:05pm
What would Ertugul do?!
Dr Dummy Mar 13, 2021 08:06pm
@IFTIKHAR - Going backwards - Ask your leader about the social norms.
Nadeem Mar 13, 2021 08:17pm
The Uni did right, Pakistani media has done everything to destroy the culture and social norms, without failing ever to defame our own country, let us not allow a few Pakistani faced people turn the country into those societies whom we never get tired of cursing.
Nobody Mar 13, 2021 08:18pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad "One must respect the sociocultural values, norms, traditions, principles and practices of a nation otherwise, get ready to bear the consequences." Would this be applicable to the Muslims living in the west also? or is this decided by you on a case by case basis?
Nasir Mar 13, 2021 08:24pm
Perfect decision by the university. Those who oppose this decision, don't they find western universities to fulfil their desires? InPakistan such activities cannot be allowed.
M. Siddique Mar 13, 2021 08:25pm
What if the girl was the daughter on the VC, would the decision be the same?
Irfan roy Mar 13, 2021 08:26pm
The students have done nothing wrong, they should not be expelled.
Guest2020 Mar 13, 2021 08:31pm
@Saaras. It is when it's between 2 non mahrams!
korakagez Mar 13, 2021 08:32pm
@ABCD Had they responded to University invitation, but they failed to appear. Now would they not be expelled?
Waheed Noor Mar 13, 2021 08:33pm
Great. At this rate how long will it take get us to 7th century?
Guest2020 Mar 13, 2021 08:36pm
@Akbar khan. There is nothing backwards in maintaining moral standards and principles that uphold islamic codes of conduct. Last time I checked, it was the ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan, that was the official name of the country. Trying to be coconuts, (brown on the outside, white on the inside), emulating the west, in the hope of being seen as MODERN, sadly shows who is 'backward'.
RationalBabu Mar 13, 2021 08:46pm
@Hemant he can only read a dictionary!
RationalBabu Mar 13, 2021 08:48pm
@MG hugging is lust? What planet are you from?
RationalBabu Mar 13, 2021 08:52pm
@Abid Mehmood “expelling is the minimum punishment”. What do you recommend, public flogging?
Uyghyr ahmadi Mar 13, 2021 09:00pm
Jibran Saab is 100% right
RationalBabu Mar 13, 2021 09:02pm
@Teddy do you want him to join this baying crowd too?
RationalBabu Mar 13, 2021 09:04pm
@artofscience believe it or not, but you can have both!
RationalBabu Mar 13, 2021 09:09pm
@Usman Mehfooz ....whereas the boys can do whatever they like?
Ibrahim S Mar 13, 2021 09:11pm
What's good for the goose is good for the gander If that’s how our country feels , let it be . Now you have no right to question the banning of burqa in Sri Lanka and western country . If you agree , please give me thumbs up . If you don’t , enjoy fanatics tea prepared by your sweetheart
N_Saq Mar 13, 2021 09:30pm
Weird morals of Pak society i.e. in Pak kissing and hugging is not okay but taking bribes, harassing, beating, cheating, lying, denying justice, looting, robbing etc are all okay. In other words one can commit any crime and get away with it but if you dare hug or kiss then you are cooked. This is called Mullahism and Mullah mindset. That is why I keep saying if Pak wants to move forward and join the rest of the world in the 21st century then Pak must eliminate Feudalism, Mullahism and VIPism from Pak.
ADNAN HAQ Mar 13, 2021 09:32pm
@IFTIKHAR you should move to Afghanistan. You’ll be right in line with the orthodox primitive thinking
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA Mar 13, 2021 09:35pm
Ridiculously heavy handed and harsh decision by the university authorities, who confuse immorality with simple public display of love between two adults who consented to get married. Those authorities acting as moral policemen fail to realize the fact that we are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone. Therefore, it is imperative to reconcile to the fact that time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. I, for one, earnestly hope that the authorities may revisit their unilateral harsh decision of expulsion of these young students, not commensurate to the well publicized incident, so that these youngsters are not burdened with a false stigma of acting dishonorably in public view while proposing to get married to spend their future life together.
M Mar 13, 2021 09:39pm
M Mar 13, 2021 09:39pm
@Nobody Spot on bro
Jo Mar 13, 2021 09:46pm
@MG Waseem Akram's wife
Zak Mar 13, 2021 09:47pm
No need to go so drastic. Just call them and give warning or a talk to. When openly Musa gillani is practicing corruption and Maryam is lieing to public with no action against them, why make 2 students suffer. Besides they were getting married. Keep your balance in judgement, you are a institute of learning and tolerance.
Zak Mar 13, 2021 09:48pm
@IFTIKHAR The act of Individual is agains society Norms. If This is allowed freely, Universities will turn into LOVE CAFE She was proposing marriage which was accepted. Nothing wrong.
Ahmed Mar 13, 2021 09:51pm
If I do so with anyone, would it be allowed or condemned?
THE MORNING STAR, MD. Mar 13, 2021 09:54pm
The University should have better things to do ; like update your code of conduct.
T-man Mar 13, 2021 09:55pm
It is the right decision to expel them. It is the guy's job to propose not the girl's.
Skeptic Mar 13, 2021 09:57pm
If you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for anything! Empires have fallen because of someone's oversight and errors in judgement!
Frank Mar 13, 2021 09:58pm
The handling of this issue can show the society is open-minded, tolerable or not. Unfortunately it shows the Society is close-minded, intolerable to people.
Guest2020 Mar 13, 2021 10:06pm
@LAHORI KID Is this the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, or the USA??
Nidz Mar 13, 2021 10:08pm
Not something to be encouraged, university could have suspended them after having meeting their parents and informing them and warned them of serious consequences later on, but for me their only mistake was doing it publicly otherwise thus and air more is prevalent in universities for a long time.
Iqbal Mar 13, 2021 10:15pm
Islam is the most beautiful way of life. Westerners can never be a our role model. Their families and societies are corrupt. I'd rather appreciate the authority's attempts to discourage such an incident. At the same time, no one should turn a blind eye to harassment. Those who do it must be severely punished!
Sami Mar 13, 2021 10:17pm
University acted according to rules and regulations... they need to be expelled to give message to others. Go to your home and do whatever you want. We must not allow the alma maters turn Pubs!
Siddharth Mar 13, 2021 10:20pm
Civilization is slowly dying in Pakistan
Jitesh Kumar Sinha Mar 13, 2021 10:23pm
@IFTIKHAR it was allowed before today. Did it become love cafe?
Really Mar 13, 2021 10:33pm
Ridiculous, people are allowed to watch extreme violence in the name of religion but not love.
AK Mar 13, 2021 10:34pm
Shame on the students .... is this what they come to Educational Institutes
Selected PM Mar 13, 2021 10:39pm
A nice looking campus of the Lahore University from where people like Dr. Hara Govind Khorana graduated.
Selected PM Mar 13, 2021 10:40pm
@IFTIKHAR What's wrong with that? They are young-right?
mirza Mar 13, 2021 10:51pm
This is Pakistan folks. Follow rules of our culture and religion.
Imitiaz Ali Mar 13, 2021 10:57pm
Are we living in a stone age?
Usman Khan Mar 13, 2021 11:05pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Then don't cry when Europe bans the burqa.
Ibrahim S Mar 13, 2021 11:07pm
@Hello world - “Rules are rules. The students signed up to the rules of their own free will. They can't complain now.” I 100% agree with you . Would you 100% agree with burqa ban in Sri Lanka and the western country . That is their LAW now. — enjoy rest of the day
Nadeem Mar 13, 2021 11:19pm
I wish they had take a similar approach in stopping cheating and falling educational standards!
St. Mercury Mar 13, 2021 11:22pm
This is male chauvinist behavior. Usually the man kneels and the woman gets emotional an sobs followed by hugs and kisses. Will our society ever get out of the stone age??
ali jaffery Mar 13, 2021 11:30pm
disgusting moral policing. Totally unacceptable and deplorsble decision by the university.
Tamilselvan Mar 13, 2021 11:45pm
In Zia’s time they would have each given minimum 18 lashes by the mullah brigade.
Chris Roberts Mar 13, 2021 11:50pm
@Mahmood To compare basic human gestures of affection to prostitution and drugs is really way off the mark. By the way, prominent men who impose strict rules and police the conduct of their own citizens in the countries you mention are well known for travelling to Switzerland and other places for 'a good time'. In the light of everything that's going on, for this to have been made an issue of is really sad and points to a very stifling environment. Best wishes to this lovely young couple - stay strong!
Naxalite Mar 14, 2021 12:01am
Not our culture
nk Mar 14, 2021 12:17am
Expressing your love does not mean you break all boundaries and norms of your religion and culture. After all you are you are in a digital era. The message you are sending may be harmful for the society.
WAQAS SHAIKH Mar 14, 2021 12:23am
@IFTIKHAR Suspension and apology would have been fine. Expelling two adults expressing love publicly is way out of line.
Syed Mar 14, 2021 12:24am
Right decision to protect our rich culture... This will set an example for future generations, they will think 100 times before following western culture and it will save our youth....
zane Mar 14, 2021 12:25am
you lose the case if you don't show up.
Tiva Mar 14, 2021 12:28am
So gald and thankful to my grandparents who chose to spend their life in this side at the time of partition. How could have one lived there without any freedom.
Mahmood Ahmad Mar 14, 2021 12:31am
Very reson why I left Pakistan almost 30 years ago!!
Ihsan Illahi Mar 14, 2021 12:37am
I think those who expelled both of them were never felt love and care for anyone so they are jealous thats why...the had done it
SecondPilot Mar 14, 2021 12:45am
This is the best period of one's life. Nothing is more precious than young people falling in love. I cannot fathom what the university was thinking. Universities should be beacons of liberalism. As an Indian, I see this being eroded in our universities too.
AW Mar 14, 2021 12:52am
What a sick society where a man and woman are being punished for giving roses and hugging each other. It is the university administration which needs to be fired
Luis D'souza Mar 14, 2021 01:01am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad You have a comment on everything and more so living in the USA, you have such regressive thinking!
kp Mar 14, 2021 01:06am
@IFTIKHAR This short of things were allowed in my university back in 2000, Total research papers published by student of my university during just 4 years will surpass the Total research submitted of all Pakistani universities in past 10 years, Total 3 patents were granted to my department and applied chemistry department during my study years. This shows Study is not bound to your morality, narrow vision. University education is to teach rational approach and to implement the ideas in free manner, No wonder Global university ranking shows your status.
Wiser Mar 14, 2021 01:20am
@IFTIKHAR better than having turned nation and society into hateful medieval or stone age.
RHS Mar 14, 2021 01:25am
The country needs to re-examine its priorities.
Expat (usa) Mar 14, 2021 01:27am
Hugging followed by kissing ?
neo Mar 14, 2021 01:40am
Yes. Ban all hugging. Because " I don't like seeing other people happy publicly"
Alpha Golf Mar 14, 2021 01:48am
Why did they not show up on hearing? They dint do something wrong.... They should have showed up and shoved the their replies to committee's faces... that would add to their stance and standing !!
MR Mar 14, 2021 01:49am
Soon be the days, when it will be said do whatever you like but get aside.
Ikke Mar 14, 2021 01:49am
@IFTIKHAR So What? What is wrong with LOVE and what is wrong with CAFE?
Richy Mar 14, 2021 02:37am
@MG We love to do it in secret.
khanzh Mar 14, 2021 03:46am
@IFTIKHAR you're a sad man..........
Jay Mar 14, 2021 04:07am
Whats the problem? Is proposing now unacceptable or is love outlawed now? This disciplinary committee will be the joke in 200 countries for next month.
AbdulHaque Shaikh Mar 14, 2021 04:31am
Love has many facets and can be expressed in many ways and with honesty and responsibility. It is not hypocrisy of the authority but it is inferiority complex of all the people writing against indecent behavior of two young people. There are people in Pakistan honest traditional loving. They are also in love with somebody but they are confident of their tradition and mindful of feelings of people around them and their own relatives and their traditions. They do not make show of their love. This young couple should be charged according to law.
Bharat Patel Mar 14, 2021 04:36am
@IFTIKHAR All over the western world this is quite normal. And yet they still get all the noble prizes. Ben in China it is not a problem. Of course China does not get any noble prizes either
Kamranator Mar 14, 2021 04:46am
How will their families regain their honour now?
AJ Mar 14, 2021 05:05am
@IFTIKHAR not university’s job to police. let their parents deal with it....Do fine them for breaking rules..
Malik Mar 14, 2021 05:13am
This is what Pakistan came to be. Pathetic Simply pathetic.
Asghar Mar 14, 2021 05:25am
Respect norms and values of the society you live in. If you find these norms and values too hard and stringent , move on to societies with system of relaxed social values. By disrespecting value system of any society you will only invite trouble for your self.
Wecare Mar 14, 2021 05:28am
Look at the senseless punishment - denied education. Sick mentality of the school administration. If this is really a violation of the code of conduct, they could have fined them or disciplined with 2 or 3 days at worst, but expelling them is totally senseless. Had our society been a practicing islam - which it isn’t by many avenues- , I could understand this act being indecent but in comparison to so many wrongs in our society, this was just a show of affection b/w two consenting adults.
Jamal Mar 14, 2021 05:51am
They should expel the people who provided this verdict to the students. Pakistan is a free country, a republic and students should be allowed to do as they please within the law.
A Mar 14, 2021 05:58am
What they did was what is necessary to happen in Pakistan. This free thinking and behaviour without being scared of hardliners is going to make good but not good enough Pakistani society better. It’s a very valid question that why professor accused of sexual abuse is still not expelled? Hope they get justice and success.
ali Mar 14, 2021 06:07am
@Slowtrack What about Modi ji??
Ajay Mar 14, 2021 06:11am
What a stone age and conservative society
Gilani Mar 14, 2021 06:35am
Let’s apply sharia laws
Abba Mar 14, 2021 06:37am
Backward talibani mentality
KHALID AKHTAR Mar 14, 2021 06:45am
World expects Islamic behaviour from a country established in the name of Islam. Expelling two berserks, crazy and excited lovers hugging openly in a university campus may escape the image of the country and save other students from going astray.
Laka Mar 14, 2021 06:47am
What can expect from a nation still lives in stone age?
Jaya Mar 14, 2021 06:50am
What if the students go to courts or hugging is a crime by law in this country ?
Janjua Mar 14, 2021 07:15am
@Haider If you ranjhas are allowed hugging and proposing openly, there would be a crowd of Heers, searching for particular ranjha who vanished after having a cozy party.
Aa Mar 14, 2021 07:17am
Yes if it was a rape case it would have taken years for the uni to carryout investigation and let the culprit off the hook. But here two consenting persons were found expressing their admiration for each other was a bit too much for the mullah administration of the uni
Bitter Truth Mar 14, 2021 07:17am
Is this news important enough?
Janjua Mar 14, 2021 07:19am
@jaredlee007 So despite being a teacher you haven't learnt values from the society yet?
Dr. Ahmed Mar 14, 2021 07:40am
@M. Emad You might be mistaking it for Bengali universities.
Nizamuddin Ahmad Aali Mar 14, 2021 07:44am
A sixty-five ( 65 ) years old mullah member of the parliament can marry ( forcefully, against her wishes ) a 13 years old girl and is acceptable. Hugging a girl is immoral and subject to expulsion. A crime? This is not Jinnah's Pakistan for sure.
Cholas Mar 14, 2021 07:45am
@joe I'm sure 10th century was more liberal in this area and love was not banned. It is a regression from that era too.
Cholas Mar 14, 2021 07:48am
@Rana Talukdar But the same act in India will not be even in the news. No university would have bothered about it. Feb14th is political opportunity for the criminals. Not a good comparision.
Cholas Mar 14, 2021 07:50am
@Changez Khan Are universities allowed by your logic in the first place? Shut them down and allow only Madrassa if you want to live that way.
Dr. Ahmed Mar 14, 2021 07:53am
@M. Siddique she probably wouldn't get fired but that would be wrong too. One wrong doesn't make other wrong right. What does that have to do with this incident? people have a hard time understanding that two things can be wrong at the same time.
AMU Mar 14, 2021 08:02am
Senator Faisal Javed has availed the opportunity to please his boss.
F.Iqbal Mar 14, 2021 08:12am
Hold a referendum to find out which way we wish to go. Licentious behaviour must not be allowed on Private or Public property.
Nihar Mar 14, 2021 08:20am
What is problem in it?? Living in 2020 with 1920 mindset
Nasir Mehdi Mar 14, 2021 08:28am
Being a hardliner, I would say if they have proposed each other in public, let us accept that. Marriage contract requires witnesses.
AinOther Mar 14, 2021 08:37am
Do they care?
Jawaid Kamal Mar 14, 2021 08:56am
Wish Ghalib and Faiz could alive for a minute and say something about this ‘‘ incident’’
jdshami Mar 14, 2021 09:17am
Great job by the administration, we must stick to our norms...
jdshami Mar 14, 2021 09:19am
@watan pyara I fully agree...
MarK Mar 14, 2021 09:26am
Universities all over the country have become social hubs and food streets! No teaching and learning taking place!
Mir Mar 14, 2021 09:28am
Brilliant performance! But quizzical minds want to know: Who are the script writers and directors? What are the real objectives?
Hussain Mar 14, 2021 09:40am
It is a university not a public Park.
Arshad Mar 14, 2021 11:29am
Rule of No PDA( public display of affection) must be implemented in all institutions & public places and violations should be punished as per policy.
MUSTAFA KHICHI Mar 14, 2021 11:29am
The whole scenario depicts the narrow mindedness of our society ,if teachers harasses the students then it is okay no action no code of conduct or anything else but if the students dare to bold and embrace their free will of living then every one comes to stop them why this so hypocritical behavior....! #UNIVERSITY OF LAHORE
Osman Mar 14, 2021 12:59pm
They failed to show up for the committee hearing. They should have defended themselves
El Cid Mar 14, 2021 12:59pm
Has too many tell tale signs of a setup. Drama staged in context of Women's Day. I wonder why people are taking it as if it was a love story for real.
Truth Mar 14, 2021 01:00pm
@JustSaying And yet, you still live in this country? Did you apply for refugee status in Canada??
Skeptic Mar 14, 2021 01:11pm
For all those arm-chair commentators and holier than thou, pseudo-liberals and especially those who are condemning the University, ask yourself this question: Why did this couple choose to creat this drama on the campus and not in any public park around the city? They knew that they will be swiftly arrested for indecency by the Police if they held their love-fest in a public places. Plus they had support of some like-minded stundents on the campus, who not only encouraged and cheered them on, but made selfies and videos of the event - with the naive comfort that no officials will notice it and they will be safe! So these 'students'' were in fact ignorant of the norms of social behavior, our cultural traditions and had learned nothing at the univeristy. They are in fact wasting their time and taking up space. They should be expelled. As for the couple. If they truly loved each other, they could've involved their respective families and propose in a respectable and safe manner.
Tea is still Fantastic Mar 14, 2021 03:13pm
@Saaras what about killing of Muslims just for eating beef in India.
John White Mar 14, 2021 04:37pm
Not turning to the hearing does not justify expulsion.
Rajen Kalita Mar 14, 2021 10:38pm
Bravo Pakistan, well done. Shown your colours again.
asad Mar 14, 2021 11:40pm
Corruption is bad but corruption plus hypocrisy is even worse.
Jai Mahakaal Mar 15, 2021 08:25am
Wow, University got their priorities. This university will soon touch top notch in the world.
Ms. Lakhvi Mar 15, 2021 08:25pm
I support the decision of LUMSU administration fully. Any and all forms of PDA are abhorrable and should be punished.
Ahmed Khalid Mar 16, 2021 10:36am
Let them hug why people are filming them? They are filming in such a way that hugging is like climbing a K2.
ZG Mar 16, 2021 11:24am
Does anyone recall what happened to the med student who left his dead girlfriend on hospital steps after a botched abortion?