
Updated 28 Feb, 2021

It has been two years since the Balakot airstrike and Pakistan shooting down an Indian plane but the tea is still piping hot in Pakistan.

If you aren't already aware, Pakistan shot down two Indian aircraft violating its airspace on February 27, 2019 and captured one pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman. The source of all the memes and jokes is a video released by the military in which Abhinandan acknowledged he had been treated well and gave Pakistan the now infamous line "the tea was fantastic"

"I'd like to put this on record; I will not change my statement even when I go back to my country. The officers of the Pakistan Army have looked after me very well," Abhinandan acknowledged in the video.

"Starting from the captain who rescued me from the mob, from the soldiers, and thereafter the officers of the unit where I was taken to. I would expect my army to behave in the same way. And I'm very impressed with the Pakistan Army."

"I hope you like the tea?" the officer asked him, to which Abhinandan replied that: "The tea is fantastic, thank you."

And the meme was born.

Abhinandan was later freed as a gesture of peace on March 1 but we still haven't gotten over the tea. A statue of the Indian pilot was installed at the PAF Museum in Karachi and jokes continue to this day.

On Saturday, Feb 27, Twitter was overrun by Abhinandan-related trends. "Happy Surprise Day India", "Abhinandan", "Happy Tea Day" and "Chai" were some of the phrases and hashtags trending on Pakistani Twitter.

The 'pawri' continues.

Some people recycled old jokes about that being one expensive cup of tea.

There was even a cake!

People also started the 'World’s Biggest Tea Party' and began posting pictures of themselves and unwitting celebrities drinking tea.


They didn't leave Abhinandan out of it either.

This user was right when she thanked Abhinandan for bringing out the creativity in Pakistanis.


Chrís Dăn Feb 27, 2021 12:21pm
Now,this is too much. We should not lose our dignity and must strive for a peaceful future for both countries instead.
Fastrack Feb 27, 2021 12:22pm
I think India will not try this stupidity in a very long time.
Fastrack Feb 27, 2021 12:24pm
All "credit" for misjudging Pakistan's resolve and earning India unforgettable embarrassment worldwide belongs only to Surrender Modi.
Fastrack Feb 27, 2021 12:25pm
Actually Pakistanis are sick and tired of India's lies, unending obsession with Pakistan and evil mischief.
Naqeebullah Mehsud Feb 27, 2021 12:33pm
Even after 2 years nobody questions why it took nearly 3 months for journalist to access the site
Zak Feb 27, 2021 12:36pm
A memorable day that has gone down in history of the world. Pakistan 3-India 0. Tea is phaaaantastik! Slurrrrp!
Zak Feb 27, 2021 12:43pm
Unforgettable words of General Ghafoor, DGispr. " You can never surprise us but we will surprise you, wait for our surprise...." Rest is history and tea was phaaaantastik!
Shah manjoor Feb 27, 2021 12:48pm
For India Pawri is continuing from last 50 years of 1971...
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Feb 27, 2021 12:51pm
No doubt, tea is still fantastic and will remain so forever.
sam Feb 27, 2021 01:29pm
As an Indian expat I have to say that it was indeed a great gesture by Pakistan to treat our man with respect & courtesy. He was just doing his job and showed great decorum and poise even under stress. Examples like this should be celebrated rather than ridiculed as it goes to show that decency and humanity still exists and regardless of all the dramas India & Pak have so much in common and goodwill amongst people still exists on both sides. I shared a house with Pak friend for 3 years while Kargil happened and are still like brothers after all these years and separated by continents. We still argue and have disagreements however have learnt to respect the differences
MG Feb 27, 2021 01:42pm
Hillarious. Everyone is fine. India is happy as they claim they bombed inside Pakistan and killed 300 terrorists, Pakistan is happy as they claiming downing 2 jets (no one has clue on the second one though). Like the other 3 wars between India and Pakistan both think they are winners.
Akram Feb 27, 2021 01:49pm
Any updates on what happened to Abhinandan on his return to India?
Tea Day Feb 27, 2021 02:00pm
India will never forget this day, the global humiliation it faced. IAF exposed forever!!
ghulam hussain Feb 27, 2021 02:08pm
Yes! People from both sides should carry on macking fun of war acts in the same manner then jingoistic hawks will think to stop hostilities towards each other. Making fun of such events shows peoples want peace.
M. Saeed Feb 27, 2021 02:09pm
The fantastic tea was a message to Chai Wala.
Zak Feb 27, 2021 02:13pm
Was awed by PAF response in operation ' swift retort', end result 3-0
Vivek Feb 27, 2021 02:47pm
@Akram Better send you pilots wo check?
bhaRAT© Feb 27, 2021 02:48pm
@Akram After getting disgraced, gone into hiding!
NSG Feb 27, 2021 03:03pm
What did the MP mean when he said somebody was shaking and sweating in the Pakistani parliament?
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Feb 27, 2021 03:11pm
No doubt, tea is still fantastic and remain so forever.
MOHANLAL KR Feb 27, 2021 04:04pm
@Fastrack , Ask with IK under which circumstance and pressure you released Abhinandan.
Vivek Feb 27, 2021 04:18pm
It took Pakistan government 40 days to show Balakot to foreign reporters. Why?
Vivek Feb 27, 2021 04:19pm
@M. Saeed - Don't worry. Chai wala is now coming into everyday dreams across the border for many - Day and Night.
Vivek Feb 27, 2021 04:20pm
@Tea Day - Global includes China and Turkey? Please clarify?
Salman Feb 27, 2021 04:28pm
@MOHANLAL KR ask modi why he doesn’t apply this so called pressure to get Indian spy jadhav released?
Salman Feb 27, 2021 04:29pm
@Naqeebullah Mehsud no one asks this question because it didn’t take 3 months. Was matter of days before journalists were shown the poor trees that were bombed
bhaRAT© Feb 27, 2021 04:33pm
@Vivek "Chai wala is now coming into everyday dreams across the border for many - Day and Night." Says the one who is always glued here! It’s evident your Pak obsession never lets you sleep in peace!
truevoice Feb 27, 2021 04:50pm
Bangladesh liberation war is more costlier than anything in the history..
Salman Feb 27, 2021 05:00pm
Was a massive blunder by India. Consider the consequences: - the political hobby of promising surgical strikes in Pakistan died a painful death, as the Indian public raised questions on the authenticity of strikes - Suddenly in Pakistan the military got redemption, as India's failed strike again convinced Pakistanis that a strong military is a matter of Pakistan's survival, not a luxury (despite the massive budget and painful economic cost).
Vikas Feb 27, 2021 05:05pm
Yes the tea was fantastic. Next time too there would be Indian pilots landing up in Pakistan. India expects them too to be given fantastic tea and escorted respectfully to the border, just like Abhinandan was. Varna......
F Nawaz Feb 27, 2021 05:26pm
Indians have only Modi to blame... Leave Abi alone!
Salvo Feb 27, 2021 05:38pm
@Fastrack Pakistanis are sick of lies because they live in Pakistan.
Solangi Feb 27, 2021 05:53pm
Indeed, tea is always fantastic!
Salman Feb 27, 2021 06:07pm
@Vikas Varna Bollywood will make another movie?
Chrís Dăn Feb 27, 2021 06:15pm
@sam indeed. We do share a common past and a common culture.
Pops Feb 27, 2021 06:18pm
@Akram He returned to normal duty in IAF. No doubt, he will return if ordered.
Ibrahim S Feb 27, 2021 07:13pm
If you open borders today , Indian will welcome Pakistani Bhai , and Pakistani will welcome Indian Bhai . While some elements will weep quietly at their loss.
Peace for Ind-pak Feb 27, 2021 07:18pm
When a Failed country is trying so hard to convince itself that it is superior just by capturing the enemy piolet. And always failing in it strategic objectives. And being exited in political tactics I can understand after loosing all wars and humiliation from the west and loosing half of your country getting something to hold onto to makes them feel better about themselves.
Rabi Feb 27, 2021 07:27pm
@Vivek why dont people just use their common sense instead of getting carried away by their emotions and ask silly questions. Let me remind you after the strikes the airspace had been closed for several days. It was war like situation and Even international flights were not allowed to pass through Pakistani airspace. Certainly Pakistani government wouldn’t have taken anybody to these areas in such circumstances. Is it enough or do I need to elaborate more? You can either accept the reality or just fool yourself by coming up with another question to calm your nerves.
Brijesh Prabhakar Feb 27, 2021 07:29pm
So much jubilation for one Mig 21. Never mind, losing half the country or losing Kargil. Keep making jokes on tea, the joke is actually on the people of Pakistan!
Rahul S. Feb 27, 2021 07:32pm
@F Nawaz ----Abimandannis a brave Air Force officer who bravely carried out the mission assigned to him by shooting down a F 16 before he was shot down by a F16 himself.
Majid Feb 27, 2021 08:00pm
Indians are good at surrendering in February because the Tea is Fantastic.
Asif Feb 27, 2021 08:01pm
You can also ask taste of Food to one of 90,000 soldiers who surrendered in 1971 and were guests of Indian Armed forces. I am sure you will get same reply.
Anony Munna Feb 27, 2021 08:05pm
Even if we lost face, CPEC is a game changer. Kudos to Pakistan.
sidC Feb 27, 2021 08:37pm
@Chrís Dăn total agree , people of both countries should stop these senseless fight.
Nishant Feb 27, 2021 08:40pm
FATF se toh bahar aa jao.....
Vivek_Lahore Feb 27, 2021 08:47pm
Fight and win india economically not like these crazy useless things. Abhinandan is a brave fighter and he just did his job. No point in targeting a true soldier
Fast comment Feb 27, 2021 09:05pm
@Asif Party is not yet over. And remember there’s a 3D friend China, perhaps you guys may be served a Chinese Green Tea across LAC.
Pops Feb 27, 2021 09:12pm
@bhaRAT© He is back on active service and will return to Pakistan if ordered. This time he will want to settle a score.
Pops Feb 27, 2021 09:19pm
@Chrís Dăn @Sam You are more Indian and zero Arab or Turkish. Study archeology of Pakistan, you will find it is Indian and thousands of years old, older than Islam itself.
SHAW S Feb 27, 2021 09:29pm
@Asif ... my dear, just to clear your mind and for records, there were no 90,000 soldiers ... Yes, there were total of 90,000 prisoners.. out of which 77,000 were Civilians .. who were Govt workers of PIDC, PNSC, PTV, Railways, Ports Services, Buildings, Bridges and Roads engineers, Customs and Immigration personnel, Agriculture, Health and Medical services etc; and their families women & children..; You can visit your country's archives and clear your mind on this; Anyway, it was not a proud moment for Pakistan;
SHAW S Feb 27, 2021 09:32pm
@Rahul S. ... Okay, so if this makes you happy on your Govt and Press false propaganda .. so be happy.. still end result was that it was your pilot which was captured on the ground;
SHAW S Feb 27, 2021 09:39pm
@Pops ... Welcome anytime, anyplace; Hopefully in peaceful conditions so we all can enjoy happy moments and good memories afterwards;
SHAW S Feb 27, 2021 09:41pm
@Ibrahim S ... I back your thoughts 100%.. Hope it happens during our lifetime;
HashBrown® Feb 27, 2021 09:51pm
@Vivek "It took Pakistan government 40 days to show Balakot to foreign reporters. Why?" There was also satellite footage from the very next day showing the targeted area to be completely empty. By the way, where is Hindustan's footage of the surgical strike? In fact how come none of your heroic surgical strikes ever seem to have any visual proof?
JD Feb 27, 2021 10:11pm
@Tea Day What humiliation? It's common to have PoWs. India captured a Chinese soldier in a recent skirmish. That's not India's trophy? Huge number of countries are depending on India to get covid-free. What are you talking about?
JD Feb 27, 2021 10:11pm
@Fastrack It's common to have PoWs. India captured a Chinese soldier in a recent skirmish. That's not India's trophy? Huge number of countries are depending on India to get covid-free. What are you talking about?
JD Feb 27, 2021 10:14pm
@Anony Munna CPEC is just another way of China to colonize Pakistan. Are you even aware of terms and conditions set by China over CPEC?
Niraj Feb 27, 2021 10:26pm
Did you guys have any other choice than treating him well and releasing him?
F Nawaz Feb 28, 2021 12:15am
@Rahul S. , He seems nice. Only following stupid orders.
Humanity first Feb 28, 2021 02:36am
Kaka Feb 28, 2021 02:39am
Pak should have tried keeping the pilot.
Toni Feb 28, 2021 04:20am
Any indian welcome for a cup of tea, leave hate behind.
Zak Feb 28, 2021 04:54am
@Asif You can also ask taste of Food to one of 90,000 soldiers who surrendered in 1971 and were guests of Indian Armed forces. I am sure you will get same reply.' You can ask whole of Azad Kashmir, they are happily and willingly tasting our food since 1948. Are not guests but part of Pakistan family, like IOK will be after UN plebiscite. I am sure you will get same reply.
Zak Feb 28, 2021 04:56am
@MG Azad, Kashmir is with us, so we don't think we won, we won.
Zak Feb 28, 2021 04:58am
@Shah manjoor For India Pawri is continuing from last 50 years of 1971... For pakistan Pawri is continuing from last 73 years of 1948...(Azad Kashmir).
Zak Feb 28, 2021 05:02am
@Anony Munna Even if we lost face, CPEC is a game changer. Kudos to Pakistan. CPEC is a global game changer. BTW a rail link is being laid from Pakistan to turkey and Pakistan to turkmenistan. Now that's mother of all game changers. Opens way to Europe and Central Asia.
Zhear Ahmed Feb 28, 2021 05:40am
This has run its course Chris Dan is right we must move on and strive for peace. we need to be humble and set an example and not become like the indian media it is becoming undignified. also Abhinandan has not said any thing against pakistan despite the media in india pushing him he could have earned millions just by going along with them . that is the sign of a true officerand gentleman.
thanga Feb 28, 2021 07:54am
@Rabi More than 300 mobile connections disappeared over night after balakot. If two Indian planes were shot down, where is the 2nd pilot? PAK claimed he was in the hospital. Why was the second plane an F-16? US confirmed it after verification counting at a later stage. Is that enough?
kulbhushan Yadav Feb 28, 2021 08:39am
@Akram He is back in Air force service. Any news about that lost F16 and its Pilot?
richie Feb 28, 2021 12:13pm
@Salman why days? why not same day or next when reporters wanted to go there, what was being hidden?
Wahid Akhram Feb 28, 2021 01:06pm
@kulbhushan Yadav : For the fighter, ask Lokhheed Martin; they'll let you know. As for the pilot, no one is missing, kid!
Jamshed Feb 28, 2021 02:06pm
@Vivek foreign journalist were there next day ... bbc journalist video available on net . Plz see
JagoPakistan Feb 28, 2021 05:31pm
Now it’s too much folks. Let’s give respect and let the peace prevail. People do mistakes. Now Focus on improving humanity and peace.
Sam Mar 02, 2021 12:46pm
Yes the tea is still fantastic and hot and will remain for many years to come for India..
SHAW S Mar 02, 2021 10:16pm
@Naqeebullah Mehsud ... we all know that Hindu-stan has the satellite pictures taken within 5 minutes of the so called 350 dead people; What happened to them sat pics ??? .. Loose Motions, got flushed out ??? " IF " there were sat pics of destruction, your Hindu-stan would be jumping hoops showing to the world; Sir, you are a better Hindu-stani , so stop hiding behind afghani name.
SHAW S Mar 02, 2021 10:20pm
@Jamshed ... Sir, you forgot to remind them Hindu-stanis that since they are a Super power (okay in their dreams) , what happened to the Satellite pictures they took minutes (after the so called bombing killing 350 innocent people) of the destroyed area; After looking at them sat pics them super power .. actually super dummies realized they got stiffed;