
Tandav makers are 'implementing changes' but now Mirzapur has also offended some Indians

Tandav makers are 'implementing changes' but now Mirzapur has also offended some Indians

How much liberty will platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime be allowed in the future remains vague and questionable.
20 Jan, 2021

First came the show, then the controversy and a police complaint, followed by an apology and now, changes are being made. We're talking about Amazon Prime's Tandav.

The web series starring Saif Ali Khan and Dimple Kabadia has been at the receiving end of backlash from members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and in the most recent update, filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar has shared that changes are being "implemented".

“The cast and crew of Tandav have made the decision to implement the changes to the web series to address the concerns raised towards the same. We thank the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for the guidance & support in the matter. We once again apologise if the series has unintentionally hurt anybody’s sentiments.”

According to The Indian Express, the announcement came after two meetings with the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, both attended by Zafar.

The makers of the political drama, along with representatives of Amazon Prime, had been called for the second video-conference meeting by the ministry after they were asked to explain their stand on Monday, according to the publication.

Meanwhile, we have learnt that another Amazon Prime show has offended some Indians: Mirzapur.

An FIR has been filed against the makers of Mirzapur for allegedly hurting religious sentiments, showing abusive content and illicit relations and spoiling the image of the town in Uttar Pradesh, reported Hindustan Times.

The FIR has named Mirzapur producers Ritesh Sidhwani, Farhan Akhtar and Bhaumik Gondaliya.

Mirzapur, an action-crime thriller, revolves around drugs, murders, guns and lawlessness, and showcases mafia dons, local rivalry and crime prevailing in UP. Season one was released in 2018 and the second season in 2020.

What's the fuss about?

While it has yet to be specified what changes are being made to Tandav, Hindu nationalist politicians had objected to a scene depicting the Hindu God Shiva in a play, played by Muslim actor Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, and it is highly likely that is the scene which will be altered.

With increasing instances of complaints and calls to censor online content, India late last year brought streaming platforms under the oversight of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry and said it plans to regulate their content.

To list a recent few examples of shows leading to brouhaha, there was the Netflix series A Suitable Boy which led to an Indian state asking police to investigate after a member of the country’s ruling party objected to scenes in which a Hindu girl kisses a Muslim boy; and another Netflix production, AK vs AK, in which the Indian Air Force asked Netflix to withdraw scenes from the mockumentary featuring Anil Kapoor.

"The IAF uniform in this video is inaccurately donned & the language used is inappropriate (sic)," the Indian Air Force had tweeted, leading the veteran actor to apologise.

The controversy surrounding these shows is alarming but more so is the overall paradigm of Hindutva politics heralding a kind of ‘cancel culture’ that is regressive, as this article notes.

Particularly for platforms such as Netflix, that have in the past contributed to content critical of many facets of Indian society, how much liberty they will be allowed in the future remains vague and questionable.


babu Jan 20, 2021 02:02pm
No one should test the tolerance of Hindus. They have no guts to do the same to other religions for commercial gains. Now Hindus have become aware and assertive.
alli Jan 20, 2021 02:06pm
Mental health issues, win (their) is in movies, so when is the next movie coming?
bhaRAT© Jan 20, 2021 02:32pm
Touchy lot with fragile self-esteem!
joe Jan 20, 2021 02:50pm
we saw the consequences of hurting religious sentiments in Paris . Didn't we ? Throat was slit. That is the extend when sentiments are hurt.
Salman Jan 20, 2021 03:16pm
so much for secular india
BK Jan 20, 2021 03:17pm
Try and do these things with the peaceful religion and you will know.
Idol-Worshipper Jan 20, 2021 04:25pm
Religion is personal belief. No body is supposed to make fashion of degrading others just to sell it in some countries where people from other faith enjoy.
Raza Jan 20, 2021 04:33pm
The show points out at the real problem in Indian society - the caste system That is why the objection. Any show that points out military being the real exploiter in Pakistan and caste system being real issue in India will be objected by the political elites. The India Pakistan problem is really a conflict to deliberately avoid the real problems at home by both neighbors.
Babu Ram Jan 20, 2021 04:33pm
Turning out to be real snow flakes, aren't we.
harry Jan 20, 2021 04:36pm
@bhaRAT© Self esteem is the prerogative of Muslims only. After all, Islam is the only true religion and you are the peaceful followers of the most peaceful religion.
Right Voice Jan 20, 2021 04:44pm
That scene is removed from the episode and frankly it doesn't matter because it wasn't needed anyway. Attempt to insult Hindu deities was very obvious.
Rajanikanth Jan 20, 2021 05:36pm
@alli If anybody hurt your sentiments what will you do
Rahul S. Jan 20, 2021 06:10pm
Can't push Hindus anymore but in the end courts will decide.
MANOJ GUPTA Jan 20, 2021 06:11pm
Let harmony and brotherhood be maintained in the great Nation. No violence is unnecessary called for. Hurting religious sentiments for whom so ever is always a bad conduct.
Brijesh Jan 20, 2021 06:43pm
Respect the sentiments of majority community.
Rana Talukdar Jan 20, 2021 06:48pm
As an Indian, who voted BJP, i am disgusted with such non-issues. We need technical edu, research, clean environment and above all a peaceful environment not a society suffocated with religious bigotry. I again say, it's just making of an religious extreamist states of Iran or KSA.
Saeeds Jan 20, 2021 06:58pm
Before among my Hindu’s friend they had upper hand when it’s comes to secular ways and religious tolerance. Now we are on same level field and I can pipe them down when talk about secular way and there peaceful religion.
TruthMatters Jan 20, 2021 07:04pm
@joe. Thought India was a ‘secular and free democracy’? Don’t recall any Indian citing ‘religious sentiments’ in response to that French publication. Besides, the French govt. didn’t intervene nor did it force a private company to reconsider its decision.
Ali Faraz Jan 20, 2021 07:29pm
The notion is simple if Muslims get offended on every small thing then why can’t Hindus do the same. It is about power and retaliation. Hindus will not take any longer that’s the message.
Dr Dummy Jan 20, 2021 09:21pm
Will you allow it in Pakistan if it was just reversed?!
Ps Jan 21, 2021 11:30am
@Raza if Indian society is caste ridden then a Tea vendor from low caste becomes PM. On the other hand universal brother hood only allows PM from families with right blood connections. Sometimes is weird.
kums Jan 25, 2021 08:31am
No killing. No violent protests. Democratically solved.