
Mehwish Hayat doesn't need to be married or have children to be happy

Mehwish Hayat doesn't need to be married or have children to be happy

On her 33rd birthday, the Chhalawa star reflects back on a life well-lived, cyber bullies and performative celeb philanthropy
Updated 07 Jan, 2021

Friends, family, loved ones and lots of yummy cake — seems like Mehwish Hayat entered 2021 with the spirit she'll be taking into the rest of the year, and we couldn't be happier for her.

The Chhalawa actor who just rang in her 33rd, thanked her fans for the wonderful birthday messages they sent her way, revealing that the past year gave her the opportunity to reflect, assess her life and see what really matters to her.

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"Work has been so full on, I’d forgotten the simple pleasures in life; getting my mother oiling my hair , beating my brothers and Nephew at video games, watching Netflix with my sister – all things that I’d missed. Believe me nothing in life is as important as family," Mehwish said.

Speaking about negative criticism, she also addressed a much-needed issue.

"Let’s not let society dictate the way we want to lead our life. It is possible for a girl in her early 30s to be totally happy without being married and with children. It'll happen when it will and not to some prescribed timetable," she added, saying that change needs to be systemic.

"I am a little fed up of celebrities (including me) made ambassadors for meaningful causes that fizzle out after a grand launch and photo op. How many times have we flooded social media, taken out rallies after some distressing event and then what?" she questioned.

Admitting that social media is great, Mehwish feels it has democratised freedom of speech like nothing else, while at the same time, giving way to those behind the screen to say whatever they please.

"Some have taken it as a licence to abuse and bully others. Others see it as an excuse to spread fake news and malicious gossip. Wiki giving my age does not make it true!" she exclaimed, saying we have a culture of bringing each other down.

"This has to stop if we are to succeed as a nation," the Load Wedding actor added. "Let’s understand that we are in this together and my success – or anyone else’s - is something of pride for every Pakistani."

Hayat also took this opportunity to reflect on mental health, pointing out that depression is very real.

"Though my life may seem perfect, we all have our insecurities and shortcomings," she said, saying that we are capable of overcoming obstacles as long as we can work on inner healing and connecting with the divine.

"The world was put on pause for us to reflect, how we come out of this is up to us," she eleborated. "I, for one know the direction I need to take. My mother always teaches that we have to create our own destinies where ever that may lead. I will dare to dream and dare to dream big. Anything is possible if you believe!"

You go girl, happy birthday! To those who are attending, don't forget — we're still in a pandemic, people. Wear a mask!


ym Jan 07, 2021 12:14pm
wrong message to young generation! You need a family to live a happy fulfilled life.
Bala Jan 07, 2021 12:19pm
Dawood will keep her happy.
Neekamal Jan 07, 2021 12:21pm
Yah she may think so at the moment when and each have had with her. But, some time she may consider recap when things get depleted. However, good wishes for her.
Jonathan Jan 07, 2021 12:47pm
She is only 33!
Chrís Dăn Jan 07, 2021 01:01pm
Indeed Ms. Hayat. Happiness does not depend upon any soecifically laid down formula.
AnilSahu Jan 07, 2021 01:08pm
Congratulations for clearing first stage en route to feminism
babu Jan 07, 2021 01:27pm
She looks like 23.
Salman Jan 07, 2021 01:28pm
Irrespective of social pressure there is also an inevitable "biological clock"....
Shahdab Jan 07, 2021 01:31pm
Western influence at its worst.
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Jan 07, 2021 01:59pm
Attention President Arif Alvi. Another Tamgha e Imtiaz?
Chrís Dăn Jan 07, 2021 02:06pm
@ym it is an individual choice.
ANSARI Jan 07, 2021 02:16pm
For Now!
Hyra Jan 07, 2021 02:18pm
She is 38 as per google and her biographies! In nashpati show "by the way" she said she is 27. now 33! She looks stunning n gorgeous why to hide real age..its completely ok!
JOY Jan 07, 2021 02:51pm
Who dares to marry with the co-owner of D Company?
Najam Jan 07, 2021 03:01pm
Wait till she hits The Wall.
Khurram Sultan Jan 07, 2021 03:02pm
Marriage is man made concept. Live freely
Renu Jan 07, 2021 03:14pm
@ym You are giving a wrong message instead. Not every person with a family stays happily ever after. For a majority of them it is just a compromise.
Atta Jan 07, 2021 03:27pm
Sorry but never heard of her.
rk Jan 07, 2021 04:17pm
If she is 33 , then I am not yet born.
Hamid shafiq Jan 07, 2021 04:20pm
@Jonathan Looks 43
NYS Jan 07, 2021 04:30pm
Mehwish biological age is 38 and it's true
NYS Jan 07, 2021 04:31pm
Mehwish biological age is 38 and it's true
Hamid shafiq Jan 07, 2021 04:44pm
@babu May be your eye sight weak
Ibrahim S Jan 07, 2021 05:02pm
@Najam , I guess you will be there watching her and drooling over her
Ibrahim S Jan 07, 2021 05:04pm
@Salman , do the sole purpose of a woman is to breed children, While you watch TV and discuss politics
sana Jan 07, 2021 05:30pm
@Shahdab It is a personal choice and nothing to do with western influence.
sana Jan 07, 2021 05:32pm
@JOY She does not know of any such company.
Reader Jan 07, 2021 06:04pm
I understand why. Some people don't need or deserve to enjoy the institutions of family or marriage.
sukhera Jan 07, 2021 06:43pm
Don,t kid yourself. Time is running out fast before you run out of options. out of over 200 million people in Pakistan, you cant find anybody. having a family is part of life. you dont know what you missing.
Sam Jan 07, 2021 06:46pm
@Bala She happy already.
Ehsan Jan 07, 2021 07:33pm
Continue to make us proud wish you continue success
Expat_Pakistani Jan 07, 2021 07:52pm
Of course. Pakistanis understand that particularly when after you won the Pride of performance.
Laila Jan 08, 2021 02:49am
@ym so you want to force all people to live their life according to what you think is right or wrong? Not everybody shares your views on life. That's kind of the point of the article. What about people who naturally can't have children or who can't get married due to social stigma and lack of suitable rishtas? Let other people define how they can live their life fully. Don't force your ideas on to others.
Venkat Jan 08, 2021 06:30am
@babu you have to see her without makeup...
Teddy Jan 08, 2021 07:04am
She looks 50+. But still younger looking than Mahira Khan.
Suhara Jan 08, 2021 10:32am
@ym that's your opinion. Family is not everything so please keep your limited views to yourself.
sneha Jan 08, 2021 12:19pm
@Reader Marriage is overrated. There is nothing much to enjoy in marriage and family.
Laila Jan 09, 2021 03:27am
@rk you must have great internet and wifi signal from inside the womb then, amazing progress for science!
Queen Jan 09, 2021 11:02am
@ym not necessarily.
NK Jan 09, 2021 09:27pm
Only few more years, alone you will be forgotten. The beauty show never last long. It will only last long if one dies early without seeing old age.
believe Jan 10, 2021 01:16am
@Khurram Sultan You are wrong, First couple was ADAM and EVE which was crated by the ALMIGHTY. So brush up your knowledge and get some education. thanks
Laila Jan 10, 2021 01:55am
@Shahdab how is this "western influence"? When you say "Western" do you also mean "Western Muslim", because they exist. You conveniently forgot about the millions of Muslims born or converted scattered across the west identifying themsevelves as western Muslims. Food for thought.
Laila Jan 10, 2021 02:00am
@sukhera how do you know she is missing out? Do you u know her? Have you divine access to her heart and mind? Do you think people who don't marry, either by choice or circumstances (like lack of suitable proposals, social stigma for girls (divorced, kids, poor, simple physical looks, lack of status, lack of the right zaat (caste)) and people who don't have kids either by choice or naturally due to impotency/infertility, are missing out on life? You sound presumptuous, maybe consider that people don't get to live identical lives. Be sympathetic and tolerant. She is only 33. She can still catch that train if that is what she wants. Singer Hadiqa Kiani adopted. Is her life not full? Many can't get pregnant or are unmarried. This world has all types of lives. Let's be mindful of that.