
Hamza Ali Abbasi wants all zoos in Pakistan to be shut down

Hamza Ali Abbasi wants all zoos in Pakistan to be shut down

"Pakistan has a chance to earn the respect of the world and make God happy by freeing all the animals in captivity."
18 Dec, 2020

From cancelling his Netflix subscription to condemning racist remarks made against minorities, Hamza Ali Abbasi has always been at the forefront of voicing his opinions and advocating for human rights—and animals are no different.

The Legend of Maula Jatt star recently took to social media to campaign against the derogatory treatment of animals located in the zoos in Pakistan.

"IHC rules that zoos are concentration camps for non-human living beings. It's true. Caging animals for public entertainment is cruel and evil!" the Mann Mayal actor stated on social media.

"Pakistan has a chance to earn the respect of the world and make God happy by freeing all the animals in captivity," he added, requesting the government to shut down all the zoos in the country.

Abbasi's outrage came after the only zoo in Islamabad — which drew international condemnation for its treatment of lonely elephant Kaavan — closed on Wednesday after its final occupants were relocated abroad.

Encouraging others to partake in this social cause, the star looked up to his fans and followers for support.

"If you agree, please be the voice for those who can't speak for themselves and make this hashtag trend for as long as we can, so maybe someone in the decision making arena may listen especially after IHC ruling. #CloseAllPakZoos."

Earlier this week, the IHC observed that the "bears’ natural habitat was the high altitude plateau of Deosai National Park in the Himalayas". "It was indeed inhumane to have deprived them of living in their natural habitat, merely for the entertainment of humans."


Jill Dec 18, 2020 05:29pm
Pakistan is a zoo with a lot of cages...
oldhabibian Dec 18, 2020 05:35pm
I agree, since all the monkeys are in politics
Khaled Dec 18, 2020 05:37pm
Fully agree.
M.I.RANGOONWALA Dec 18, 2020 05:46pm
I fully agree with Hamza free all animals in pakistan, close all zoo ,we could not free a elephant and send to combadia, in that American si Germany has to come,resin did send his cargo plane to fly ekephant, 6 people died for no oxygen in peshawar hospital. This we were and are.
Afzaal Ansari Dec 18, 2020 05:49pm
Animal's captivity in cage or open just for human entertainment is cruel and relentless, it should be eradicate as the animals have also right for free living.
Chirag Patel Dec 18, 2020 05:54pm
Speech about animal love is coming from Hamza after he had chicken or mutton for lunch.... Zoo's in Pakistan are shutting down not because of your love for animals instead it's the finances.... You guys are broke as a joke
abdulazizansari Dec 18, 2020 06:05pm
Appreciate the opinion, The way we hold the animal in the zoo is deplorable, and in no way in cognition with universal laws on cruelty towards the animals. We will definitely earn praise over the closure of the present practice of encaging the animal the way we do. It would be appreciated if we can arrange our sanctuaries for locally habituated animals, and move out the rest to the best places in the world that they belong to.
Humza Dec 18, 2020 06:25pm
A cause I can get behind!
Zulfiqar Dec 18, 2020 06:30pm
What about parliament?
Farhan Dec 18, 2020 06:31pm
If the zoo will shut down where we will keep you?
JustWasif Dec 18, 2020 06:34pm
Please shut. it's already too late.
Yes Dec 18, 2020 06:37pm
And then listen to his politically motivated hypocrisy? He is not what he projects himself to be.
Asim Dec 18, 2020 06:38pm
I am against the zoos from day one.
Bk Dec 18, 2020 06:43pm
Totally agree! All zoos should be shut down.
Yes Dec 18, 2020 06:54pm
And watch him teach hypocrisy to nation? Why does he give statements when he was supposed to say good bye to showbiz?
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Dec 18, 2020 06:57pm
If we do what Hamza Ali Abbasi is saying then where the PDM leadership would stay? This is a matter of serious concern.
JM Dec 18, 2020 07:23pm
Why were the Himalayan bears sent to Jordan, could've been moved to our very own Deosai national park..
Sameer Dec 18, 2020 07:36pm
Abdolutely. And then maybe we actually start respecting our strays and make the SHC realise that the only solution to Sindh's dog problem is humane : capturr, neuter and release. ..
Ali Sabir Dec 18, 2020 07:44pm
Certainly a Bollywood type comment. Now let us a realistic.
Amanullah Awan Dec 18, 2020 08:06pm
Totally agreed!
Captain Dec 18, 2020 08:21pm
Shutting down is not an option but providing and keeping animals with all basic needs and care is the only option
Thunderbird Dec 18, 2020 08:38pm
Why not make safari zones where animals roam free with carefully planted suitable habitat and no cages. Such facilities also called zoo are well established in West. They save endangered species and vast enclosures keep the animals close to natural environments. It gives great opportunity for people especially children to actually happily see the creatures which they will never have a chance to meet except outside, only in few countries.
BAXAR Dec 18, 2020 08:44pm
@Asim "I am against the zoos from day one." It is a better option than being hunt and exterminated by human beings.
N abidai Dec 18, 2020 09:07pm
Zoos plus Pakistan needs to develop a culture of coexistence with animals! The zoos can be run with humanity, requires managements who respect animals! Again , the root cause is not analyzed! Who are the people responsible for running the zoos,what is their qualifications ? They
sadaf f rafi Dec 18, 2020 09:51pm
@Chirag Patel caging animals and Consuming animals are two different topics.
Ahmed Dec 18, 2020 10:18pm
Pakistan does not have enough to feed its people. To feed animals in zoo is a far cry.
Truth be told Dec 18, 2020 10:46pm
He probably wants to live there himself, taking turns. Actions should be done utilizing your conscience and not to please the foreigners. It's the intent that matters.
JJ Dec 18, 2020 10:51pm
Then there will be no TV!!
No-Name Dec 18, 2020 11:09pm
Your argument applies to all Zoos of the world. Kindly expand your horizon.
M. Saeed Dec 18, 2020 11:15pm
Animals born in captivity would not survive the rigours of the wild life. We must be considerate on the fact.
Ibrahim S Dec 18, 2020 11:30pm
Zoo specifically in countries like Pakistan are inhuman. Instead we should build or protect wild life sanctuary . Just as a note: If we do have a sanctuary please make sure our spoiled establishment and Arabs are not allowed to enter.
Pro Pakistani Dec 18, 2020 11:46pm
Abbasi is a confused person, he doesn't have any idea what hr wants to do, quit show biz, re joined, lectured on islam etc etc
Parvez Dec 19, 2020 12:16am
Agree .... fully agree.
KSYED Dec 19, 2020 12:17am
We pray you are not going to make another political party!!!!!!
asim Dec 19, 2020 12:44am
Puja Berry Dec 19, 2020 01:25am
Thank you Hamza Ali Abbasi , for raising your voice for the weak and for animals. More and more people should join him in this movement.
Vijay B. Dec 19, 2020 01:32am
If Hamza Ali Abbasi really feels the pain of all animals he should stop eating meat and meat products and initiate a campaign for everyone to become a vegetarian.
Syed Ali Dec 19, 2020 02:05am
Good idea to get place in news paper headings. Before floating this idea, Hamza Ali Abbasi should declare himself vegetarian and ensure all Pakistanis too to be so other wise they will eat away all the animals. Perhaps animals in zoo will be safe. Zoo in advance countries are not collection of cages, In mates are provided natural environment and children enjoy their company.
Mehboob Dec 19, 2020 02:20am
What about circuses and clowns?
Moth Dec 19, 2020 02:22am
Hamza is an interesting personality -- confused, trying to be smart, lacking vision, lost soul, but handsome. My advise to Hamza is see youtube quite often.
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA Dec 19, 2020 02:22am
Including that one where he works!!!
Pathanoo Dec 19, 2020 02:34am
Since you can't and don't feed them properly, the animals are kept in cages where they can not even move - why do you want to torture them? let these animals go. Shut the Zoos and try to feed the people.
Aamir Alvi Dec 19, 2020 02:52am
@Chirag Patel Yeah, as a Pakistani love our non veg food;another excellent reason for quitting India! grateful for it every living moment!!!!
Abdur R. Talukder Dec 19, 2020 03:00am
If you do so, what your kids gonna learn about animals while rest of the countries even your neighours have their own? Definitely, they gonna visit other countries on the expense of your hardly earned foreign currencies!
RSK Dec 19, 2020 03:37am
Why just in Pakistan, zoos should be closed all over the world, right, Hamza mian.
M.Emad Dec 19, 2020 03:42am
Send all animals to India..its biggest zoo of animals in the world!
Laila Dec 19, 2020 04:35am
After that maybe we can close factories enslaving child laborers, brothels enslaving women and children, and all feudal lords. What do you think, Hamza?
Laila Dec 19, 2020 04:35am
@Yes savage! lol well said
MG Dec 19, 2020 04:41am
And we are asking for millions of Kashmiris
divergence Dec 19, 2020 04:45am
Is the rest of the world also shutting down zoos? If the intention is purely to leave animals in their habitat, then it is a noble one. However, if the intention is to hide the fact that animals were being neglected and not taken care of, then he is simply using an excuse to hide human negligence.
Mubeen Dec 19, 2020 04:54am
Anyone can voice their opinion, but what are you, Mr Holier than thou, doing about it? Talk is cheap, actions speak louder.
Toni Dec 19, 2020 05:48am
absolutely agree, no more zoos, let nature be that.
Cv Dec 19, 2020 06:57am
Free animals ! Put Hamza be in a cage.
Muqali Khan Dec 19, 2020 07:39am
We are not a nation of animal lovers so it's appropriate to close all zoos. We often see horses, donkeys and cattle being hit by their carers.
Paul Dec 19, 2020 08:33am
Great words fully agree, but it's a height of hypocrisy. First, change your eating habits, make it more humane, and stop killing animals for your meal, then talk about freeing animals. But I think human beings always learn the hard way; the ground reality is that now we don't have any other option than to come out of our well and acknowledge the fact that we are merely a tiny part of the ecosystem, and its high time to change our mindset from "human being" to "living being." All living beings have the right to live if we don't accept it, we will vanish very soon, even in a couple of decades(as per scientific data).
Baasha Dec 19, 2020 08:34am
And stop eating animals also
Madaiyan Dec 19, 2020 08:38am
He should visit chicken farmer and see for him self to understand battery cage!
Rashid Ilyas Bhatti Dec 19, 2020 08:40am
Yes, free all animals and put all Pakistanis in zoos.
Rahul Dec 19, 2020 08:45am
What a hypocrisy. You will eat animals, but want to free them zoos for morality
Ziyan Dec 19, 2020 08:50am
@Chirag Patel Please keep your cow politics to your own country. The whole world is sick of your rhetoric too....
Thunderbird Dec 19, 2020 09:46am
@Chirag Patel Joke is on you, domesticated animals are domestic due to their use by humanity for ages. Some communities could not have survived by not depending on animal consumption like Eskimos.
hR Dec 19, 2020 10:09am
What @ killing animals for food isn't that more cruel and evil?
Mola Dec 19, 2020 10:56am
Eating Chicken Beef nd Mutton also come in this or not?
Sami Dec 19, 2020 11:50am
He is 100 percent right but it shall be world wide not just Pakistan.
Shakeel Mahota Dec 19, 2020 11:52am
As long as people don't care about one another what care can be expected from them for animals.
TZaman Dec 19, 2020 12:36pm
Good point to be in limelight.
Shahid Mahmood Dec 19, 2020 02:16pm
In a corrupt society like ours, even humans can't raise their voices against injustice, so what about the animals who get cheated and do not get fed even 25% of the daily food requirement? Please let them all go free.
Combaticus Dec 20, 2020 01:46am
I disagree. Well kept zoos are a great source of learning for kids and biologists. Zoos also host international breading programs. The animals that are born are shifted to other zoos - this spreads the genetic codes for species prone to extinction.
Abdul Rahman Dec 20, 2020 02:24am
Replace them with museums please. Make goal for next ten years that zoos will be converted to museums.
Roshan Dec 20, 2020 02:32am
Every country should come forward and support this cause
alih Dec 20, 2020 03:48pm
If you want to be successful do what he is doing, keeping audience attracted all the time.