
4 Pakistanis make it to Forbes 30 under 30 for North America

4 Pakistanis make it to Forbes 30 under 30 for North America

Chosen out of 600 entrepreneurs, activists, scientists and entertainers, we couldn't be more proud
Updated 08 Dec, 2020

Using their talent and hard work to make the country proud, four Pakistanis have made it to the list of Forbes 30 under 30 and we couldn't be more excited for them!

Included as honorees in the list for North America, the four champs chosen out of 600 young entrepreneurs, activists, scientists and entertainers featured in the 10th annual issue, have given everyone motivation to defy the odds, build their dream businesses and reach new heights.

Appearing in categories such as Marketing and Advertising, Education as well as Games, here's a little info about the rockstars:

Sanaa Khan - Games

29-year-old Sana is a Program Manager at Google, where she leads go-to-market strategy and hardware planning for the tech giant's cloud gaming service Stadia.

Khan spearheaded initiatives such as 'Stadia's Free Play Days', enacted during the pandemic for financially constrained gamers, as well as drives a scholarship program for women developers, making her the only Pakistani woman to feature on this list.

Asad J Malik - Marketing and Advertising

Having done his Bachelor of Arts/Science from Bennington College, Asad J. Malik moved to the US from Pakistan in 2016 for higher education, and has since then been a pioneer in using augmented reality for the purpose of storytelling.

In his breakout project, Terminal 3, Malik featured young Muslim immigrants and collaborating with Magic Leap, explored the personification of Artificial Intelligence through A Jester's Tale.

The 24-year-old CEO of Jadu AR, an app that creates holograms and immersive 3D performances (with TikTok stars and musicians) to make them seem realistic and interactive for listeners, he currently resides in Los Angeles, working with Verizon to build educational AR experiences with 5G.

Danish Dhamani - Education

A Pakistani native who grew up in East Africa, Danish Dhamani was terrified of speaking in classroom presentations and job interviews when he moved to the US. This motivated him to find a speech-coaching app, Orai (for "oral AI") with his Drexel University classmates, Aasim and Paritosh Gupta in 2017.

From corporate clients including Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Comcast and IBM and individuals who pay $10 per month, Danish found 5,000 active monthly users record themselves speaking and receive feedback such as how many times they say "um", through his app.

The Philadelphia-based startup has raised $2.3 million in seed funding and expects to become profitable in 2021.

Faizan Bhatty - Marketing and Advertising

Student at the University of Pennsylvania, Faizan Bhatty along with his mate, Kenan Saleh co-founded Halo Cars in 2019 as a way to create new ad space on rideshare vehicles and a way for Uber and Lyft drivers to earn more money.

"Smart digital screens sit atop cars enabling the display of hyper-targeted ads," said Forbes, adding that startup-competition awards funded prototypes and a pilot and $500,000 from angel investors followed. Bhatty's company sold to Lyft within a year of its inception.


Chrís Dăn Dec 08, 2020 12:31pm
Heart-felt congrats. Keep it up guys:))
GHAZANFAR ABBAS Dec 08, 2020 12:46pm
All praises for them. Best wishes and prayers.
Venkat Dec 08, 2020 01:00pm
Well done ..change the image of Pakistan in international community. Next year atleast fourty should be in the list.
ashiq chandio Dec 08, 2020 01:10pm
none of these is educated in Pakistan so to say ... does that mean our universities are incapable of producing individuals that can compete in different fields the world over???
Surendra Dec 08, 2020 02:13pm
Out of them, one ( Danish Dhamani ) is a Hindu
Venkat Dec 08, 2020 02:28pm
@Chrís Dăn heartfelt ?
AZAM AKBAR Dec 08, 2020 02:31pm
Heartiest Congratulations.
RAja Raman Dec 08, 2020 02:42pm
Congrats.... and Best wishes for more laurels.
MBA Dec 08, 2020 02:58pm
Fly robin fly, up up in the sky. But don´t forget the the earth beneath you feet.
Jonathen Dec 08, 2020 03:31pm
What has nationality to do ? A person only born in Pakistan while educated and earned higher degrees abroad due to the culture and standard the other nation had to offer. If they had been educated, lived and served in a Pakistani company and then made it into Forbes, it might have mattered then
Ashok Srinivasan Dec 08, 2020 03:35pm
Congratulations! This is impressive and you make your country proud!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Dec 08, 2020 03:40pm
Welcome the distinguished club and the unique clubhouse. As always, keep it up and hang on tough.
Vijay B. Dec 08, 2020 03:47pm
Does "30 under 30" mean only 30 (under 30) were selected from all over the U.S.? And 4 of these 30 had a Pakistani heritage? Wow! What an achievement. Congratulations to all concerned who deserved it.
Abdul Baqi Dec 08, 2020 04:18pm
Danish Dhamani looks so handsome.
Ibrahim S Dec 08, 2020 04:26pm
Congratulation to these young folks . We have the talent and resource but we need to unshackle ourself from past practices and put in charge of education to those people who don’t live in 6th century .
Zak Dec 08, 2020 04:33pm
Pakistani talent is world class. Congratulations to all, you make the nation proud.
Zak Dec 08, 2020 04:34pm
@Venkat 'Well done ..change the image of Pakistan in international community. Next year atleast fourty should be in the list.' Jealousy is a sickness and needs treatment.
Zak Dec 08, 2020 04:34pm
@Venkat Well done ..change the image of Pakistan in international community. Next year atleast fourty should be in the list.' First get even 10 Indians with population of 1.1 billion on the list.
Well wisher Dec 08, 2020 04:38pm
Well done and best wishes to all the achievers. Hope Imran Khan and his government has some time to felicitate the achiever’s and also reward them suitably for bringing glory to Pakistan with their individual efforts.
Riaz Dec 08, 2020 04:55pm
Danish - so proud of you. Congrats to all that made the list for your achievements! Keep it up everyone!
Dr malaria Dec 08, 2020 04:58pm
all have left pakistan very early.. not sure why pakistanis are celebrating
LAHORI KID Dec 08, 2020 05:08pm
It always brings pride to our country when it’s citizens are mentioned in the most positive of ways around the world.
Kaavan Dec 08, 2020 05:20pm
Pleased to see rising Pakistani talent. Keep it up!
The lost soul Dec 08, 2020 05:22pm
Fanstatic . Don’t come back to naya pakistan
Browngirl Dec 08, 2020 05:39pm
Let's increase the number from 4 to 40.
Jamil Kaludi Dec 08, 2020 05:54pm
GO Pakistan Go! Vow! 4 out of top 30 young scientist, entrepreneur, activist, and entertainers, that is more than 13% for just one country. Vow! Vow! Vow! That proves the point: " Facilitate the aspiring minds and young talent, give them opportunities, and see them soar". Of course the American Higher Education System was a catalyst in this model, which proves a point and a lesson for Public Policy Arena of Pakistan. Invest in talent! " Zara num ho tu yeh matti bohat zarghez hey saqi". ( Note: this "GO" in the American culture means opposite of the other "go" )
Jamil Kaludi Dec 08, 2020 05:56pm
@Venkat 40 out of 30?
geek Dec 08, 2020 05:57pm
Most of them are based outside Pakistan, that means for getting included in the list one has to move abroad for proper grooming in the relevant fields.
Ahmad Gul Nazir Dec 08, 2020 06:05pm
Wow. Congrats to all who got position in this list
Zak Dec 08, 2020 06:05pm
As PTI sorts out the mess of past governments and brings peace and progressive policies, the talent of Pakistan are rising at all levels.
Bikram Singh Dec 08, 2020 06:09pm
Good score.
Kaavan Dec 08, 2020 07:02pm
Now Indians will say rest of 26 are from india.
Shakeel Ahmad Dec 08, 2020 07:17pm
Great achievement, congratulations to all of you making Pakistan proud.
Asif Dec 08, 2020 07:32pm
You made all of us PROUD
Imtiaz Sheikh Dec 08, 2020 07:33pm
it feels good to hear success stories of fellow citizen. so proud of you.
Shahid Mahmood Dec 08, 2020 07:51pm
Those who moved out of Pakistan and achieved something while residing in other countries, offer nothing to Pakistan. We can only congratulate them on their personal achievements.
Ajay Dutt Dec 08, 2020 08:02pm
Reality check Dec 08, 2020 08:51pm
@Venkat My friend, how can there be 40 in the list of 30?
Jayakarthik Dec 08, 2020 09:06pm
Congrats let more Pakistanis do it at home so that the country benefits.
Amir Indian Dec 08, 2020 09:15pm
They are no more Pakistani
Sriniwas Dec 08, 2020 11:06pm
Congratulations for their achievements. But important thing to note is they reach great heights after leaving their motherland.
ANS Dec 08, 2020 11:21pm
There are working for US not Pakistan, so why is this news?
AM Dec 09, 2020 12:07am
Daanish Dhamani is a Hindu. Not Pakistani.
perincheri Dec 09, 2020 12:19am
65 Indians made to the list vs 4 !!! Indians are highest in the whole list followed by China -57
Hammad Dec 09, 2020 12:39am
Mr Salarea Dec 09, 2020 12:57am
These are 4 among 960 people, listed under 32 categories.
Naqueebullah Mehsud Dec 09, 2020 01:25am
@Kaavan , nice to know India is always in your thoughts. Grow up.
Talat sharif Dec 09, 2020 02:18am
Well done !
Abdur R. Talukder Dec 09, 2020 02:26am
CONGRATS TO ALL OF THEM for their honest works!!!!!
Nadeem Zafar Dec 09, 2020 02:45am
You helped make a better world, while making us proud. thank you.
Aamir Alvi Dec 09, 2020 03:48am
@Dr malaria, What you do not know or understand about Pakistanis is that they may leave Pakistan for greener pastures but,Pakistan never leaves them!!! we bleed case you did not know!!!!
Over Seas Pak Dec 09, 2020 04:14am
@Dr malaria because even if they arnt in Pakistan, they are of Pakistan orgin.
1Hindustani Dec 09, 2020 04:25am
Make Pakistan Proud!
Awaz.... Dec 09, 2020 04:56am
Only in the United States of America.... The land of the opportunities.
Venkat Dec 09, 2020 05:33am
@Reality check there is possibility that list can be extended.
Ravi Dec 09, 2020 07:41am
But they all live and work abroad!
Teddy Dec 09, 2020 07:43am
Do they even want to be identified as pakistani abroad?
jdshami Dec 09, 2020 08:03am
Heartfelt congrats....
N abidai Dec 09, 2020 08:30am
Great work, future of Pakistan, these are the true leaders, went to the top with their talents and hard work!
Venkat Dec 09, 2020 08:33am
@Jamil Kaludi in the same position more than one person is possible.
Raja hasan Dec 09, 2020 09:16am
Great,my people are coming out.
Laila Dec 09, 2020 05:17pm
I don't want to say proud as this is not my accomplishment but I am thrilled that they made it. Well done and stay successful. We have any talents but sadly not many resources. All the best to all.
Sohail Dec 10, 2020 10:44am
22.8 Million Children (ages 5-16) are not going to School in Pakistan. [source: unicef report] Imagine what could be achieved if all children go to good government schools. This is actionable.
Laila Dec 10, 2020 03:19pm
@AM hindu is a religion. Pakistani is a nationality. The two are not mutually exclusive. Kindly expand your knowledge and mind. Understand that Pakistan is diverse. Do you understand what 'diversity' is? Muslims are majority here, but there are also Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist Pakistanis (minorities) and many more. So it is possible to be a Pakistani Hindu. Remember Pakistan before the partition? Many people moved to India. But not all moved. Some stayed behind here. That's why all countries have minorities. Either through wars, partition or migration. You can also have Muslim Americans and European Muslim. I suggest you move out of your comfort zone and befriends more Pakistanis from other backgrounds. Then you will see how diverse Pakistanis are.
Laila Dec 10, 2020 03:22pm
@Sohail excellent point. Sadly our PMIK has no interest in attending to this. Too busy catering to the all knowing peers, mullahs and self claimed muftis. Education and safety of our women, children and public health are forever neglected areas.
Laila Dec 10, 2020 03:25pm
@Amir Indian who are you to say they are no longer Pakistanis? Did you ask them or just assume? They are Pakistanis if they identify as Pakistanis. That's their choice and their right. There is a large Pakistani diaspora living in North America, UK etc.
Sohail Dec 12, 2020 11:59am
@Laila Thank you. Our children and our ladies are very intelligent and very capable. To let 22.8 children Not attend schools is to condemn them to a life of poverty and worse.