
'A reflection of Benazir': Aseefa's political debut reminds some Pakistanis of her late mother

'A reflection of Benazir': Aseefa's political debut reminds some Pakistanis of her late mother

Soon after her public appearance, Twitter was all-praise for Aseefa with Ali Tareen from the PTI camp calling her "pretty cool".
Updated 01 Dec, 2020

Among the Bhutto-Zardari siblings, Bilawal as the Pakistan Peoples Party chairperson makes the most headlines — and almost daily.

But last week, Bakhtawar was the talk of the town because of her engagement and this week, it's the youngest sibling Aseefa who has everyone talking after her political debut in Multan.

Aseefa attended the Pakistan Democratic Movement public meeting on behalf of her brother, who has quarantined himself after testing positive for coronavirus, and delivered a brief but impactful maiden speech.

“If they will arrest our brothers, each woman of PPP is ready for struggle,” she stated, clad in blue.

Soon after her public appearance, Twitter was all-praise for Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's granddaughter. So much so, even Ali Tareen from the PTI camp called her "pretty cool".

But what most people couldn't stop talking about was how Aseefa resembled her late mother, former prime minister Benazir Bhutto — and not just in appearance but her oratorical style.

Regardless of whether she evoked memories of Benazir or not, some were simply excited to see the youngest of the Bhutto-Zardari clan make her political debut.

Aseefa thanked everyone for their love and congratulated her party's leadership and workers on "a successful" 53rd foundation day of the PPP.


divergence Dec 01, 2020 02:22pm
Maybe it is fortunate for Pakistanis that Pakistan's political landscape does not seem to change from dynastic where performance and merit are hardly expected as prerequisites of becoming a leader.
Junaid Dec 01, 2020 02:25pm
Say no to dynasties politics. People are being fooled through changing faces.
Rizwan Hussain Dec 01, 2020 02:28pm
All jokes aside, the siblings of the corrupt are trying to save their looted wealth.
M. Saeed Dec 01, 2020 02:30pm
But, dynastic politics has moved a step forwards.
cofcol Dec 01, 2020 02:30pm
paid advertisement
Truth Dec 01, 2020 02:36pm
Now media carving out another leader. Unbelievable. IK must rein in the media first and foremost. They will never allow Pakistan to move forward.
Patriot Dec 01, 2020 02:38pm
Yes, these children are born to rule Pakistan!
The Dejected Karachiite Dec 01, 2020 02:45pm
This is unfortunate to see dynastic politics is still celebrated in this country.
M. Emad Dec 01, 2020 02:45pm
PPP now becomes a large regional party ---- limited to the province of Sindh.
Syed Sohraab Dec 01, 2020 02:47pm
Whatever is Left of Pakistan by their Parents to be destroyed ..will be destroyed by these Clueless and Pathetic kids of these Goons!
GHAZANFAR ABBAS Dec 01, 2020 02:47pm
We wish her all the best. She has entered in politics as a queen. I am afraid the other queen (of PML-N) will suffer the most with her entry.
laali Dec 01, 2020 02:48pm
Standby arrangement
Arshad Dec 01, 2020 02:55pm
People who get impressed by just Clothing, deserve to be robbed by such elements in politics.
Haider Ali Dec 01, 2020 03:03pm
Interesting to see children campaigining to save parents from corruption charges, using dynastic parties in the name of democracy, and poor people are falling for it!
excalibur Dec 01, 2020 03:03pm
another private limited company of dynastic virus in a democratic country and PDM baying for it but Uncles standing behind kids like Asifa and Maryam with no qualifications or credentials and not embarrassed of Corrupt parents
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Dec 01, 2020 03:07pm
She may be resembling her late mother Bibi BNB but she lacks political leadership qualities and wisdom. In my view, she will be better than Bilawal and will get more sympathetic votes. Good early entry and Mrs Maryam Safdar be jealous! (Note: I have been advocating my impartial views for over 4 years against injustice, inequality, corruption, oppression and nepotism without supporting any of the political parties. My family, country and people's well-being are far more important to me than anything else. Please be aware of fake ID!).
zayan Dec 01, 2020 03:12pm
When we will not choose anyone because of his/her family? We have to break the barriers of this BB and Bhutto abhi Zinda heh.
Hasnain Haque Dec 01, 2020 03:14pm
So we have another daughter from the privileged family who has made no contribution to society, Pakistan or politics. They all come to loot and plunder. Brother inherited the leadership and has never done a days work, we have Maryam Nawaz who has never done a days work and inherited the leadership, we have Gilani clan who has made zero contribution to anything and he has entered politics. How long will this go on, they come, they loot and then disappear to UK. People of Pakistan, stop letting these people control your lives.
Syed ahmed Dec 01, 2020 03:18pm
Run the country is in there blood but not that fast, please wait for next 3 year's
Sarah Khan Dec 01, 2020 03:20pm
We are tired of these palace dwellers Enough - return their ill-gotten wealth to the people
Tunio Dec 01, 2020 03:25pm
Why children of Wadera will continue to rule the country?
Chrís Dăn Dec 01, 2020 03:27pm
An elite,daughter of a corrupt-ethics free feudal elite-never has a self earning and living on oneś own income-never did any job for a single day- never donated funds from her feudal amount to poor people of Sindh-never came out in ordinary public to support their medical treatments in COVID19-never said a single word ever about nurder of hindu doctor n Larkana-never came out with a single word abt situation of Karachi in recent rains- What claims she has on us?Past is past. What she us herself?
Chrís Dăn Dec 01, 2020 03:28pm
What she is herself to qualify her as our leader? We have nothing in common.
Karachi King Dec 01, 2020 03:28pm
She is cutie pie...
Karachi King Dec 01, 2020 03:28pm
just need some touchup
Still Concerned Dec 01, 2020 03:31pm
this is a relaunch. She debued at the last elections already.
Egoist Dec 01, 2020 03:32pm
Lauding the dynasty rulers. It a shame!
Sakaniga Dec 01, 2020 03:39pm
We dont need dynasty politics..prove yourself like Khan did!!
Amir Sultan Dec 01, 2020 03:42pm
Yes she is very similar to her mother in that both had political inheritance rather than any legitimate ground roots struggle.
Modern Mullah Dec 01, 2020 03:46pm
It's not about Politics ! It's about family business.
AZAM AKBAR Dec 01, 2020 03:57pm
Dynastic politics is a curse on Pakistan. But the majority of the inhabitants of Pakistan is uncivilised, illiterate and semi illiterate so the corrupts and criminals are welcome. Bitter truth.
AZAM AKBAR Dec 01, 2020 04:01pm
@Chrís Dăn Mr. " What she is herself to qualify her as our leader? We have nothing in common. " Ms. Aseefa Zardari isn't OUR LEADER. She belongs to the dynastic politics of the corrupts and criminals.
Stargazer Dec 01, 2020 04:01pm
Our media will keep glorifying these people, and we will remain stuck with father, mother, then son, then daughter, then son in law. As if no other person is capable to lead this country except these dynasties, who have only looted and destroyed us over decades.
AZAM AKBAR Dec 01, 2020 04:02pm
@Rizwan Hussain Mr. Rizwan Hussain, Without any doubt.
AZAM AKBAR Dec 01, 2020 04:05pm
@Patriot Mr. Patriot, " Yes, these children are born to rule Pakistan!" Ms. (late) Nusrat Bhutto had said: " THE BHUTTOS ARE BORN TO RULE ". Pakistan is facing disaster. Alas.
Riaz Dec 01, 2020 04:06pm
The mindset of Pakistanis is corrupted. No one can save Pakistan when people of Pakistan doesn't want to be saved themselves. Still living with Bhutto dynasty. Say no to dynasty politics! Like India did, we should do the same if we want true democracy.
AZAM AKBAR Dec 01, 2020 04:07pm
@The Dejected Karachiite Mr. Dejected Karachiite, " This is unfortunate to see dynastic politics is still celebrated in this country. " The majority of the inhabitants of Pakistan is uncivilised, illiterate and semi illiterate. No strange.
Patriot Dec 01, 2020 04:07pm
Priyanka Gandhi Vadera also resembles Indira Gandhi. People have not accepted her as leader
AZAM AKBAR Dec 01, 2020 04:14pm
@excalibur Mr. excalibur, Mr. Barrister Aitezaz Ahsan, Mr. Khaqan Abbasi, Mr. Qamarruzzaman Kaira, Mr. Prof. Ahsan Iqbal, Ms. Sherry Rehman, Mr. Raza Rabbani, etc., bow their head before Mr. Bilawal Zardari, Ms. Maryam Nawaz, Ms. Aseefa Zardari and Mr. Asif Ali Zardari. Do you think such people have shame, moral and character?
truthspeaks Dec 01, 2020 04:17pm
if she name 5 rivers of Pakistan or read National anthem without errors, i will name all my wealth on her name or she do otherwise.
CU Dec 01, 2020 04:21pm
Another season of Keeping up with the Zardaris. All style, no substance.
Jupiter Dec 01, 2020 04:21pm
Why do we have such articles where we kind of praise or support political dynasties. Their forefathers have looted vast amount of wealth from Pakistan and these kids defend them so shamelessly. It will take generations to change the mindset of this country.
raheel Dec 01, 2020 04:25pm
This is so depressing that out of population of 225 million, the best leadership we can find for PPP and PMLN is children of leadership. Is this democracy or dynastic dictatorships?
Angel Dec 01, 2020 04:26pm
immature children ruling us
RAZA Dec 01, 2020 04:30pm
After enjoying abroad for years, the time has come to rule the fool.
Tariq Dec 01, 2020 04:31pm
Dynasty politics at its best, Oppress the poor and give them enough to be living dead . Ask for rights then you are dead. This is the story of Sindh likewise other parts of the country.
Abdur R. Talukder Dec 01, 2020 04:33pm
Bring a change in your political party where no feudal lords will be honoured for personal or family interest. Make Peoples Party a patriotic not the power greedy ones that ultimately help to make a prosperous Pakistan.
F Dec 01, 2020 04:35pm
Another selected in making for poor pakistanis. Her words not sync with her body language. Voice or face don't matter, inner self should match her, which seems unlikely
FB Dec 01, 2020 04:37pm
Pity the nation...
Ibrahim S Dec 01, 2020 04:51pm
Is governance of this country only limited to the political dynasties . This practice must stop. Aren’t we done with those days when kings, queens, and maharajas used to rule.
Sajjad Sindhi Dec 01, 2020 04:56pm
Its all about the "Jiyeh Bhutto" Brand!
Syed Raiyan Zafar Dec 01, 2020 05:10pm
A kid no matter how smart can not matter much. After all a reflection in the mirror will remain a reflection not the real thing
Samih Khan (USA) Dec 01, 2020 05:14pm
.....and the dynasty continues.
Surya Kant Dec 01, 2020 05:21pm
She looks most promising amongst her family.
waqas Dec 01, 2020 05:24pm
No struggle, no achievements, no merit. Dynastic politics.. No More !
Thunderbird Dec 01, 2020 05:25pm
Don't understand Pakistani people treating someone like a hairess while no royalty system is practiced in the country.
syed Dec 01, 2020 05:26pm
The only thing she reminds me of is the cancer of feudalism and systematically corrupt politics in Pakistan.
AZAM AKBAR Dec 01, 2020 05:34pm
Dynastic politics is a curse on Pakistan. But the majority of the inhabitants of Pakistan loves this because the mojority is uneducated, illiterate and semi illiterate.
Thunderbird Dec 01, 2020 05:36pm
PPP has many long serving leaders , their vast experience in the political arenas gives them head start way ahead of Asifa. But look at them treating her with manners reserved for royalties. Like master slave relationship. Is this democracy ? Preach what you practice.
SYED ADNAN SHAFQAT Dec 01, 2020 05:38pm
groom her politically, before Malala implemented on our nation by NWO
salman Dec 01, 2020 05:43pm
who cares
BAXAR Dec 01, 2020 05:49pm
@Tunio "Why children of Wadera will continue to rule the country?" They will not 'rule' the country, they will act like. In fact the sponsors will make a lot of money using them as 'front men'.
Ranjha Dec 01, 2020 06:06pm
Indeed. It reminded us how a brainless kid of a corrupt and cruel Sindhi vadera famiky can claim national leadership!
shan Dec 01, 2020 06:09pm
Something tells me she will not as corrupt as her mother. She is her daughter so it's her right to rule Pakistan of course.
Whatever Dec 01, 2020 06:10pm
Unfortunately the termites keep coming out of the woodwork.
Ghani K Dec 01, 2020 06:13pm
Thanks to dynastic politics, the nation has found another bright guiding star.
Syed Zaraq Khan Dec 01, 2020 06:20pm
Stunts to impress the public and the public is impressed. Alas!
Expat (usa) Dec 01, 2020 06:21pm
No struggle , no sacrifice but political power handed over in a platter. Look up Jayalas of PPP, see a bright star in the galaxy.
Moth Dec 01, 2020 06:22pm
@AZAM AKBAR illiteracy, ignorance and semi illiteratracy -- the cause root of sickening democracy
Fazal Dec 01, 2020 06:35pm
And the feudalism continues from generation to generation! They looted our country's wealth several times. People and children are still dying of malnutrition in Sindh. Scores of Sindhi's have died of poverty, but Bhutto is definitely alive! Unfortunate situation!
Ali Dec 01, 2020 06:35pm
Precisely what credentials that this women possess other than a surname of Bhutto. (which she shouldn't have after her name anyway?) Does anyone know what qualifications she has? Feudal society at it's worst.
Fazal Dec 01, 2020 06:36pm
@divergence Absolutely True. Feudalism continues, generation after generation!
A Sheikh Dec 01, 2020 06:50pm
What sad state of the country. If we never wanted to get rid of Monarchy, British Monarchy was better than these corrupt so called leaders.
RationalBabu Dec 01, 2020 06:51pm
@truthspeaks wonder if she has any educational and employment credentials. What’s the source of her income to fund such lavish lifestyle? The same could be asked of all these dynastic offsprings!
sqb Dec 01, 2020 07:19pm
Bunch of slaves! in this age, how can these people make such congratulatory comments. This is not royalty, they talk about democracy and yet drivel over such events, passing of a political mantle from mother to daughter. Shame on the lot of you.
AKS Dec 01, 2020 07:21pm
Reminds us of golden days of Pakistan.
Fair views Dec 01, 2020 07:24pm
Nation will miss Bilawal BZ meme after the Launch of his sister, Asif Zardari seems disappointed by BBZ performance so he launched Asifa, so, what we call Bilwal? retired/Hurt or runner.
Ahmed Dec 01, 2020 07:31pm
Enough of Bhuttos please.
Baaghi Dec 01, 2020 07:39pm
Say no to dynasties politics. Inquilab zaindabad.......
Sane One Dec 01, 2020 07:40pm
PP Marketing cell prepared her to exploit emotions of poor ignorant masses , dressed like Benazir and copy her actions. It was unfortunate that Benazir was killed but that does not make her a good leader. Wake up Pakistan!
Chrís Dăn Dec 01, 2020 07:40pm
@Rizwan Hussain indeed.
Abubakar Dec 01, 2020 07:41pm
Nepotism in politics.
Chrís Dăn Dec 01, 2020 07:44pm
@Amir Sultan true.
Chrís Dăn Dec 01, 2020 07:45pm
@shan is Pakistan some mughal kingdome in past?
hussain Dec 01, 2020 07:46pm
same old mantra , Pakistanis are moving away from these corrupt families thankfully. these imbeciles living off looted wealth.
Ahmad Dec 01, 2020 07:54pm
If Benazir Bhutto were alive today, she should never allow her kids to get involved in Pakistan politics that already took lives of her father, mother, brother and now herself. Why in Pakistan only Bhutto family sacrifice to sade guard democracy?
JUR-USA Dec 01, 2020 08:00pm
I have soft corner for these kids coz their mother and all maternal relatives were gunned down. May be they have no idea what their father did in corruption and looted. But these kids should stay away from politics. In my understanding if these kids came in power, somehow, they will put all ppp corrupts leaders in jail and will prosecute their father too.
Saeeds Dec 01, 2020 08:07pm
PPP and ML not learning today’s politics. Family dynasty will ruin them.
NACParis Dec 01, 2020 08:23pm
@AZAM AKBAR Absolutely right. The corrupt cronies of corrupt leaders are making sure that dynasty conitnues otherwise their bank balance will start disappearing - The proof is PDM movement as they have not been able to even recoup millions they have spent during last election.
Joe Dec 01, 2020 08:49pm
Are these "kids" really interested in politics, changing the Pakistan's future, or they are merely propped up due to their pedigree?
Wajeed Dec 01, 2020 08:59pm
@Rizwan Hussain well said
Raza Dec 01, 2020 09:12pm
Yup she came in a private chartered jet to fight for the rights of the poor and down trodden ! should i be impressed ? feel for these masses who flock around such non entities who have done nothing for them yet they flock to these jalsas for a plate of biryani and 200/300/500 a person.
Truth Dec 01, 2020 11:11pm
@shan Your something is wrong.
saksci Dec 01, 2020 11:15pm
Pakistan is more looking like Arab world where few families are the rulers; land of illiterate population with few elites.
Shamshad Ahmed Dec 01, 2020 11:16pm
Have mercy on the poor and common man of Pakistan by promoting daughter of a corrupt politicians...what are achievement or contribution for the people of Pakistan? Are entitle by birth to be the prime minister of where in the world in a democratic set up there is dynastic politics...
Parvez Dec 01, 2020 11:26pm
It was a pity that Maryam dominated the show which has supposed to be for Aseefa.
Rizwan Dec 01, 2020 11:27pm
All the children of the corrupt, raised on ill gotten wealth will rule over poor and hapless Pakistanis! The poor will happily dance, the dance of death and blame only themselves for their own dispossession, disease and destitution! As usual the country will blame the 'Establishment ',very conveniently!
Naz Dec 01, 2020 11:30pm
They should first figure it out that "Is this party of the people??" or only Bhutto's family party?? They need fair intra-party elections and best man or woman show run for the top spot.
Omar Dec 01, 2020 11:31pm
As if her mother, grandfather and dad( whom no one likes to mentions ) had not done enough damage to the country. Poverty and corruption exists on countries where people give cult like status to their leaders . In our situation, that status is passed on to their spawns as well. So live on in eternal misery and crisis, at least , Bhutto is still alive today!
Hansoti sh Dec 01, 2020 11:47pm
@divergence DYNASTS DYSFUNCTIONAL DYSTOPIA, perhaps the apathy of Pakistanis towards a KHAN-DO culture reduces the chances of independent self reliance?
WASEEM MALIK Dec 01, 2020 11:56pm
Oh please NO. Already tired of these families who have done nothing but for themselves.
Rashid Dec 02, 2020 01:59am
So she dresses like her mother and she became a politician like her mother. Many Pakistanis deserve these corrupt dynasties as they are the ones following them around.
Saad Dec 02, 2020 02:15am
Its not resemblance. It's mimicry.
Abdur R. Talukder Dec 02, 2020 02:19am
If you want to win the peoples heart , donate your assets as charity, give up the greediness for power and devote for the progress of the nation and nothing else!
Jibran Khan Dec 02, 2020 02:35am
No to nepotism and dynastic politics. Shame on them.
Fazal Karim Dec 02, 2020 02:48am
Only credible leader from Sindh is Fatima Bhotto.
F Syed Dec 02, 2020 03:05am
There is nothing wrong in praising young and aspiring woman. However this is high time people need to realise family politics rotating around personalities is cancer to development and progress.
Pplaris Dec 02, 2020 04:23am
Pakistan's main problem is that there is no room for talented people due to the dynasties' politics. PPP, PML-N, PLM-Q, ANP, JUI, TLP, and some others.
Ilyas Kashmiri Dec 02, 2020 04:42am
Dynasty to slavery ...
sikander khan Dec 02, 2020 04:48am
PPP is finished their loyalties are questionable, their corruption morally spiritually is legendary this is a swansong.
Tooba Khan Dec 02, 2020 05:20am
Who ever is hailing her please go start living in Sindh and slums of Karachi where Bhooto family and PPP have ruled for years. It is shame and disgusting state. I told my children I love Pakistan and I love Karachi but when we returned after many years from USA, my children thought I was delusional as Karachi was the most dirty place. Shame on PPP and Shame on Bhooto and Zardari Family. Please go away
iftikhar saeed Dec 02, 2020 05:22am
She is a reflection of Be Nazir, In corruption too?
zh Dec 02, 2020 06:18am
There are no similarities between BB and Asifa's entry into politics. BB entered political under completely different circumstances. In a way, politics was forced upon her—Aseefa is in politics of her volition. Regardless she will catapult to the second-in-command position. Other senior leaders such as Sherry Rehman can bit the dust. Ethics in dynastic parties is relative.
Ahsan Gul Dec 02, 2020 06:34am
Politics, Easiest way to make money and lavish lifestyle. But today, average Pakistani voter is aware of these corrupt criminals politicians. Sincerely
Zulfiqar Dec 02, 2020 07:00am
Now Bilawal and Aseefa will be in a tug of war to lead the party. Just like her late mother and her late brother.
Abhi Non Done Dec 02, 2020 07:21am
Stop dynasty politic. PPP and PML. We are with Imran Khan PTI
Shahid Mahmood Dec 02, 2020 07:24am
Once upon a time, I used to admire PPP leadership and the party too as it was the only liberal mainstream party in the country but then BB married president Asif Zardari and the rest is history. Today I don't trust any of the Zardaris, be it the father or his kids. They have killed liberal hopes and have plundered the country with both hands, which they still do.
Javed Dec 02, 2020 07:25am
If they like so much lime light should work in Bollywood or lolywood
Shahid Mahmood Dec 02, 2020 07:36am
Imran Khan would be happy if she enters politics, especially in Punjab as she will take away a few votes from Mariyam Nawaz. Punjab has a segment of people who would vote for a good looking woman irrespective of her politics, so it would be a choice between Mariyam and Aseefa.
Darawal Dec 02, 2020 07:52am
I am glad Asifa is getting into the field. Bilalwal turned out to be such a disappointment. Just like IK, Bilawal is a big time Mr. U Turn.
thoku Dec 02, 2020 10:03am
corona was on honeymoon period during the jalsa.
Gargoyle Dec 02, 2020 10:08am
@JUR-USA These kids are entering into politics because this is a family business. They don't know any other way to earn a living but to mooch off of the poor people of Pakistan.
Chrís Dăn Dec 02, 2020 10:38am
@Patriot no. One day these feudal princes and queens will be swept away. French revolution had swept all VIPs by common people. Same will happen here too but a bit late as governments has made this nation addicted to fanaticism and broke their thinking capabilities. But change is in the air already.It will gradually rise.
Crimson clover Dec 02, 2020 11:38am
She may mean well but ultimately she is a Zardari who has never worked to earn $1. As a young voter, I say "NO" to her
Rauf Dec 02, 2020 01:40pm
Since nobody is saying it, I'm gonna go ahead and say it. People like her because she LOOKS pretty (kinda). Nothing else really
AZAM AKBAR Dec 02, 2020 02:22pm
Her grandfather Mr. (late) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto broke Pakistan because he was a power hungry person and against democracy. Her grandmother Ms. (late) Nusrat Bhutto many times gave statement: BHUTTO'S ARE BORN TO RULE. Her father Mr. Asif Ali Zardari is well-known criminal and corrupt. Her mother Ms. (late) Benazir Zardari was convicted by the Swiss court on corruptions. Her brother Mr. Bilawal Zardari is facing the charges charges before court because he is one of the directors of Zardari-Group which is involved in the crimes of money-launderings. She, her brother Mr. Bilawal Zardari and sister Ms. Bakhtawar Zardari are billionaires whereas they have never worked a single hour in their whole lives. They have grown up with the corruption-money. The days of dynastic politics are numbered.
Danny Web Dec 02, 2020 05:57pm
Politics is a family business for these .
Zak Dec 02, 2020 11:26pm
Only same shawal.
farhan Dec 03, 2020 04:16am
Say no to dynasties politics
skb Dec 03, 2020 06:42am
They all are ready to swim down as bottom feeder of Pakistan. Clean everything in their way to gobble up. PPP, PML-N and all others.. And the opportunistic will promote them, support them... with out shame.
Iftikhar Durrani Dec 03, 2020 02:54pm
Those who never struggled for a minute to know their place in society suddenly are hailed as the future leader of a nation having no respite for a single day. Enough of the bootlicking journalist for the should be flogged for calling imbecile as leaders.
Rick Dec 04, 2020 05:35am
Grandfather, then mother and I now daughter. Oh dont forget dear daddy. What a shame some really intelligent people in the PPP but it does not matter how hard they work they will never head the party or become prime minister becouse they have the wrong blood. SHAME AND SHAME AGAIN. but idoits will even follow Aseefa's children one day and her grandchildren, what a joke.
A. ALI Dec 06, 2020 07:05am
Notwithstanding political differences, she is every bit a leader who outshines Maryam in her 10 minutes maiden speech. She put Maryam in oblivion.