
Twitter rightfully tells Qasim Ali Shah that women are more than just wives and mothers

Twitter rightfully tells Qasim Ali Shah that women are more than just wives and mothers

The self-proclaimed motivational speaker came under fire on social media after a clip from an interview started getting traction.
Updated 04 Nov, 2020

Pakistani society leaves no opportunity to constantly remind women that their paramount aim in life should be to be a "good" wife and ultimately, a mother.

Enter Qasim Ali Shah, a self-proclaimed motivational speaker and writer who thinks women should be taught just that in schools. He came under fire on Twitter after a clip of an interview of his started getting traction on the micro-blogging site.

"Go to schools where our daughters are studying and till matric, they are not taught how to be good wives, even though in a woman's life, the ultimate goal is to be a good wife and a good mother," he shared.

Someone please tell Mr. Shah that marriage and motherhood should be one of many choices available to women rather than the de facto option.

Oh wait, Twitter just did:

How about we teach men to be better husbands, better fathers?

We're just here like...


Kissan Nov 03, 2020 04:52pm
Actually what he said, Nothing wrong in it, if you see neutrally. But when you wear gender discrimination glasses...............
Fawad Rahman Nov 03, 2020 05:02pm
There is no reason to be offended here. He just said that these two roles are also important، along with other things.
Khaled Nov 03, 2020 06:01pm
What about the grooming of boys to be good husbands.
yafaan ali Nov 03, 2020 06:04pm
He has every right to speak his point of view whatever he thinks is right. No body should teach him or anyone else to speak as per other's wishes. It is his very right and i support it.
tQ Nov 03, 2020 06:22pm
Another pseudo pesonality of our times, "self proclaimed motivational speaker". What are his actual credentials?
Ehsan Nov 03, 2020 07:45pm
The focus should be to introduce in our societies for all people, with more focus on men.
saimkhan Nov 03, 2020 08:08pm
@yafaan ali yes you are right. everyone has the right to agree or disagree.but it does not mean to malign someone social character.
Khaled Nov 03, 2020 08:18pm
@yafaan ali. Going by this argument, who has given him the right to talk about the opposite gender?
nadeem Nov 03, 2020 09:21pm
These so called motivational speakers are there just to make money for themselves. How many people have climbed the success ladder after listening to them. Majority of success stories are of those who worked hard themselves and did not not waste their time listening to these inspirational/motivational speakers
nadeem Nov 03, 2020 09:22pm
@tQ i agree with you.
Alih Nov 03, 2020 09:35pm
I have seen this face many times but have no idea what he does for living.
Asma Ali Nov 03, 2020 09:44pm
@yafaan ali - well he is teaching others so he needs to be taught.
nks Nov 03, 2020 09:46pm
i agree with this guy but good husband/father should also be addressed
Zeeshan Nov 03, 2020 10:22pm
Twitter seems to have a problem with anyone who doesn't follow majority opinion. Very oppressive
Ali Fahad Nov 03, 2020 11:18pm
Apparently Qasim Ali Shah is unaware of the formal "University of Home Economics" where they teach exactly that....
Asad Nov 04, 2020 12:10am
That is a point of view and as per freedom of speech he is entitled to it.
Pakistani Nov 04, 2020 01:13am
Its his point of view. You don't like it then walk away from it. No need for imposing your own personal views on him, Period.
Ibrahim S Nov 04, 2020 06:01am
This mindset is the DNA of men in Pakistan
Ehtsham mahmood Nov 04, 2020 06:33am
You can't judge someone with 37 seconds out of context video. But i guess if the topic is about women every one is allowed to say anything. It doesn't have to be true or morally right. In this little clip all he saying is there are 2 most important roles in a womens life, a wife and a mother. He never said there are only 2 roles in womens life. Instead he said 2 most important roles. And if you think that a wife and a mother is not an important role then educate yourself 1st. 2nd he is saying there is no education system where we teach our girls anything about these roles.
Syed Nov 04, 2020 07:20am
There is absolutely no denial of educating men to be good husbands and good fathers along with being (especially in our society) good sons, brothers and of course good civilized men who respect all the "women" and men around them. I have come across many sisters in our society have genuine complaints about their husbands. In such several cases, a little investigation reveals that those men are "very good professionals, very good ... " but when it comes to being a husband, it really sucks. Hence, this education of guys is essential. (1 of 3)
Syed Nov 04, 2020 07:28am
(3 of 3) My apologies, I have to cut it short abruptly. I would conclude with a question to myself, how much is the role of a mother in our society to make her son a good husband?
Naveed Nov 04, 2020 10:04am
What he said is absolutely right. Some people don't like, its their problem.
NK Nov 04, 2020 10:05am
Women as per teaching of Islam is for home and home making, That is what he is preaching, Today's women in our culture and society are taking and talking and claiming their different free status from the social media that reflects women's status of women in a western society.
Serious Nov 04, 2020 10:49am
What is wrong in his suggestion, the infrastructure of all the societies is from women. If she gets extra help from the schools on her most responsible roles, this should be welcomed.
Naved Nov 04, 2020 11:06am
There is nothing wrong in telling that girls should be taught to be good wives and good mothers. It will help society. So many marriages fail due to lack of such training. A lot of children suffer due to untrained parents. If word "Ultimate" is not suitable then we may say these roles for girls are very important to be happy and successful in life as a whole. Definitely Boys should be taught that how to be good husbands and good fathers. It is equally important.
TS Nov 04, 2020 11:33am
I think schools should teach (boys and girls both) on building strong relationships or performing well in their life roles. I went on youtube to search what content qasim has on his channel and found multiple videos (with thousands of views) where he is talking about empowering women and girls. So I think judging (rather bashing) him on this statement (in this clip which may be taken out of context) is a little too much. Secondly, being "just" a good mother or fulfilling responsibilities at home as a wife is nothing less by any means, it's not a piece of cake to be a home maker so please dont disrespect those who are proud contributors to this critical role of nation building.
MarK Nov 04, 2020 12:18pm
"a self-proclaimed motivational speaker.." That gives away his credentials...such speakers lack academic background to talk on social subjects...self projection at the cost of controversy is their their aim.
Sarfraz Nov 04, 2020 12:28pm
He has the right to speak his experience and mind. He is perfectly right to what he is saying whether one agrees to it or not.
Ifti Malik Nov 04, 2020 12:49pm
Yet another mental person in Pakistan , hoping to mislead the nation back into primitives times. Where do we get all these creatures from ?
Tariq Nov 04, 2020 05:04pm
Shut up, man. You’re embarrassing yourself and your country.
Jahan Ara Nov 04, 2020 07:41pm
@Ifti Malik you need to come out from the dark ages. What he is preaching is his point of view. If there is no financial constraint, Women needs to stay at home to nurture families. Not to leave children for servants to abuse them. People like you need to broaden your horizons.
Asma Ali Nov 04, 2020 10:21pm
@Jahan Ara , no one should be dictating women what they need to do. Whether they be stay at home moms or working outside, it should be their choice only.
Ibrahim S Nov 05, 2020 04:50am
@yafaan ali - He is representing major segment of populous . You need to decide if that’s right thinking .
Ibrahim S Nov 05, 2020 04:51am
What’s his understanding of a good wife. Who are the bad wives
Dr. Talha Vaqar Nov 05, 2020 05:26am
He did not that if you train a woman to be a good wife/ mother, she can not be a good teacher, doc, etc.
Wasi ul Islam Nov 05, 2020 11:40am
I am not saying what Qasim Ali Shah said is write or wrong,,,, that might be one's own perspective, but, the way media is reacting to his one loose talk is really disturbing to me.... Please do not forget his tons of good work and talks that everyone liked and might have learned as well from..... give this man some space. Everyone makes mistake .... this might just be a poor choice of words
Sana Nov 07, 2020 11:16am
@Fawad Rahman when is he going to talk about men being good husbands and fathers?
VA Nov 08, 2020 10:12pm
People are just being judgemental. There is nothing in what he said. Listen to what he says about men.
VA Nov 08, 2020 10:15pm
Shame on "Images" for being gender biased, judgemental, narrow-minded, and bringing personal emotions into journalistic reporting.