
Designer Amir Adnan shares what he did to beat Covid-19

Designer Amir Adnan shares what he did to beat Covid-19

"Do everything to keep yourself healthy. Do not let the virus get the better of you due to lethargy or neglect," said the designer.
Updated 11 Jun, 2020

Day by day, the number of Covid-19 cases are going up.

Many people from the entertainment industry such as Rubina Ashraf, Nida Yasir and Vasay Chaudhry have shared that they too have contracted the virus among the over 120,000 cases that have been confirmed so far.

Thankfully many have also been recovering from the coronavirus, taking the right precautions and care to get better.

Also read: A survivor's guide to managing Covid-19

Another celeb to have recovered from the virus is designer Amir Adnan and now he's sharing his tips and tricks that helped him beat the virus.

"I feel it is very important to do the following. Totally based on firsthand experience," said the designer. "As soon as you detect any of the Covid symptoms, please isolate immediately and get tested."

Adnan shared, "I took steam for 10 minutes followed with salt and hot water gargle six times a day. Drank hot green tea with [turmeric], ginger and honey at least 12 to 16 cups a day. Had 2.5 litres of water. [Took] Lit-C, 1000 CC twice daily, Surbex Z religiously everyday."

About food, he said he "had good meals with eggs and a lot of meat. Two cups of yakhni."

He also mentioned he, "exercised and did deep breathing everyday. Counted breaths per minute every two hours (should be between 12 to 20). Checked oxygen absorption as well. Kept a very positive mind and worked out of my room regularly."

He revealed that he, "stayed in one room for 21 days but washed clothes, made the room, cleaned bathroom and washed dishes and disinfected the area very day. This kept the virus contained in one room and protected others. Food was left outside my door and nothing left my room once it had entered."

"All this kept me busy and active. Which is necessary to fight this virus."

He added, "Remember there is no medicine except your own immune system. So do everything to keep yourself healthy. Do not let the virus get the better of you due to lethargy or neglect."

"I know many people who did not take this seriously and ended up with complications and medical aid is not available anymore. So please be alert and be quick in reacting positively as soon as you detect any symptom."

From what many medical professionals are saying -including our own guide written by a doctor who survived the coronavirus - a lot of what Amir Adnan did seems to make sense, such as hydration and supplements he took. Even taking steam is good for you! We just hope the daily exercises weren't too strenuous because one shouldn't overexert themselves.

Also, one should keep in mind that as Covid-19 is still being studied, symptoms do vary and people need to keep an eye on their symptoms and not compare their conditions with anyone. And most importantly, please don't deny medical supervision.

We're glad that Amir Adnan has beaten this virus and hope many more take precautions to prevent or manage Covid-19 responsibly and effectively.


Chrís Dăn Jun 11, 2020 07:47pm
Thank you!
Captain Jun 11, 2020 09:54pm
Ok nice to hear that he has recovered .... I have a complaint against him .... I am a regular customer of Amir but over a period of time he is making customers fool. He puts on SALE by increasing price by 200/ and then reducing to 70/. I proved this to DCM outlet number of times and they agreed too !
Freedom Jun 12, 2020 07:05am
Congratulations for recovery. I hope many people follow your advice, keep fitness, and very disciplined to not propagate virus to others. Health is real wealth. Eat well, exercise well, sleep well and keep surroundings clean. Virus has no other way to survive then.
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