
McDonald's is out delivering smiles and free meals to Pakistan's real life superheroes. Here's how and why

McDonald's is out delivering smiles and free meals to Pakistan's real life superheroes. Here's how and why

From doctors to medical staff and security forces, McDonald's has been spreading joy and positivity all over.
07 Apr, 2020

With lockdowns, social distancing and tons of quarantine exercises happening all over, we feel there's a lot more than just fear that has grappled the world.

We recently came across a campaign by McDonald's Pakistan that is cheering on our country's people and their real heroes.

In a bid to give back to the community, our favourite fast food restaurant is out to bring smiles on faces that are fighting the Covid-19 outbreak day in, day out.

What's happening?

McDonald's Pakistan is helping us realise that there's a lot more than just gratitude that we should be handing over to our country's real life heroes.

1. McDonald's Pakistan is giving away free of cost breakfast to Pakistani real life heroes

Have a look at this:

2. Free of cost meals delivered to security forces

The restaurant delivered free of cost meals to security forces as a token of gratitude towards their relentless contribution to society in such trying times.

Have a look at this:

3. A surprise visit to health care heroes at Indus Hospital

The brand redefined zimmaydari (responsibility) through a special message for all those who are caring for the sick in this challenging environment.

Have a look at this:

The initiative was taken not just to deliver hygienically prepared, scrumptious meals to health care providers, but to also send out the message that they're not alone in their fight against the coronavirus.

What does the internet feel about this initiative?

Ever since the campaign came out, we've been seeing people applauding the brand for it's conscious attempt at spreading positivity all around.

Here's a little round up of all the encouragement we've so far seen coming:

Some got all emo

Some want more restaurants to follow suit

The docs are absolutely lovin' it

We hope more people step forward to play a part in spreading smiles and taking on newer initiatives to maintain and create awareness on hygiene across Pakistan.

To keep an eye on what's brewing next at the McDonald's Pakistan HQ, head over to their official Facebook page.

This content is a paid advertisement by McDonald's Pakistan.


Sajjad Khan Apr 07, 2020 03:17pm
I must say a very good corporate social responsibility initiative on behalf of MCDonald's Pakistan. I think other major fast food chains in Pakistan should follow their example.
Syed Hussain Akbari Apr 07, 2020 04:42pm
Where are the Mulla type people who are always spitting bad words about such multinational restaurants and outlets like McDonalds. Hats off for McDonalds.
Tariq Apr 08, 2020 08:59am
It is a good gesture of McDonald and must be appreciated, but Doctors may want to stay away from the fast food, because it will weaken their immune system.
Aamir Apr 08, 2020 12:56pm
A big step towards appreciating the effort of the Law and enforcement agencies. Hats off!!
Wakeup Apr 08, 2020 01:22pm
@Syed Hussain Akbari Its only for Macs publicity. Given some meals and you are sold to them. Wake up
Mehwish Malik Apr 08, 2020 02:17pm
This is a nice way to use the stock among the people. Keep it up!
Imtiaz khan Apr 08, 2020 04:20pm
Good gesture for encouragement of these heroes.
Ghulam Sarwar Apr 08, 2020 04:29pm
Well done to McDonald Pakistan for showing this gesture for our Hospital health care heroes.
Syed Abdullah Farooq Apr 08, 2020 06:39pm
Nice work MC Donald. Thank you
Syed Abdullah Farooq Apr 08, 2020 06:39pm
Thank you doctors
Iftikhar Ahmed Apr 08, 2020 11:37pm
A great gesture of humanity and a salute to our frontline Doctors and Security forces. The USA should learn from Pakistan
Iftikhar Ahmed Apr 08, 2020 11:39pm
A great gesture of humanity and appreciation of our frontline workers especially the Doctors, Medical Staff, and Security forces. The USA should learn from this and follow these appreciative gestures as well.
Salman Apr 09, 2020 08:07am
@Syed Hussain Akbari McDonalds don't have halwa on the menu. That is why they hate MCD
Sardar khan Apr 09, 2020 09:10am
A demanding and great step for humanity taken by Macdonal to serve the life saving herose is a cliam that we are all the one.
hamza Apr 09, 2020 11:04am
it's too emotional and motivational. Mine all supplications are with you.
Irfan B Apr 09, 2020 11:39am
This is a very very commendable gesture and gratutitude to the front line workers. Great work. This is the time for every Pakistani to give significantly to those who are not able to work and dont have food to eat and water to drink. In fact, while this helps those in needs, it also ensures social distancing, and supports the clamp-down which helps each and every citizen, including those who are contributing to this charitable cause. May ASWT protect us all.
Parvez Apr 09, 2020 02:02pm
Brilliant move ...our political and bureaucrat class could lean a lesson from McDonald's. Lesson : Give back at least a little .... after taking a lot.