
Twitter celebrates the bittersweet victory that is Harvey Weinstein's conviction

Twitter celebrates the bittersweet victory that is Harvey Weinstein's conviction

It only took over 80 women coming forward to prove one man's guilt... in only two of the five counts he was charged with
25 Feb, 2020

After what seemed like a tedious, elongated trial, survivors in the Harvey Weinstein case finally get the justice they deserve as the disgraced producer is officially found guilty for two out of the five counts he was charged for.

Surprisingly, despite the accusations of nearly 100 women, he was only convicted for third-degree rape and a first-degree criminal sexual act; he was acquitted for the more serious charges. That said, two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward.

People, including celebrities and survivors, took to Twitter to share there thoughts on the matter.

They thanked the women who risked their lives and showed great strength and courage by speaking out

Many commented on the victory being bittersweet

However, soon after the film producer was convicted, lawyers reported their client was suffering from high blood pressure and palpitations due to which he had to be hospitalised.

Some are not buying it

While others are just angry

And some, even regretful

Regardless, Weinstein is proof that in this decade, the world is extending no empathy to sex offenders. If you assault an individual, you will be held responsible and you will be called out.

We offer the survivors our empathy and congratulate them for this win. #Timesup


Imran Jafri Feb 25, 2020 02:57pm
Soon you will be astonished (smiling apparently) to see him roaming freely in NY & LA.
M. Saeed Feb 25, 2020 05:13pm
......and this partial conviction is a big consolation to the big crowd of other similar or bigger scavengers of women who would still take risks in such a favorable verdict of only two counts out of over 100 victims and their very courageous efforts.
Adnan Mazher Khan Feb 25, 2020 06:28pm
Harvey Weinstein should take some acting lessons from "Sharif" family of Pakistan.
AZAM AKBAR Feb 25, 2020 07:22pm
This is justice.
Big John Feb 25, 2020 09:17pm
The news is not all bad for Harvey Weinstein. He can lose weight in prison.
ZAHID ALI Feb 26, 2020 10:48am