
Pakistani millennials are ready to debunk stereotypes. This campaign shows us how

Pakistani millennials are ready to debunk stereotypes. This campaign shows us how

Shoop Noodles is back with some solid storytelling on #TrustTouMustHai in their 3rd TVC.
Updated 19 Mar, 2020

Who's keeping an eye on the way Shoop Noodles' #TrustTohMustHai campaign is panning out?

We know we are.

Building on the simple idea of breaking stereotypes, Shoop Noodles has come up with another fresh concept for its latest TVC, this time addressing problems that female millennials face while reclaiming their space in public as well as proving themselves at home.

Here's how the ad conveys this message and why we absolutely adore it:

The idea encourages us to try out new things in life

We see a mix of emotions in TVC that we know are fairly relatable.

Women, including us, often spend a lot of time mustering courage to conquer their fears, but at the same time are wary of the many obstacles they know they might end up facing.

Millennials want to learn their own lessons

..and not be blatantly dictated on life rules.

In all honesty, we see no wrongs here.

Growing up, we've realised that the real lessons we learn in life are the ones that come out of our own experiences, and are not just handed down. Shoop Noodles tells us just that through this story.

A little bit of trust is quite honestly must

We feel the ad skilfully pictures a moment in a mother and daughter's life; they're seen running out of a few basic things in the kitchen that in general boys are asked to fetch.

Much to our surprise, the daughter scoots off on a bike, leaving behind a surprised but proud mother.

We feel the story tries to tell the audience that millennials of today aren't necessarily trying to defy house rules; they're plainly seeking newer ways of living their lives expecting parents to trust them.

About the campaign

Targeting primarily the teenage population, this campaign knows young adults want to break free from conventional rules and norms, and are itching to do things their way.

With the #TrustTouMustHai campaign, we feel Shoop Noodles has ably encouraged everyone to push boundaries instead of seeking validation from society, which is something we rarely see brands blatantly communicating on mainstream media these days.

As a brand, Shoop Noodles recognises the talent and potential Pakistani millennials carry, and wants to tell the world how important it is to trust them and their capabilities.

Watch full story here:

For more updates on the campaign, head over to Shoop Noodles' Facebook page.

This content is produced in paid partnership with Shoop Noodles.


Furrukh Rao Mar 19, 2020 05:53pm
Commercial Liberalism.
AK4PK Mar 20, 2020 01:05am
Society at large needs to be educated to safeguard the wellbeing of these millennials, to allow them to gain confidence, to do their things, and above all to achieve dignity as equals. Every millennial should be loved, adored and respected as one’s own millennial.