
Naimal Khawar wants you to stop assuming Hamza Ali Abbasi made her quit acting

Naimal Khawar wants you to stop assuming Hamza Ali Abbasi made her quit acting

"Don't spread false news to sensationalise someone's special day," says the now former actor.
28 Aug, 2019

Naimal Khawar got married to Hamza Ali Abbasi and everyone's been all over it.

From their sweet and simple-looking nikkah to their wholesome valima, the event has been the talk of the town, with all of us talking about the decor, the wardrobe and how adorable it is that the couple held hands throughout.

But as a post from Naimal where she announced her departure from acting went viral, another debate struck.

Said Naimal in her post, "I’m wrapping up shooting for my first and last drama serial, where I worked with some incredible people and had a great learning experience. However, I would now like to bid farewell to acting. I will not be pursuing it as a career because I feel that I cannot balance it with my art, which will always remain my first priority and passion."

"You will not be seeing me on the screen anymore but you will be seeing a lot more of my paintings and hopefully, exhibitions. I would like to thank all the wonderful people I met on this short endeavour. It’s been lovely."

While Naimal made it clear that she left acting for her art, the post went viral during her wedding with many questioning whether it was actually her marriage to Hamza Ali Abbasi that led to this decision.

After the wedding festivities wrapped up, Naimal took to Twitter to not just call out these rumours but also to remind everyone of how old her original post was.

"I am a consenting adult woman capable of making my own decisions and this narrative of 'saving me' is nothing short of demeaning my right to choose for myself," said Naimal in her post.

She went on to clarify, "I left acting nine months ago and the decision was entirely mine. Don't spread false news to sensationalise someone's special day."


Uzay Yazdani Aug 28, 2019 12:44pm
Who cares?
Sameer Aug 28, 2019 12:45pm
Hamza needs to cherish this fantastic smart woman!
M. Saeed Aug 28, 2019 12:47pm
He must have forced that decision. Abbasi is made of the material like that.
A pakistani Aug 28, 2019 12:53pm
This is good. It's like our whole country is always busy on internet picking out fights where there's none required. It's like a hubris and people are getting worked up with non-issues. Acting or no acting, it's their personal issue.
shoaib Aug 28, 2019 12:54pm
There is no way to exit the media. We expect you to come with an excuse after a certain period of time, specially when you feel deprived of opportunity for marrying an actor. Its so obvious that his liberty to work in the industry will raise questions in your mind and you keep thinking over your decision again and again. This is media where you are habitual to people following you and praising you for your art. You know your art and this is only a typical Pakistani sentimental decision.
Zeeshan Aug 28, 2019 01:11pm
@M. Saeed have you literally bothered to read the article
Shaharyar Aug 28, 2019 01:42pm
Lame Media still trying to sensationalize every news to sell their news!!
Tariq Aug 28, 2019 01:46pm
Whatever you do if keep on coming on social media that much frequent to discuss your private life then no one can control the rumors and bad thing on social media. I hope restrain and enjoy your life and good luck with it.
fahad Aug 28, 2019 01:58pm
what a beautiful woman she is , if she was in Europe or America, people will treat her like princess , she have very Pure gene namely Persian and Pashto
haris Aug 28, 2019 02:44pm
@M. Saeed : as usual you haven't the article but jumped into the comments section. Please spare some minutes and read the article before commenting on. This will be beneficial for you and for rest of us as well.
Jimmy Aug 28, 2019 03:26pm
@M. Saeed. Unless you have evidence and know someone who was married to Hamza told you this, your comment is misleading.
Ahmad Aug 28, 2019 06:11pm
Power to you girl - yo go and do as you see right !!!
Anas Iqbal Aug 28, 2019 06:47pm
I wish them well.
N abidai Aug 29, 2019 02:47am
She is better painter then actress,,did not even know who she was,until he married her .
Ehsan Aug 29, 2019 06:04am
That’s how we are trained
Salim Badruddin Aug 30, 2019 05:53am
Of course we will miss your acting and your innocence yet we would like to request that both of you come together in one drama only. I am sure pyare Afzal will take note of our request. Thanks.
Gamal Aug 31, 2019 11:46am
Nobody is sensationalizing anything. I don't know why these 'celebrities' keep posting to provide their perspectives on things that no one really cares about.