
Pakistani celebrities speak up against human rights violations in Kashmir

Pakistani celebrities speak up against human rights violations in Kashmir

"Have we conveniently blocked what we don’t want to address? This is beyond lines drawn on sand," tweeted Mahira Khan.
Updated 05 Aug, 2019

Pakistani celebrities have slammed Indian government's move against the Kashmiri people's right to self determination.

India's government revoked Kashmir's special status with a presidential order Monday as thousands of newly deployed troops arrived and some internet and phone services were cut in the Himalayan region where most people oppose Indian rule.

Article 370 of India's Constitution, which was revoked today, gave Kashmir its own constitution and decision-making rights for all matters except for defence, communications and foreign affairs. The article also forbade Indians outside the state from permanently settling, buying land, holding local government jobs and securing educational scholarships.

Critics of India's Hindu nationalist-led government see the move as an attempt to dilute the demographics of Muslim-majority Kashmir with Hindu settlers.

Amidst the chaos, Pakistani celebrities took to social media to condemn New Delhi's actions.

It started with Hamza Ali Abbasi appealing to Pakistani artists to publicly condemn human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Mahira Khan also expressed her dismay at the situation.

Mawra Hocane, Hareem Farooq and Ali Rehman Khan took to Twitter to call out global powers such as the United Nations and the Human Rights Council for their failure to do anything about the situation.

Shaan went after the government in New Delhi

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Armeena Khan and Feroze Khan extended sympathy to Kashmiris in IOK, and recognised the brutality they have faced for decades.

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bhaRAT© Aug 05, 2019 02:38pm
Good. Everyone should raise their voice throughout the world.
Zak Aug 05, 2019 02:58pm
Good to hear voices from our artists.
Colaking Aug 05, 2019 03:45pm
You can raise your voice. We like it.
Mudasir Aug 05, 2019 03:47pm
No one cares what Pakistani artists think...
karima baloch Aug 05, 2019 04:31pm
Celebrities, thank for your support to Kashmiris. Now go ahead and give one for Balochis.
Bhaijan Aug 05, 2019 05:36pm
Thank you celebrities. Expecting similiar thoughts from Bollywood.
Neutral Aug 05, 2019 05:39pm
Celebs, the world is shivering now that u have raised your voices
Kaju Aug 05, 2019 05:56pm
@Colaking I loved mahira in the b movie
Zayan Aug 05, 2019 06:19pm
@karima baloch Sure.
Bhaarteey Aug 05, 2019 09:30pm
MAHIRA 100 Kashmirs Qurban for you. I love you.
Aslam Aug 05, 2019 09:44pm
Good you must write on twitter.At least people will come to know they are celebrity