
It's 2019 and Pakistan's fashion industry still thinks it's okay to use blackface

It's 2019 and Pakistan's fashion industry still thinks it's okay to use blackface

Nabila Salon's latest editorial is a prime example of cultural misappropriation
Updated 30 Jul, 2019

A few pictures started doing the rounds on social media recently from a shoot by Nabila's Salon.

The photographs taken by Umair Nasir Bilal for an editorial of Hello Mag are of LSA nominated model, Zara Abid; the shots are striking, vibrant, and VERY aesthetically pleasing. Then what's the problem?

Zara Abid is a powerhouse of talent. She's attractive, yes. She's got a gorgeous tan, yes.

How about we try not to throw political correctness and basic human decency out the window just for an editorial?
How about we try not to throw political correctness and basic human decency out the window just for an editorial?

But she's not a black woman and that's the problem.

Nabila's photo shoot is a prime example of cultural appropriation also termed as cultural misappropriation.

Cultural appropriation refers to the borrowing of elements of one culture by members of another, it can prove to be particularly offensive if members of a dominant group appropriate from disenfranchised groups.

In a society that is obsessed with fair skin, slip-ups like this only fuel a regressive mindset. It's borderline insulting to pick up a fair-skinned model and paint her to look dark rather than give naturally dark-skinned models a chance.

Also read: How NOT to be offensive as you shoot your next fashion campaign

What could've been a shoot challenging stereotypes is instead now a sad reminder of how we as people of colour still don't get how racism works, and of how dark-skinned talent is still consistently underutilised and sidelined even in projects that claim to celebrate their skin tone.

Tell us you see why painting the skin like this is absurd
Tell us you see why painting the skin like this is absurd

And this is not the first time Pakistani artists have engaged in cultural appropriation: photographer Alee Hassan, designer Ali Xeeshan and Sanam Jung are a few names that come to mind.

There's a line between appropriation and inspiration so how about we try not to throw political correctness and basic human decency out the window just for an editorial?


Rubina Jul 25, 2019 08:36pm
Instead of hiring mercury injected fair models. They could gave taken natural brown and dark beauties from Sindh, Punjab, KPK, Balochistan. That would give them exotic look the fashionista seek, boost confidence and also reduce this colonial brit white complex , fairness creams selling like hot cakes in our society.
Shahid Jul 25, 2019 09:36pm
It looks beautiful. Why painting white is always ok and not when painting dark brown.
Anon Jul 25, 2019 10:14pm
Stop criticising everything from Western standards.
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