
Updated 20 Aug, 2016

A few hours after they were published, images from designer Saira Shakira's photoshoot for retail brand Crimson created a stir on social media as they were called out for promoting and glamourising rape culture.

The image from Saira Shakira's campaign with Crimson
The image from Saira Shakira's campaign with Crimson

A photograph from an Ali Xeeshan shoot featuring models Amna Babar and Hasnain Lehri was quickly thrust into the fray and deemed similarly problematic.

The offending image from Ali Xeeshan
The offending image from Ali Xeeshan

In the first set of images, model and actress Sanam Saeed is seen idling on a street corner while a group of well-dressed men eye her appraisingly from afar. In the second, Hasnain Lehri appears to be clutching Amna Babar's wrist in a posture of dominance.

Reactions across social media were swift. "This is extremely problematic and frankly quite sickening," said feminist collective Girls at Dhabas of the Saira Shakira x Crimson photo shoot. "Designers like Saira Shakira romanticizing rape culture for profit... We have received messages from people who are very disturbed by this and we want to ensure accountability so that this is a clear message for all outlets."

Of Ali Xeeshan's photo, one commentator said on Twitter: "Hey Ali Xeeshan, not sure what's going on here. Is the guy forcing himself on the girl? Is that supposed to be erotic?" Others quickly joined the fray, saying: "Love both their [designer's] clothes, don't know why they have to stoop so low for marketing."

Commentators lashed out against Ali Xeeshan's photoshoot
Commentators lashed out against Ali Xeeshan's photoshoot

This is not the first time Pakistani designers have been called out for producing problematic ad campaigns. In 2013 designer Aamna Aqeel was criticised for a photoshoot titled "Be My Slave" that appeared to glamourise child labour. In 2015, when Ali Xeeshan featured a heavily tanned Amna Babar in photo shoot that purportedly meant to embrace dusky beauty, he was criticised for using a fair skinned model and then modifying her skin tone in lieu of featuring a darker-skinned model.

So what's going on?

Anum Akram of Crimson claims the furor is just an "internet scandal created out of nothing." In the photoshoot, she continues, Sanam Saeed is simply emulating a celebrity and so, wherever she goes, people stare at her.

The designer behind Saira Shakira issued this clarification (R) and then uploaded a new image from the same shoot (L)
The designer behind Saira Shakira issued this clarification (R) and then uploaded a new image from the same shoot (L)

Saira of Saira Shakira feels the images are being viewed out of context, and therefore cannot be conclusively judged. "There are more images where Sanam is being admired by ballerinas, and traveling. When these images release this Sunday, people will see that we did not intend to demean women in any way," she says. After posting this clarification on Facebook Saira Shakira x Crimson released another photograph from the same campaign that featured Sanam Saeed surrounded by young girls admiring her.

Can Ali Xeeshan claim context as a saving grace?

The designer has since removed the image in question from his Instagram account, saying: "This shoot was my way of showing a mirror to the society and depict [sic] that many men behave like this with women. I did not mean to glamorise female abuse. However, I have now removed the image from my Instagram. Perhaps in our society we prefer to turn away and are not yet ready to admit what's wrong. All we want to see is beautiful imagery."

Photographer Abdullah Haris, who shot Ali Xeeshan's campaign, adds: "I always wanted to be a filmmaker and I just wanted to create a scene with drama. If you look at my portfolio, my work predominantly shows confident women. I would never intentionally create a scene that depicts suppression of women."

Intentional or not, one can't deny that the images above have disturbed many.

It does appear that when it comes to Pakistani fashion shoots, there's often a gap between a designer's intended vision and the final product, and people are getting frustrated that they have to point out the disconnect.

Reporting by Maliha Rehman


Ezrah Aug 20, 2016 03:44pm
Many find this funny.
Zain Aug 20, 2016 05:36pm
It is up to a viewer how he perceive an image. Negative thinking always complicates the things. I don't find anything wrong with the images.
Nasir Aug 20, 2016 06:03pm
In a country marked with lawlessness, child abuse, sexual abuse, and all types of criminal activities reaping in the society such photo shots only send negative messages to the people. I think Saura Shakir or Ali Xeeshan since citizens of this society are prone to such abuses therefore they didn't think it would have negative impact.
Salman Aug 20, 2016 06:52pm
It could have been mix of make and female staring . People criticizing are right
Agha Ata Aug 20, 2016 07:04pm
If anyone gets uncomfortable, he should try to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Muhammađ Aug 20, 2016 08:58pm
@Zain thinking? Cant u see the negative image itself. He is not holding the hand of woman forcefully out of some love or kindness.
Zeeshan Aug 20, 2016 11:18pm
nothing wrong
Sam Aug 20, 2016 11:56pm
That's most absurd form of photography ever. And yes, it encourages the rape culture which we are trying to fight for so long.
Karan-Mumbai Aug 21, 2016 10:39am
It is negative. Unfortunately, both India and Pakistan aren't ready yet for such liberties in fashion as we are fighting the rape culture for so many years unsuccessfully.
Hamaad Aug 22, 2016 07:10pm
@Salman I agree, if they were fans admiring a celebrity, the crowd could have included men, women, kids etc.
Ammar Aug 22, 2016 11:26pm
Very indecent shoot :(
Ifrah Rashid Aug 23, 2016 04:40pm
I totally disagree with Saira Shakira as yes people will have looked at her as she is portraying a celebrity and star however these are not the kind of looks men give to their celebrity idols respectable men look at their celebrity idol with respect whatsoever on men with expressive bad intentions give women these looks be it celebrity or not
open minded Aug 25, 2016 06:43am
will have to say that this is not appropriate at all.
Samuel William Din Aug 25, 2016 01:21pm
People of Pakistan donot accept this culture but we Christians do accept.