
Maya Ali almost did a movie with Akshay Kumar

Maya Ali almost did a movie with Akshay Kumar

But then as we all know, the ban happened...
05 Jul, 2019

Maya Ali could've been our next star to go to Bollywood but couldn't.

Speaking to Images, the actor revealed that she had been roped in to play opposite Akshay Kumar but it didn't pan out because of India's ban against Pakistani artists.

For the past two days, rumours have been a float about the actor working with Bollywood's Akshay Kumar in a movie but speaking to Images, Ali clarified that this is old news which actually started surfacing because, "for an interview with Masala UAE, I was asked if I've ever gotten such an offer to which I answered yes."

So does that mean that Maya Ali was actually working on a film? Maya reveals yes, saying, "When I was shooting for Mann Mayal, I got this offer for which I went to India."

She added, "Right after Mann Mayal I went to India, I auditioned, everything was finalised, but because of the ban things couldn't pan out as planned. Even after that we tried working things out, considered shooting at different locations besides India but things couldn't materialise."

"After the ban the dynamics changed, and as of now I am not doing any movie with Akshay Kumar."

Oh well, here's hoping we get to see them together onscreen some time in the future.


M. Saeed Jul 05, 2019 05:53pm
Of late, she has started behaving like any other ordinary actor blinded by the glamour of Bollywood and has lost my respect that I had for Maya Ali being a very decent lady.
Zak Jul 05, 2019 05:54pm
Pakistani actors, please stop going to India. Build our own industry.
Gaurav Jul 05, 2019 06:09pm
Plz don't.
TKhan Jul 05, 2019 06:14pm
I did a
Omveer Jul 05, 2019 06:20pm
Let alone Akshay Kumar, you guys won't be doing a movie even with Rajpal Yadav. Forget cultural exchange and movies, concentrate on improving your image.
kp Jul 05, 2019 06:23pm
I do not support the ban on pakistani Actors, singers. Let them come to India, Let them earn money and fame and let us have good entertainment. Pakistani musicians and actresses are good.
Magister Jul 05, 2019 06:48pm
Old enough to her father!
Masood Jul 05, 2019 07:20pm
Who is Akshay Kumar?
Indian bro Jul 05, 2019 07:26pm
Maya Ali should be allowed to work in Bollywood. She is beautiful.
N abidai Jul 05, 2019 08:05pm
Concentrate building pak film industry,bring professionalism and supporting and building writers who can write good screen play. Learn ,from history, only fawad and mahira were in top BW film with top BW artists,SRK! The insecurities level is very high in BW! Poltics ,makes BW ,very hostile for Pakistani !
Bhaijan Jul 05, 2019 08:29pm
She can still do the job at Dubai with Akshay. No big deal.
hanifsmile Jul 05, 2019 08:46pm
I am glad she didn't
M.Johri Jul 05, 2019 10:46pm
Who care.
Rashid Khan the Afghan Jul 05, 2019 10:51pm
It is time Bollywood and India lifted the ban. Pakistani artist are as much against terrorism as Modi is. So why the ban?
fairplay Jul 05, 2019 11:28pm
She doesn't need to act with an Indian to prove her acting prowess.
Shahid Haneef Jul 06, 2019 12:50am
She should try and get roles in Pakistani movies. Bollywood is too competitive and Indian audiences prefer Indian actresses....
The Joker Jul 06, 2019 02:30am
Congratulations on this achievement!
Sunil Jul 06, 2019 07:39am
Time has come to remove ban
Jay Jul 06, 2019 10:10am
After how they treated MK this lady did not learn any lessons!
Ashraf Jul 06, 2019 11:25am
Make your film industry great.
Cheez Jul 07, 2019 03:03am
I also almost won an Oscar
Laila Jul 07, 2019 03:07am
@fairplay I don't think thats why she or any artist goes there. Arts is without bounderies. You get an offer in bollywood, Hollywood etc and you feel it's a good script then you do it. Arts is not about staying only in your own country. Arab actors work in Hollywood, Scandinavia, England, France you name it. You think they should only set ifm to Arab speaking or Arab made films? Come on. Open your mind. Music mm, films, dance, theatre, stage shows, it's all without bounderies. Explore&enjoy
Laila Jul 07, 2019 03:09am
@Indian bro Is beauty the merit to act? Ithouhtit was your acting skills and ability to take on different characters and do justice to their story. I didn't know acting was a beauty contest.
Laila Jul 07, 2019 03:13am
@Zak Acting like any other sub genre of arts ib my limited t on national bounderies. You go where your work takes you, where opportunities are availabke and that appeal to you. Americans musicians tour the world and perform, Arab, Turkish. Iranian, Kurdish actors and actresses also act in Hollywood, even bollywood (Nora Fatih), so stop seperated politics from arts. Our actors should work and perform anywhere they like.