
Fawad Chaudhry uses slurs against TV anchor over allegations of conspiracy against current set up

Fawad Chaudhry uses slurs against TV anchor over allegations of conspiracy against current set up

We hope the minister will address allegations against him in a civil manner. We expect nothing less of our ministers.
Updated 04 Jun, 2019

Last night Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry parted ways with good conduct as he took to Twitter to lash out at a TV anchor using slurs.

A day earlier, TV anchor Sami Abraham posted a video on social media in which he alleged that a plot to oust Imran Khan and to weaken the Pakistan Army was being orchestrated.

Ibrahim alleged that number of players were bringing together a number of factors in order to achieve the goal of this plot, implying that an elaborate conspiracy against the country's leadership was in the works.

Ibrahim further alleged that even some from within the PTI were a part of this so-called plot and without offering any concrete proof to support his accusation, implicated Fawad Chaudhry in the video.

On Twitter, Fawad Chaudhry called out Sami Ibrahim over these allegations, but instead of initiating a rebuttal in a civil and rational manner, the minister resorted to slurs and insulting language against the anchor.

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time the minister has resorted to misbehaviour in an attempt to get his point across.

Months before, the minister had come under fire for a tasteless tweet about lawmaker Sherry Rehman.

No one can deny Fawad Chaudhry the right to respond and rebut such preposterous allegations made against him, but at the same time it doesn't behoove him as a minister, an MNA, and a civilised human being, that he resort to such unparliamentary language and unethical manner to make his point.

We hope the minister will take up the allegations levelled against him in a proper, rational and civil manner. And we expect nothing less of our ministers.


Bert and Ernie Jun 04, 2019 07:19am
They are both a bit unbalanced.
Nasir Jun 04, 2019 07:44am
The way Pakistani media uses yellow journalism in it's content it shows the mentality of the people. What Fawad Ch. did was precisely these media persons needed. Although no condoning Fawad Chaudhary's act but media in Pakistan is playing in the hands of propagandists and Fawad had to vent out like this after all he is a human too.
Nasiroski Jun 04, 2019 07:52am
This is PTI civility and decency is not expected
Adi Jun 04, 2019 08:22am
What service fawad himself is doing , he is also reaping the benefits of using foul language! What other qualifications he has to become a minister! Unfortunate face of naya Pakistan!
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Jun 04, 2019 08:30am
This will be interesting. Popcorn time
Sameer Jun 04, 2019 09:42am
Freedom of speech. Sami Ibrahim's allegations are severe and so severe reaction can be anticipated. Both are working on their own agendas. Imran here to stay for 4 more years...because democracy in Its worst form is still better than dictatorship. Be patient and brace yourselves.
Nitin Jun 04, 2019 10:20am
And this man is a minister.
Tallat Jun 04, 2019 10:26am
I think this guy fawad likes to remain in the news
Usman Nawaz Jun 04, 2019 10:43am
Fawad sahib, you are a minister. Foul language does not suit you!!!
DocBil Jun 04, 2019 10:52am
He is truly representing people of PTI. If any doubt, talk to any PTI Supporter and you will hear same foul language.
Hafeez, Canada Jun 04, 2019 10:56am
Fawad should be removed from cabinet
Gaz Jun 04, 2019 11:17am
There is a more serious question which is why don’t these anchors bring in experts and discuss subjects rather than brining in their fellow anchors and simply gossip for an hour .
Asad Jun 04, 2019 12:22pm
Slur started from the top leadership, h e just follow-suit.
Bilal Rana Jun 04, 2019 12:48pm
Low class and cheap.
Ahmed Jun 04, 2019 01:07pm
Every slur works against him.
Samia Jun 04, 2019 01:09pm
@Nitin At least he is no the PM and a mass murderer!
truth Jun 04, 2019 03:15pm
sehi kiya fawad nay. Aisay logon kay sath aisa hi karna chahiye.
Mark Jun 04, 2019 03:17pm
Breaking new grounds in Naya Pakistan!!
Jamal Jun 04, 2019 03:19pm
Shame on those who made him a Minister. He should be asked to apologize publicly and resign from his portfolio.
Arslan Jun 04, 2019 05:30pm
Major part of media using blackmail tactics and with a little focus we can easily figure out who is doing that job.
Tahir Jun 04, 2019 05:54pm
Naya Pakistan of IK
Raza Jun 04, 2019 06:03pm
This is a result of getting power by bullying your opponents. Thank you PTI
Abraham D Haque Jun 04, 2019 06:47pm
@Jamal an apology a day will make him strong like his kaptan
Zak Jun 04, 2019 08:19pm
Kudos to PMIK who has to tackle all of Pakistan's problems left by previous governments and does not have a fully perfect team yet. But give him time.
Mukhtar Jun 04, 2019 09:38pm
After hosting so many 'competitions for abuse' on Pakistani media, it is nothing but wishful thinking that these people can ever be civil, even the supposedly educated ones.
Badar Shaikh Jun 04, 2019 09:50pm
Great reply
Hnmirza Jun 05, 2019 03:34am
Is this really his account or a hack job? The spelling and construction of sentences in both Urdu and English do not appear to by someone educated.
Pervez Jun 05, 2019 07:48am
The problem in any prominent figure including a politician using a slur is what if somenody hurls the slur back at you? You will have no izzat.
Hasan Sultan Jun 05, 2019 08:36am
An ignorant lacking lot of things
Ali Bokhary Jun 05, 2019 09:49am
Both of them are product of the same hatchery, bred to insult and malign those who don't fall in line with the high and mighty of our system. Now they are each other in ways they know best.
AsIf jamil Jun 05, 2019 04:47pm
It is regrettable if the minister used foul language. He should have big a thick skin to put up with ignorant rabble rousing anchors. Frankly, I don’t watch Pakistani TV as I find most of these anchors well below par and unfit for the job.
Laila Jun 06, 2019 04:14am
If you have to use to use slurs, personal attacks, objectification, then you are not fit to be a minister let alone serve in public office. Why hasn't he been fired yet?
Laila Jun 06, 2019 04:17am
@Sameer you don't understand the concept of freedom of speech. Free speech does not allow for slurs, defamation, character assassination, threats or violence. You want to react severely then bring solid argumentation to the table. Attacking your opponent personally is not free speech. Keep it professional.
Laila Jun 06, 2019 04:19am
@Nasir if he can't control his temper and act professionally when he is in political office and a minister, then he needs to step down. There is no justification. Venting he can do at his therapist or at home. Not in office.