
This TVC is teaching us how to amplify blessings with simple acts of kindness in Ramazan

This TVC is teaching us how to amplify blessings with simple acts of kindness in Ramazan

The ad's main message is effective community building during the holy month by being charitable in our own small ways.
Updated 30 May, 2019

Being charitable is the true spirit of Ramazan, and Supreme is vouching for the very fact with their latest campaign.

Though it is equally good to earn blessings in Ramazan by giving charity, we feel this TVC shares how compassion can also be nestled in small and simple acts of kindness.

Here is what we like about the story:

It leaves behind conventional concepts

The ad stays away from the very basic family-bonding-over-tea concept, and focuses on how the society can work together to create lasting, compassionate bonds with others.

We feel that makes for a welcome change in how most tea brands advertise these days.

The story identifies charity as the most celebrated virtue of Ramazan

We feel the story refrains from trivialising the many acts of kindness; we're particularly talking about people praying together in groups and exchanging salaams and smiles.

We like how the ad portrays countless good deeds like these but also highlights how being charitable towards others in your own way contributes to community building.

The ad avoids blatant product placement

The ad keeps focus on its creative storyline and beautiful visuals instead of carelessly inserting in-your-face mentions of the brand.

We particularly like how the TVC seams a touching tale around the product to grab attention without disrupting the narrative.

The powerful soundtrack and desi vibe well us up

We love how the visuals portray a desi aesthetic with a soulful track: the vendors on the streets and the protagonist's chai ka dhaba add to the overall appeal of the film.

Watch the full ad here:

To find more updates on this campaign, head over to Supreme's official Facebook page.

This content is produced in paid partnership with Supreme and is not associated with or necessarily reflective of the views of Images or


Syed May 30, 2019 01:25pm
Very good
Beena May 30, 2019 05:58pm
Very creative
Ehsan May 30, 2019 06:27pm
Rasheed May 30, 2019 06:56pm
MaShallah very nice add. It touches my heart. May Allah give everybody taufeeq for this act of kindness
Rasheed May 30, 2019 06:57pm
Very nice add, may Allah gives everybody taufeeq for this act of kindness
HA May 30, 2019 11:56pm
Loved it!
Tahir Akhtar May 31, 2019 05:05am
Humanity can be served in many ways!!