
Karachi's latest frozen dessert will rival our favourite gola ganda

Karachi's latest frozen dessert will rival our favourite gola ganda

The traditional Korean dessert bingsu makes its debut in Karachi and is very, very welcome
Updated 27 Apr, 2019

Summer is here and with it comes the need for delicious frozen goodies.

In comes Bingsu, a restaurant serving - you guessed it - binsgu; a traditional Korean snack/dessert that is perfect for the warm season ahead.

So what is bingsu, I hear you asking. Bingsu is a shaved ice dessert served with numerous toppings. The best way to describe it is a hybrid of a sundae and gola ganda, where the shaved ice is frozen milk, giving the treat a creamy texture which is extremely light and airy. So... nothing like a sundae or gola ganda...

Bingsu the restaurant serves the dish in several varieties and we got our hands on five of them. Before we dive into the creations, we have to say that we were very impressed by the quantity - even the small serving can be enjoyed by two - and the detailing of every dish, with several components being made in house.

1) Adzuki Matcha


Unfortunately patbingsu - the original form of binsgu served with adzuki (red beans) - was not available so we went for the next best thing.

One bite into this goodie and you realise the matcha is strong with this one. While the adzuki helps cut the strong bitter flavour with another texture, we wish there was more to the topping, perhaps a proper adzuki paste. Considering so many elements are made in-house, an original treatment would be fitting.

The matcha bingsu also has the option of chocolate instead of adzuki but either way, the matcha lover will enjoy this very matcha.

2) Toasted Coconut

We're loco for coconut
We're loco for coconut

If you like to tropic like it's hot with coconutty goodness then this will be a hit at the table as it was with us. A relatively simple bingsu, this treat focused on the coconut flavour and nothing else, which was just fine by us.

What we did wish though, as we nommed our way through the ice, was that the milk itself could be flavoured. This would've been the perfect opportunity to have coconut milk be transformed for the dessert. With that strong coconut flavour, it could've provided opportunity to play with the textures.

3) Nutty Nutella

You walnut resist this
You walnut resist this

I won't lie, I was not in the mood to try this at all. Can we all agree we're sick of Nutella creations? But Bingsu convinced me to expect more and I'm glad I gave it a shot.

The Nutty Nutella is more than the hazelnut spread, it is topped with several candied nuts that Bingsu makes in-house.

4) Apple Crumble

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Trying out some yummy #Bingsu! Have you all tried it yet?

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We were all in awe when this bingsu hit the table, the presentation was spot on, just like its taste! Providing numerous textures in a single bite, this is a complete dish. The layers of caramel, apple and Lotus crumble are perfectly balanced and the warmth of the apple dish went very well with the milky snow base.

We immediately became obsessed with the apple chip the dessert can topped with, also made in-house. Can we please get a bag of these chips for sale on their own? Thanks.

5) Very Berry

We loved this berry much
We loved this berry much

We suspect this will be a favourite for the summer with the sweet and sour flavour of the berries. The tang in this bingsu screams summer zing and the sauce on top is light. We were concerned this dish would be too sickly sweet with the fruity syrup on top but it was just fine; the sauce was not too concentrated and provided a nice punch.


M. Saeed Apr 27, 2019 03:05pm
No mention of damages on pocket?
Dev Mehta Apr 27, 2019 03:08pm
Is that a dessert or a meal? Seems like at least a 1000 calories in each - mostly from sugar? Share with others. Don't eat it all alone.
Bonapati Barjawee Apr 27, 2019 07:14pm
Looks like no creativity just mixture of different flavours on top of each other
Jamal Apr 27, 2019 07:43pm
The prices were conveniently skipped. I bet each of these desserts can cost more than a few gola gundas.
Shahbaz Apr 28, 2019 01:24am
Elevate gola ganda to its rightful place in karachi cuisine
Anis Motiwala Apr 28, 2019 02:21am
Will this be avaiilable on carts as gola gandas in Dhoraji? If not there is no point in demeaning the always lovable gola ganda !
LAHORI KID Apr 28, 2019 07:20am
@Bonapati Barjawee You just couldn't resist making a negative comment, it's about food man, that's mighty Indian of you.