
People on social media are speaking out against the toxic side of Pakistan's rishta culture

People on social media are speaking out against the toxic side of Pakistan's rishta culture

Does our local rishta culture actually degrade a person's self worth? Twitter seems to think so
25 Mar, 2019

In Pakistan, we seem to have a formula for successful marriages. Never mind that it hasn't exactly proven to be effective or true.

The suitability of both men and women as spouses is gauged based on a narrow criteria of looks, wealth and perceived attitudes — a criteria that diminishes their humanity and instead serves to perpetuate our culture's traditional gender roles.

But these young people are here to say that they've had it:

Like this woman who points out that rishta set-ups need to be seen as a toxic, unhealthy exercise:

And this man who feels rishta culture needs to make allowances for the to-be couple to get to know each other:

This woman says degrading women over a certain age needs to end:

This guy talked about where our obsession with appearance stems from:

This young woman's personal experience underscores the fact that that's not okay:

Do we really want to make our life decisions based on snap judgments? Read this woman's experience

This woman talks about how her personal growth is hindered by rishta culture


Khalid Mar 25, 2019 08:18pm
We need to get rid of the Rishta culture. Our daughters and sisters are humiliated every day and we just sit and watch. Shame on those people who continue to encourage this rubbish. How primitive is this practice and it has nothing to do with our religion?
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Talha Mar 25, 2019 09:04pm
All the points mentioned are absolutely correct except the fact that the divorced men are considered as leftovers not worthy to be first preference for marriage in the article. Divorced or not, one's character and personality should be prioritised over all else.
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SyedChaudhryGangaDinKhanNiazi Mar 25, 2019 09:08pm
So called 'rishta' is a life long commitment and two people should be able to decide who they would like to spend their life with. These 'aunties' that arrange these rishtas should stay out of this business.
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