
PTV 'accidentally' trolls Imran Khan with an offensive typo

PTV 'accidentally' trolls Imran Khan with an offensive typo

During the live telecast of his address in China, his location was misspelled from Beijing as — wait for it — begging.
Updated 05 Nov, 2018

Typos happen to the best of us but some spelling mistakes are more forgivable than others.

Prime Minister Imran Khan, who left for his first official visit to China on Thursday, has become the target of some "accidental trolling" — at the hands of a state-run entity at that.

During the live telecast of his address at the Central Party School (of the Communist Party of China) on PTV, his location was misspelled from Beijing as — wait for it — begging.

The faux pas is particularly scathing since Khan is looking to secure support from China to overcome massive economic hurdles in the country. The typo reportedly remained onscreen for a good 20 seconds or so before it was rectified. However, in the world of screenshots, that's 20 seconds too many.

The incident provoked all kinds of reactions from people on Twitter, from some calling the act "disgraceful" to others lauding PTV for becoming "drastically independent":

The broadcaster has apologised via Twitter saying “Today, during a live address of the Prime Minister during his ongoing visit to China, a typographical error took place, which remained on screen for 20 seconds and later removed. This incident is regrettable. Strict action has been initiated under rules against concerned officials”.

Apparently two staff members have also been laid off following the error:

Whether the error was a typo or a sinister prank, we can only guess.


Rameay Nov 05, 2018 03:01pm
very unfortunate.
Shakir Baakza Nov 05, 2018 03:02pm
There's this thing known as "Honest mistake"!
M.Mudassir Siddiqui Nov 05, 2018 03:02pm
Deliberate Attempt
Mark Nov 05, 2018 03:25pm
Full marks to whoever did it. We call it 'macabre' sense of humour!
SMI Nov 05, 2018 03:34pm
This may be honest mistake or deliberate mistake in both cases whoever did it is not capable to manage his job !
rana1 Nov 05, 2018 03:37pm
How unprofessional.Sack the team behind it.
M. Saeed Nov 05, 2018 03:41pm
Every day we observe very simple and often silly mistakes in the running stickers on all the TV channels. They are just ignored being human errors, a natural in the race for being earliest to break the news and earn some rating points.
Sincere Pakistani Nov 05, 2018 03:48pm
It cant be honest mistake.
kas Nov 05, 2018 03:53pm
Time to upgrade PTV with educated professionals , mistakes can happen , good opportunity to restructure and turn it into a profit making operation .
sk9595 Nov 05, 2018 03:55pm
This wasn't a typo
Vorshal Handa Nov 05, 2018 03:56pm
This could have been ignored!
Zainab Nov 05, 2018 03:57pm
This is not TYPO .., this is deliberate
Tariq, Lahore Nov 05, 2018 04:02pm
This seems like a deliberate blunder by the PTV. Yes PM IK had gone there to seek financial assistance amongst other discussions on important matters. Only if the institutions like PTV did their job with 'honesty' perhaps our PM wouldn't have to beg other nations!
asr123 Nov 05, 2018 04:22pm
It's just a coincidence
NWA Nov 05, 2018 04:27pm
Too many mistakes in spelling. cant be a typo.
Prateik Nov 05, 2018 04:29pm
Slip of tongue.
Babban Nov 05, 2018 04:39pm
@Shakir Baakza Agreed but what a coincidence
Mitzvah Kehimkar, Beersheba, Israel Nov 05, 2018 04:43pm
It was spelled correctly.
A shah Nov 05, 2018 04:52pm
This is classic tv in the making.
nkc nkc Nov 05, 2018 05:01pm
Well sense of humor is not completely dead in the country.. Give the man a warning and cut him some slack..
Ahmed Nov 05, 2018 05:02pm
On a national TV shows standard of education in Pakistan. Shamfull
Corrupt State Actors Nov 05, 2018 05:05pm
Shows that a big majority of the game players in Pakistan are there for its destruction. These are all external forces hidden in disguise. News, Politicians, Police Force and all the way to the gov. local sectors. They are all getting paid through grants and funds from international destinations. Prime example Dawn itself and its owners accept funds for giving out misleading new to give Pakistan a very bad image in the world. Hopefully some how the itel. soon will be able to root out these agents against the state and humanity.
Indian Nov 05, 2018 05:06pm
Today a very few likes the truth.
Hamza Nov 05, 2018 05:07pm
Shameful. The biggest problem for Pakistan, is its own people unfortunately.
Zahid Mahmood Nov 05, 2018 05:09pm
This only happened because of most educated in Pakistan are responsible for typing. This is not honest mistake, this is blunder and criminal.
Cheeta Nov 05, 2018 05:09pm
Funny I think it’s done on purpose
Yousuf47 London Nov 05, 2018 05:40pm
Perhaps quite deliberate - a broadcaster cannot be forgiven for such an anomaly
Shakeel Nov 05, 2018 05:41pm
Funny stuff, keep it up.
Tony Nov 05, 2018 05:43pm
Someone's subconscious mind was working overtime at the keyboard.
SATT Nov 05, 2018 06:23pm
Truth finds its way.
Rehan Nov 05, 2018 06:24pm
"WASTA" is the right word for the person who was on the job that time, he/she did auto correct most probably. Thats Pakistan National TV so called "Professionals".
vi Nov 05, 2018 06:27pm
Sort of Yes...
Aamir Nov 05, 2018 06:41pm
It was true!
lahori guy Nov 05, 2018 07:34pm
Looking at the general level of English language in our country, it can be a mistake. Esp. by use of" Autocorrect"
Aravind Nov 05, 2018 07:47pm
Just could not stop laughing on this after sharing with my family. Never knew PTV has such creative and humorous staff with them. From bottom of heart, salute them. Just incredible presence of mind and sence of humor.
Kalyan Nov 05, 2018 08:16pm
Maybe it was just honest journalism? Instead of being upset, maybe the whole nation could look at ways to stop being subservient to USA, China and the world bank through progressive economic policy, and paying honest taxes.
M. Saeed Nov 05, 2018 08:22pm
It must be an easy selection of auto-spell check and insert.
Saad Nov 05, 2018 08:47pm
I don’t think that this is a typo. It was deliberate and sponsored by opposition. I call it cheap tactics
Utkarsh Nov 05, 2018 08:50pm
Always thirsty goes to the Well. Well never comes to thirsty.
Mandira Nov 05, 2018 08:52pm
China now will hardly invest in Pakistan as its resources are drying.
Human Nov 05, 2018 08:53pm
It's not delibrate mistake.there is thing called "automatic dictionary" in mobile and computer it will create problem while typing,anyways sometimes mistakes also tells truth
Sam Nov 05, 2018 08:57pm
PTv should not be punished for honesty
ED Nov 05, 2018 08:59pm
So basically the state TV should hide the truth.
Ahmer J. Khan Nov 05, 2018 09:57pm
I can't stop laughing at the irony.
Farooq Ahmed Khan Nov 05, 2018 10:04pm
Intellectual bankruptcy, incompetence is the only reason
Ali Nov 05, 2018 10:08pm
FIRE entire staff. Teach them lesson!!!!
Jagga Nov 05, 2018 10:33pm
That's exactly what he was doing.
Hwh Nov 05, 2018 10:35pm
The spelling was right by the way!
Rev. Eldrick Lal Nov 05, 2018 10:36pm
Great sense of humor
Waqar Syed Nov 05, 2018 10:52pm
There can not be a typos of one word. If it is a long script then it could happen. This is definitely a deliberate preplanned work.
sunnyboy Nov 05, 2018 11:03pm
Sometimes Auto Spellcheck does blunders. I will give benefit of doubt but it was appropriate both ways
Zak Nov 06, 2018 12:47am
Sack the Director straight away. An incompetent boss means incompetent staff.
Imran Nov 06, 2018 01:09am
Nobody watches PTV anyway.
MrLovaLova Nov 06, 2018 02:34am
@Tariq, Lahore Do you think PTV can report independently ? It's your military that has fooled you for years and your PM's have time and again begged before other countries...Radicalism will only destroy your future....
Raja Qurban Nov 06, 2018 03:59am
This is not a typo ( person involved did it on purpose) but a deliberate ill intent to defame Pakistan and its Prime Minister Imran Khan. The person involved need to be punished then fired. If not controlled many more things like this will be happening.
Salman Nov 06, 2018 07:58am
A mis-TAKE you say ?
Syed Mukarram Nov 06, 2018 07:59am
It appears to be deliberate. Whether it is deliberate or inadvertent, disciplinary action needs to be taken against those at PTV responsible, to serve as a deterrent for future.
psm Nov 06, 2018 08:50am
Freudian Slip
Puneet Nov 06, 2018 09:15am
People responsible should be fired.. irrespective he is the PM of Pakistan. ... if not of all bit a very strong majority of people have voted him to be their representatives... disgracing the PM.. is bringing shame to the nation... itself.... the person responsible should be ashamed they have brought shame to the entire nation.. BTW his is trying to fix the economic mismanagement caused by years of NS and SS rule in Punjab and Pakistan. The economic situation is repairable.. but both NS and SS have to support him to save Pakistan, they can do this by getting over petty thing . Nation comes first
ahmed Nov 06, 2018 09:23am
well this was a honest mistake by TV production team , but the irony is that it is true PM has been literally going around countries for begging Aid/ loan . nothing wrong in calling a spade a spade.
Anonymouseee Nov 06, 2018 09:33am
This was no error but a deliberate attempt to poke cheap funX the culprit should be fired on the spot and face jail time for this sick joke.
Ramaraba Ali Nov 06, 2018 09:55am
Pakistan media is well known for its independence and this honest mistake proves it