
Journalists break silence on sexual harassment as MeToo picks up in India

Journalists break silence on sexual harassment as MeToo picks up in India

Multiple women have come forward to accuse their harassers and the list continues to grow
08 Oct, 2018

Tanushree Dutta has sparked the MeToo movement in India and now journalists across the border are calling out men who have sexually harassed them.

Indian journo, Sandhya Menon kicked off a thread on Twitter in which she shared a list of men who have sexually harassed her in the workplace and detailed accounts of those incidents. She didn't hold back and named and shamed all.

She started with an incident which took place in 2005 by Hindustan Times journalist Manoj Ramachandran.

Menon then called out Bangalore Mirror colleague K.R. Sreenivas, now resident editor of Times of India in Hyderabad, for making non-consensual physical contact and wrote, "After a trial print run, late at night he offered to drop a few of us. I was living the farthest so I was dropped last. I get to my house, we're chatting. He lays his hand on my thigh and goes, "my wife and I have grown apart. She doesn't understand me."

Last on her list was Gautam Adhikari, who was the editor in chief of DNA Bombay.

A photojournalist picked up where Menon left off and named all the men she has encountered who sexually harassed her. And singer Kailash Kher was on her list.

She wrote, "I was sent with my colleague, a woman journalist, to take pictures of Kailesh Kher at his home for an interview. During the interview, this creep sat between us as close to us as he could. He also kept putting his hands on our thighs (on the skin above our skirts)."

Ex-Hindustan Times staffer Poorva Joshi spoke about her encounter with writer Kiran Nagarkar where he'd inappropriately touch her.

Independent journalist Divya Karthikeyan posted someone's harassment account at the hands of The Quint reporter Meghnad Bose - someone she thought was an ally.

He issued a letter of apology for his actions.

Beauty blogger Magali Vaz called out writer/comedian Kanan Gill for his inappropriate conduct towards her in 2014 when he was drunk.

Another writer Subhakeerthana was aware of what she'll be up against if she reported her MeToo story, but found the courage to share it anyway.

Indian photojournalist Pablo Bartholomew was accused of sexual harassment by writer Deepanjana who said, "he began calling me to ask me to accompany him on a short trip out of the city."

The list doesn't end here. Indian journos are calling out all the men who have made sexual advances towards them and women on Twitter have given them the courage to do so.


Anil Desai Oct 08, 2018 05:24pm
Skeletons are stumbling out of closet.
Ghulam Oct 08, 2018 05:44pm
Generally guys make women have extra drinks so that they can then try to coax them to have sex.
Akhil Oct 08, 2018 09:01pm
Good everyone is speaking out at least, and trust guilty people are penalised...In this frenzy one hopes that some people do not take revenge/or advantage of the situation to defame no one will listen to any guy at the moment
Naxalite Oct 08, 2018 09:19pm
Rape and Sexual Harassment is rising in India. Hope this #MeToo fixes it
ashok Oct 08, 2018 11:59pm
Firms usually try to protect such monsters. They need to kicked out.
Babar Khan Javed Oct 09, 2018 02:42am
Pakistan's advertising & media industry is next.
Jag Oct 09, 2018 03:24am
Thank you ladies, we men are so stupid.
Rafik Oct 09, 2018 09:51am
These people should be caned alive
Shailesh Oct 09, 2018 11:44am
More power to all these courageous ladies. predators need to be shamed
PRADEEP SURESH V Oct 09, 2018 12:09pm
I really did not undrestand what wrong dis gautam adhikari do
raju Oct 09, 2018 01:20pm
@Anil Desai :meaning?
raju Oct 09, 2018 01:21pm
@Naxalite : hopes never worked in history, only acts did. Do something about it apart from shallow hopes.