
Video of bishop groping Ariana Grande sparks call for respect on Twitter

Video of bishop groping Ariana Grande sparks call for respect on Twitter

In a now viral video, the bishop officiating Aretha Franklin's funeral can be seen inappropriately touching Ariana
Updated 01 Sep, 2018

The funeral of soul queen Aretha Franklin on Friday was marred by a groping incident involving singer Ariana Grande and the bishop officiating the proceedings.

In a now viral video, it can be seen that Bishop Charles H. Ellis III placed his hand inappropriately close to Grande's breasts while speaking to her after she performed 'You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman' at the funeral.

Ellis III also cracked a racist joke about her name, saying "'When I saw Ariana Grande on the program, I thought that was a new something at Taco Bell."

The bishop was widely criticised for his behaviour:

He has since apologised in an interview with AP.

'It would never be my intention to touch any woman's breast. ... I don't know I guess I put my arm around her,' Ellis said. 'Maybe I crossed the border, maybe I was too friendly or familiar but again, I apologize.'

He added that he hugged all "the female artists and the male artists" and "That's what we are all about in the church. We are all about love."

"The last thing I want to do is to be a distraction to this day. This is all about Aretha Franklin," he concluded.

Ariana Grande has yet to make a statement about the incident.


Tariq Amir Sep 01, 2018 12:03pm
To show love and respect you don't need to touch a woman. It can be expressed by your words and face expressions.
Dr. Sadaf Sep 01, 2018 01:46pm
Very disgusting, that too on a funeral service.
M. Saeed Sep 01, 2018 02:33pm
The replay of the video above clearly shows that, Bishop had realised of crossing the line and corrected the position of his hand abruptly. This much latitude must be given when hugging and embracing was going all along.
Jee Sep 01, 2018 04:12pm
'Liberal' societies can't really figure out how the interactions between men and women should happen. They are pretty quick to criticize the 'conservatives' for regulating inter-gender interactions to prevent such incidences of implicit harassment.
Chaman Bahar Sep 01, 2018 10:41pm
Namaste with folded hands is best respect guesture
Aryan Sep 03, 2018 10:20am
See it again n again...he. dleiberately keeps his. Hands clasped near to her. Breast...he shud be. Fired...dissgusting