
11 Aug, 2018

The inclusion of transgender singers Lucky and Naghma in Coke Studio was cause for a lot of buzz when the Season 11 teaser came out.

With the release of 'Baalkada', it's clear that the hype was worth it. The duo owns the stage in this quirky wedding track that also features Jimmy Khan:

And they even get to dedicate a bit of the song to the unrelenting spirit of the transgender community.

While there has been some criticism that featuring Lucky and Naghma on a wedding track is a form of stereotyping, it's important to note that the song is said to be their "first appearance" on the show and there's more to come.


Fahad Ausaf Aug 11, 2018 06:48pm
I am not sure of the song, but the Coke Studio initiative to include and promote the transgender community is very good.
Ahmed Aug 11, 2018 08:03pm
nasr Aug 11, 2018 10:42pm
Coke studio is being followed world over, even by music lovers of other nations. What I am thinking now is that a time has come to give some new look to coke music. The jingles have become too similar to follow.
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