
Jibran Nasir's election anthem is out now

Jibran Nasir's election anthem is out now

The star-studded video asks us to recognise our power to bring positive change
Updated 06 Jul, 2018

Jibran Nasir's election campaign finally has its anthem.

The song, like his campaign, is titled 'Hum mein se aik' and you will find more than one familiar face in the video.

Directed by Jami, the video, shot in black in white, features many popular figures such as Sheema Kermani, Kami, Sanam Saeed, Bushra Ansari, Sarmad Khoosat and more.

The anthem, according to Nasir, "speaks about the struggles of the common man and highlights the injustices of current political incumbents while at the same time stressing on the need of self propelled leadership from amongst the masses. We have been taught to seek change from the ruling elite whereas we need to be the change. We are the change."

"From labour rights activists Like Nasir Mansoor to gender rights activists like Mahnaz Rahman and Kami Sid, from icons like Bushra Ansari to younger talent like Faiza Saleem, from activists for citizens with special needs like Imran Lalani to atheletes from the Special Olympics Team to a courageous and inspiring voice like Khadija Siddiqui we are proud that our society has such vibrant individuals who together are changing Pakistan for the better everyday."

The track has been sung by Arieb Azhar, Natasha Beyg, Ahsan Bari, Ali Safeer and Shahram.


Ahmed Babar Jul 05, 2018 11:36pm
Following Jibran on social media for more than 5 years now and have observed him to go from strengths to strengths. Wish him all the best for upcoming elections and really wish that we can see more such politicians having sound educational background and ferocious boldness to continuously challenge status quo!
Aftab memon Jul 06, 2018 12:28am
SJC must take action against Judge of SHC who has been an accomplice in the manhandling , kidnapping and detention of jibran.
waqas Jul 06, 2018 02:11am
You're wasting your vote by voting for him. He should concentrate on running for a cause.
JA-Australia Jul 06, 2018 02:13am
Ironic, since many of these same illiberals have routinely manipulated by the corrupt elite, like Nawaz Sharif, in their alleged fight against "the establishment".
Dr. Syed Imam Jul 06, 2018 06:03am
Very powerful message Jibran.
Adil Jadoon Jul 06, 2018 06:12am
I hope he wins....People will get what they vote for and they will have only themselves to blame!
usman Jul 06, 2018 08:24am
more power to you Jibran.
Daanish Jul 06, 2018 08:54am
Well done. Lets's defeat professional rulers, ancestral politics. Demand good governance. Get out and vote and punish liars and corrupt who betrayed our motherland.
Khan Jul 06, 2018 10:28am
Jibran is anti-Pakistan. He is not patriot.
Seriously? Jul 06, 2018 01:07pm
Nobody in pkistan even knows this guy and sooooo much hullabaloo is created for nothing????? Seriously grow up liberals the roots of pkistan will not be cut down as easily as you want to!!!!!! Hahahahah
kabeelakhan Jul 06, 2018 01:34pm
@Aftab memon No body kidnapped him , he is just looking for cheap publicity.
Haroon Rashid Khan Jul 07, 2018 05:28pm
We nee more activists to join politics, this is the only way the status quo can be defeated. The youth is vibrant and the future is bright. Pakistan zindabad.